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  1. 5 points
  2. I agree with you regarding the unit types. A spearman is a spearman, really. But, I could see Hoplite-class spearmen being used differently or having different stats from a standard spearman (heavier armor, less speed, lower cavalry bonus, but greater attack). I can see Persian Sparabaran being used differently by setting up shield walls and swapping to bow. Pikemen, likewise, have different stats and uses from a "standard" spearman. Mauryan spearmen could be more massable and trashy. Roman spearmen (Triarii) could be trained at the Elite rank and be more expensive, but not be accessible until Phase II.
    3 points
  3. While pacing is most of the time associated with movies or books, most games have a similar format, but the structure can vary from one to the next. In many this can be due to artificial barriers. Are these barriers necessarily bad? Not really, but the important thing for most games that take longer than five minutes is to have a distinct feel to what could be called the early, mid, and late-game. The most familiar example to many would be Age of Kings, which had ages serving that purpose. Assuming that all of you are acquainted with some of the strategies of the game, I will simply point out that it offered diverse options from doing a dark age rush, turtling, and then going fast castle often to do a knight rush or just boom; alternatively one could aim for a faster feudal age, and then do a feudal age rush, which most of the time consist of archers or scout cavalry and then going to castle age at a later point, usually hoping that the map control could pay off. There were many variations to these, but the point I want to make is the fact that there were fairly diverse options for every civilisation. Unfortunately, I do not see the current iteration of the game having these options. To clarify, I understand that the game is in alpha and such things cannot be expected to existed in any full-fledged state. Still, I find it disconcerting that no one has been able to better define viable strategies for each civilisation. A pressing issue is the fact that in its current state, 0 A.D, with unique aesthetics, implies that each civilisation will have extremely unique gameplay mechanics on par with games like Starcraft, but when looking on paper, the spearman of one civilisation, although drastically differing in armament and historical context, is practically identical. This ultimately makes 0 A.D. seem like false advertising; its visuals are almost as different from one culture to the next as in Age of Mythology, yet the gameplay does not follow this. I am not going to say what each civilisation should be like right here and now. I don’t know enough about many cultures outside of Persia, Hellas, Italy, and the Hellenistic states. What I do want to argue is that there should be an intentional way allowing civilisations doing things such as rushing, booming, and turtling to some capacity and also in a way that plays to its historical strengths and weaknesses. Obviously there could be exceptions; Sparta seems impossible to viably turtle with. What this can broadly mean though is a better attempt at designing things such as the tech tree and phases to fit to encouraging interesting options for all civilisations and then with a stable foundation like that, refining the ideas behind each one. One other note to be made is that there should be a feeling of reward to advancing a phase. These currently feel like some of the most lack-luster aspects of the game. First, I would advise making them be named things that are more thematic. Village, town, and city seem matter-of-fact. I would recommend basing it around legal reforms such as “Code of Laws” and so on and so forth; there could be other ways of doing this, but the main point is that there should be some theme behind them, not just what seems like a placeholder name. Also, there should be some fanfare or sound when someone advances to a new phase to signify that something great has taken place. If at all possible, there could even be variations in the music tracks give them slightly thicker musical textures when possible in the subsequent phases. Lastly although changing the models each phase might be difficult, there could be as simple of changing the textures to look dirtier and staler in the village phase to more vibrant colours in the later phases.
    2 points
  4. If I may put my humble opinion here, I believe that despite the vast diffirence of appearance in the units of each faction, they each serve a similiar purpose. For example, a spearman regardless of it's faction\culture still retains the role of being a slower infantry unit suited for calvary defense and when in force and formation an effective anti infantry unit. 0 AD is a historical rts, so I would assume a fair amount of it's units attempt to reflect their historical role in a realistic gameplay manner.
