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  1. Can we not just make them Hellenistic and give them some ethnic aesthetic instead? Here's what I threw together from @wackyserious and the crew from the Millennium AD team's work. Possibly for the Arab Javelineer (Seleucids). The Nabaetaean Camel Archer can use the Elite Umayyad textures and props. At least starting out. We have any good references for Arab/Nabataean units for the antique era?
    4 points
  2. With a quick lookup If ranged: /** * Take damage according to the entity's armor. * @param {Object} strengths - { "hack": number, "pierce": number, "crush": number } or something like that. * @param {number} multiplier - the damage multiplier. * Returns object of the form { "killed": false, "change": -12 }. */ Armour.prototype.TakeDamage = function(strengths, multiplier = 1) { if (this.invulnerable) return { "killed": false, "change": 0 }; // Adjust damage values based on armour; exponential armour: damage = attack * 0.9^armour var armourStrengths = this.GetArmourStrengths(); // Total is sum of individual damages // Don't bother rounding, since HP is no longer integral. var total = 0; for (let type in strengths) total += strengths[type] * multiplier * Math.pow(0.9, armourStrengths[type] || 0); // Reduce health var cmpHealth = Engine.QueryInterface(this.entity, IID_Health); return cmpHealth.Reduce(total); }; strengths[type] *multiplier *(0.9^armourStrengths)
    3 points
  3. Hello all together, on february, I will finish my bachelor thesis. Then I want to contribute development content for 0 A.D. I am thinking about to expand the render engine with Vulkan Support. I read in Preparation a lot of threads, like https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/21256-vulkan-api/&tab=comments#comment-320810 and https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24694-0-ad-the-next-steps/&tab=comments#comment-359754. I read out the following requirements: 0 A.D. shall support older hardware, too Vulkan should be GPL Compatible -> I have no idea about this Finally I thought about implementing the functionality as a wrapper (adapter pattern) In addition, I analyzed which classes uses OpenGL Code, which I have attached as a Pdf file. On the basis of the analysis, I found out that a lot of Opengl Code is used in other Solutions like atlas, lowlevel, GUI and so on. Often are these render or draw methods like: GuiRenderer::Draw CminiMap::Draw AtlasViewGame::Render and so on What do you think about encapsulte API Functions in the Graphics Solution? So for example AtlasViewGame::Render calls an render function of the Graphics Solution. Here is an example, how a adapter pattern of the Renderer Component can look like: #include <iostream> using namespace std; // use GL or Vulkan #define _USEGL 1 // Renderer Interface class IRenderer { public: //bool init(); virtual void draw() = 0; }; #ifdef _USEGL // Opengl Renderer class GlRenderer : public IRenderer { public: void draw() { cout << "GlRenderer draw method called!" << endl; } }; #elif _USEVULKAN // Vulkan Renderer class VulkanRenderer : public IRenderer { public: void draw() { cout << "VulkanRenderer draw method called!" << endl; } }; #endif int main() { #ifdef _USEGL IRenderer *rend = new GlRenderer(); rend->draw(); #elif _USEVULKAN IRenderer *rend = new VulkanRenderer(); rend->draw(); #endif return 0; } What do you think about my plan? Do you have any suggestions? Best regards Pixma VulkanImplConcept.pdf
    2 points
  4. If you select a unit and hover the mouse over the sword and shield icon you can see the armor values of that unit for each damage types (hack, pierce and slash) and the corresponding rounded relative damage reduction in % (1/100) behind that in brackets. Considering a unit is hit the damage formula that is calculated here is: [current health reduction of attacked unit] = [damage of attacking unit] * 0.9^[armor of attacked unit] So the damage reduction shown in the game is: round(0.9^[armor of shown unit] / 100).
    2 points
  5. @stanislas69 Thanks @wraitii yes, i think Support for OpenGl is important. I don't know any library which can do this. But I think with the adapter pattern we could implement a low-level renderer. Furthermore we can think of using define statements or variables to switch the Graphi api. The variant with the variable, we could create an entry in an configuration file. The disadvantage of using variables is that all api libraries are needed to built. The idea of implementing an adapter pattern with #ifdef and #elif is shown in my first thread. This could be an example of an adapter pattern with variables: #include <iostream> using namespace std; enum RenderAPI {GL, VULKAN, METAL}; // Configuration File ////////////////////////////////// int renderApi = GL; // Cpp and H File ////////////////////////////////// // Renderer Interface class IRenderer { public: //bool init(); virtual void draw() = 0; }; // Opengl Renderer class GlRenderer : public IRenderer { public: void draw() { cout << "GlRenderer draw method called!" << endl; } }; // Vulkan Renderer class VulkanRenderer : public IRenderer { public: void draw() { cout << "VulkanRenderer draw method called!" << endl; } }; int main() { if (renderApi == GL) { IRenderer *rend = new GlRenderer(); rend->draw(); } else if (renderApi == VULKAN) { IRenderer *rend = new VulkanRenderer(); rend->draw(); } return 0; } Finally, I can research for an GPL library that could allow us this type of implementation.
    2 points
  6. A while back, a mod was made by @s0600204... which implemented a civ selection screen. It's now way out of date, but it worked when it wasn't out of date: Basically you could sort civs by various criteria (given in the civ.json files), and selecting the civ icon gave you a bunch of information about it. If extended, such a screen could let the player choose randomization options, such as choosing to play a civ of the "Greek" culture, but then letting the game choose which one for you. Likewise geographically or time frame or whatever. Perhaps something like this, but better of course:
    1 point
  7. Update of map post alpha 23 (version 1.0.7 in the download section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone! I wanted to share my first 0 A.D. map - well, rather a preliminary version - with you. I was inspired by the map of Assassins Creed Origins which just crammed everything Egypt into a single place, often disregarding realism in favor of aesthetics and gameplay, which I did as well. I did for example borrow the idea of moving Cyrene, which is around 700km to the west into Alexandrias vicinity in order to add some Mediterranean environment. A further reason for me to pick that setting was that it allows me to have a lot of different cultures on the map. The upper Nile area is dominated by ptolemaic retro-egypt buildings, whereas the city of Alexandria is dominated by hellenic influences. Cyrene gave me an excuse for adding the Romans with some greek buildings, while I put the Persians, who were admittedly not really present at that same time, in the east. For purely aesthetic reasons I let Carthage occupy the Siwa oasis, and the Red Sea became a tourist destination for Mauryan coral reef divers. Map variants First of all, please take note, that this is not a final product, not even close. The map already includes most of the geological features and special locations I intended to add, but there are many areas that severely lack in detail, which is quite ok for sand deserts, but looks odd in places like coasts, riverbanks and rocky deserts. Blocking the map is also an issue, mainly because it feels strange, when the AI builds farms in the middle of the desert. The greatest thing that needs to be taken care of is balancing. Basic properties Type: skirmish Map size: giant Players: 6 Game version: alpha 23 (re-release) Right now (8.2.2018) I will only publish a 1 vs. 1 map. This has the benefit of being at least a little easier to balance out. I will provide A regular day version And a full-moon night version, because it looks just darn beautiful. I really love what you can do with the lighting and ambient conditions ... Update march 2018: A 3 vs. 3 map variant is now available and several small fixes regarding terrain, blockings and balancing have been made. On the long term I will try to release two varieties of the map regarding gameplay An all-in map: This one is outfitted with full grown cities and you will start with huge amounts of resources and a sizable army. Don’t try to play this with 7 AI players, as it will probably lag horribly. A stripped down version: Everything, except for the most prominent points of interest (e.g. the library) will be deleted. The difficult thing about this is that I will need to create a mod in order to achieve what I desire: See, if I make these buildings actors, all units will just pass through it, and if I leave them as entities, they will be taken over by the players within a few seconds and this would severely unbalance the game. Thus, I need to create a mod, which has all these buildings in a special version. I will increase those buildings capture points by a huge amount and also make them invulnerable, such that capturing them remains the only option. In some cases I might also try to reduce their functionality. Thanks to all the guys who helped me with useful tips and insights regarding modding. Gameplay In this map I tried to elongate the distance between neighboring players and create straight routes between the distant ones. In order to achieve the first requirement, the rare shallow banks of river Nile, meandering mountain tracks and marauding packs of soldiers prohibit straightforward shifts of large armies. On the other hand far away players can often be reached via wide patches of desert, which act like highways on this map. One major problem was the city of Memphis, which is located almost in the center of the map. I order to provide this city with a slight chance for survival I shaped the eastern and western desert like a bypass circumventing Memphis and relocated the city to the eastern shore of the river Nile, which I made impassable from north to south, while only the western riverbanks remained open. The Mediterranean Sea and the river Nile are navigable, which serves as much better means of transportation than the walk along the river by foot. Every player has wood in close vicinity to the starting point. No player will run out of wood easily. The banks of river Nile are especially rich in palms for obvious reasons. Stone is predominantly located in mountainous regions. Limestone can be found close to the pyramids and there is a rather large granite quarry in the very south. As I wanted the player to travel through the sandy dunes a lot metal can be found on the borders of sandy deserts. If you play the map, please let me know where you found too much resources and where they are missing. Players & Matches (and faction recommendations, mostly for esthetic reasons) Currently (9.3.2018) only the six players are available. Player #1: Alexandria (with greek and ptolemeaic entities) in the center north as Seleucids Player #2: Thebes in the very south as Kush Player #3: Siwa/Charga Oasis in the west as Carthage Player #4: Sinai in the north east as Persia Player #5: Memphis in the center as Ptolemeis Player #6: Cyrene in the north west as Romans Player #7: Red Sea in the east as Mauryan (buildings might be reverted to random later) Player #8: Desert nomads from the south west (random) Note: The AI does not get along with that map too well. It will soon be very crowded and very laggy if you choose a game with too many players. Proper matches would be: 2 players: Lower Egypt (#1 Alexandria) vs. upper Egypt (#2 Thebes) Lower Egypt currently has the edge, due to access to the Nile delta. 3 players: Lower Egypt (#1 Alexandria) vs. upper Egypt (#2 Thebes) vs. Siwa (#3) 4 players: Egypt (#1 and #2) vs invaders (#3 Siwa and #4 Sinai) Slowly approaches being balanced (version 0.19.10) 6 players: Egypt (#1, #2, #5) vs invaders (#3, #4, #6) Slowly approaches being balanced (version 0.20.7) Points of interest (selection) Alexandria: library, harbor, lighthouse Memphis: necropolis, pyramids, Apis sanctuary Fayyum: Crocodile sanctuary, Bahr Yussef channel & dam Thebes: Temple district, valley of kings Western desert: Siwa oasis with fortress, Great sand sea, Quattara depression, guelta Eastern desert: Red Sea coral reefs, mount Sinai, "Suez channel", deep wadi I collapsed some more screenies for you here ... ToDo and Changelog My ToDo-List is growing and shrinking all the time. If you have suggestions, please let me know. Unfortunately I cannot promise you, when or if I will implement them. You know, real life can be unpredictable ;-) Download Download the files and put them into the specific folders for maps and preview images. The paths I will state below are default paths for typical Windows 10 installation but may vary depending on your system and installation path. In case subfolders do not exist yet on your system, simply create them. Map files: Download: Version 0.19.6 (1 vs. 1) Version 0.19.10 (currrent) Version 0.20.7 (for upcoming release alpha23, new route through the red sea for balancing) Version 1.0.7 (30.12.2018, based on published version of 0 A.D. version alpha 23, design enhancments: red sea riffs, more nile river bank vegetation, parapets for persian base, fire places for town centers, small secret garden, other small fixes like missing ground textures, etc.) Path: “C:\users\yourname\documents\my games\0ad\mods\user\maps\skirmishes” When is the good time for deleting older versions from a post? Can I make the XML files all use the same PMP file? I noticed a zipped xml is about 10 times smaller. is the community OK with zip files? Map preview images: Download: Path: “C:\users\yourname\appdata\local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview” In case you are playing this map, please let me know about anything that can be optimized. Thanks a lot in advance. Greetings mimesot
    1 point
  8. It would be great if it was a standalone mod so other mods could easily use it or make it a dependency. Or better yet, made a patch for the core game so that it can be maintained.
    1 point
  9. Wish everything would go that smoothly
    1 point
  10. Nice thanks @Sundiata @Anaxandridas ho Skandiates If the icon Sundiata made is fine for you, I'll commit it.
    1 point
  11. @Angen sure. You can find slightly more up-to-date code here; and some more information/musings here, which includes links to where the civselect screen was first proposed and a ticket (that arguably went off-topic) that also uses the code.
    1 point
  12. I'm afraid that's not a complete reproduction of events. First you selected them, then you told them to go somewhere, then you issued the build order. Did you by any chance hold the shift key at step three? If so I'd suggest trying build orders without the shift. Edit: And if not, maybe try to send the units only close to the building spot, but not on it, so there'll be no walking on and off the foundation.
    1 point
  13. Hey guys, i did it!!! with the help of some guys (Stan, Angen, bb_ and Face) we can do it, tnx again. to increase the number of icons you want, is in sessions/selection_panels_right >> <repeat count="24">, change for the number of u want. Now in sessions/selection_panels in line 214, u need change return 24 - getNumberOfRightPanelButtons(); for same value that you chose in <repeat count="24">. this is for panel construction, if you want to change another panel, the change should be in another panel obviously. I hope this helps everyone.
    1 point
  14. Hi everyone!! i m updating on the progress: Thanks @stanislas69 and @(-_-) for the valuable tips: i fix the typo error and i moved all the stuff out of guiinterface.js so to don t create problems. What i achieved is this: See Image Uploaded: A full working prototype of a female citizen who can work and earn money for the job done, the wealth is showed in the progress bar on top of her health bar Every time she work and gather some resources: metal, wood, stone or food, she earn some amount of money. depending of her <EntityFinance> template: i use <EarningRate> to specify the rate of earning and <WalletCapacities> to specify the max amount of money she can store Of course she can spend as well, i will now try to update the GUI of money resource for the unit and after i will develop a economy model where unit can earn and spend , this is my draft idea so far: Splitting the civilian from the military we can focus just on civilian as a main actors of our economy. We can split the Economy Entities in: Slave, Citizen, Food Vendor, Artist, Dealers(Shops), Trader(Market , implementing that already exists), Nobles and the State Every actor has a degree of importance in the Economy Model and from slave can evolve in all different entities: Slave work for free and consume just some food the only owner is the State which account for the food and benefits of the resources gathered Citizen the can earn and spend; they consume food and also other commodities like textile or wine, they can buy food from the State or from Food vendors, and the other commodities from the shops or in the market, the own the money earned but also the State own them: all resources gathered go to State which pay them producing money from free Shops, Market, Circus are instead Structures which spend money to buy resources from State and resell them to Citizens offering different products from clothes exotic food entreatment etc..also they need to pay a tax for each transaction to State Nobles instead they can own Slave and earn a percent for all the Lifecycles of them economy once they upgrade in the different economy entity described above. They Spend money for very expensive commodities and they influence the civ evolution like giving some very good benefits to win the game( not sure yet which one ) All the Prices of the different commodities and resources are set by a PriceManager Component, which will calculate the demand and offer every tot amount of time, to give realism of the Economy Model Also The State has the Capacity to apply Tax to all the transaction and also a Tax to all entities once passed a certain amount of Time This is a draft for the first two State: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Technology, Weapon, Diplomacy, Super Unit, Corruption etc.. Earn : Money/ VAT Tax, Monthly Tax, Resources, Villas, Castles Consume: None Produce: Money, Slaves, Market Building Dedicated Building: Civ Center Slave: Ownership: State, Nobles Spend : NO Money Earn : NO Money Consume: 1 Food[fish,fruit,grain,meat]/Day Dedicated Building: No Produce: Labor   Citizen: Ownership: State, Own Spend : Money / Products and Resources Earn : Money/ Resource Gathered Consume: 2 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 2 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 1 Clothes/Week ( will be produced by some Shop or  1 Entertainment/Month Produce: Labor Dedicated Building: No Food Dealer: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Bread , Sausage Consume: 4 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 4 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 2 Clothes/Week 2 Entertainment/Month 1 Jewelry Produce: Sausages,Breads,Wines, Steak Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Vendor, 2 Level: Locand, Bakery, Butcher Clothes Dealer: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Clothes Consume: 4 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 4 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 2 Clothes/Week 2 Entertainment/Month 1 Jewelry Produce: Clothes Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Vendor, 2 Level: Clothes Shop Jewelry Dealer: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Jewelry Consume: 6 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 6 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 4 Clothes/Week 3 Entertainment/Month 2 Jewelry Produce: Jewelry Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Vendor, 2 Level: Jewelry Shop Trader: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Resources, Products Traded Consume: 6 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 6 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 4 Clothes/Week 3 Entertainment/Month 2 Jewelry Produce: Resources, Products Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Merchant, Artist: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products Earn : Money / Entreatment Consume: 6 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 6 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 4 Clothes/Week 3 Entertainment/Month 2 Jewelry Produce: Entreatment Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Street Vendor, 2 Level: Entreatment Building(Arena) Noble: Ownership: Own Spend : Money / Resources, Products, Slaves Earn : Money / Tax from his former Slaves Consume: 20 Food [fish, fruit, grain, meat]/Day 20 Food [wine, sausage, bread, steak]/Day 10 Clothes/Week 10 Entertainment/Month 10 Jewelry Produce: Technology Dedicated Building: 1 Level : Villa, 2 Level: Castle Please share your ideas and give me some feedback, always once i implemented further i will share all code to the community
    1 point
  15. We can put the units in weathered pedestals similar to how @Enrique showcases his unit animations and mesh
    1 point
  16. I would say post a list of units/buildings, their current names, and then your corrections.
    1 point
  17. Happy New year's everyone, let's start off 2019 with a new version of Hyrule Conquest Moddb Download: https://www.moddb.com/mods/hyrule-conquest/downloads/hyrule-conquest-04 Zip download for those that can't use exes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wmfo1xj5t0xc4jl/Hyrule.zip?dl=0
    1 point
  18. Hi, I was in the mood to update my map, so I made some design detail changes and repaired a few mistakes. The file is attatched to the first post. A fence placed in order to make citizen feel more comfy on the cliffs of the persian town. The red sea now has sime underwater structure. And I just realized that the map on the first page is very ountdated ... it did not even contain the Kushite town. Greetings and everyone have a happy new year! mimesot
    1 point
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  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
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