    2 points
  5. All part of my evil masterplan to confound you [insert evil emoji]. In seriousness, though, I wanted to avoid an unnecessary amount of text crunched together and still like the aesthetics of indentation in paragraphs; I also am fond of the eclectic French tastes concerning that matter. In regards to sanitation, the point is to make it seem like there is something great occurring with the next phase; it should feel rewarding. While many games seem to naïvely adhere to the Whig Theory of history (things continue to get more sophisticated and better), the important thing is that phases should not just be another technology you press. If this was a city-building game in which sanitation was an in game mechanic, I would by all means stand by that position.
    2 points
  6. Same question here, how is the rain implemented? (As the camera isn't moving it could also be a single 2D texture cheat) The rain we currently have is extremely low performant and rotates with the camera tilt which is incorrect as mentioned by wow.
    2 points
  7. There is a patch on Trac for that. If someone feels like rebasing it... For a cof fee
    2 points
  8. Thank you for your help. Much appreciated.
    2 points
  9. Are there any sounds left to be made? I could make them, by the way, I’m really interested to make some music for the game, I can make indigenous music as well as voice over for the Persian race as I’m Persian myself. Although I was wondering how I would be credited, of course I don’t expect to get paid for this as this is a game I genuinly enjoy playing, but it’s important for me to get credited for any music piece I contribute. (I’m a qualified professional composer)
    1 point
  10. As for your proposal, I agree 0 A.D.'s civilizations are too similar and phases unrewarding. Personally I'd actually prefer to phase out phases and instead allow settlements to promote individually, depending on the number of (different?) structures within its inner radius.
    1 point
  11. The biggest new feature is that by producing atleast 8 units u get a cost discount of 10%, they will automatically form the best formation when produced. Also I made two extension to this mod: the-battlefields-of-0-ad and the-age-of-0-ad. The main difference is that soldiers can not work but female worker are more effiktive and a new barbarian camp is available with free barbarian units available, and infinite production. It can be build in neutral areas like pallisades. In the extension the-battlefields-of-0-ad there are also Slave Administration buildings available, which makes the Eco much less micro intense, but plundering more rewarding. In that mod fighting starts very early, and it is more about expansions with slave administration buildings and defending it, than gathering. So it plays more like Zero-K or The Battle for Middle Earth 2 than AoE. Since both extension are awaiting activation, u can try the gameplay by downloading https://mod.io/mods/file/277 in the https://0ad.mod.io/formation-fighting-mod. Filename: test_slaves_and_barbariancamp.zip test_slaves_and_barbariancamp.zip
    1 point
  12. Could be something like ethnic orientations. Such as Gauls being more arverni or helveti etc
    1 point
  13. I have searched Transifex for [, and these are the current uses for tags: Whole manual segments that have a font tag at the beginning only, and no closing tag Some in-line headers that are separated by dashes in the manual Warnings in map descriptions Icons on the splash screen Maybe this can be resolved by parsing [font, [color and [img rather than just [? I any case, I think the tags should be removed from entries like: [font="sans-bold-16"]Graphics settings
    1 point
  14. Consider the english string "word1 word2 word3" that would be translated to "translation1 translation2 translation3 translation4". But its indeed better to avoid such things. Another example are translated txt files and map descriptions where some words are colored.
    1 point
  15. As to hair colors, having read, blonde and brown is accurate. You could also add really dark brown to the mix - there was a whole lot of migration and intermingling going on, and lots of Celts in Scotland have dark brown hair nowadays.
    1 point
  16. https://saveyourinternet.eu/ I'm not sure if this Works but...
    1 point
  17. Hey everyone, I came across the game today, I'm downloading it already and looking forward to playing it after work! I'm a 3D Artist, currently working for a very small indie company in the game industry. I'd like to start helping out with production in my spare time. I've been browsing on the Art Forum but there's so much information, i haven't had enough time to look through it all yet Can anyone help point me in the right direction, is there anyone i should message? I've scratched the surface so far, but looking forward to being involved! Ross
    1 point
  18. @feneur Can you unlock his account ? Thanks.
    1 point
  19. Interesting... Thank you! It's sooo frustrating when you want to read something but have to pay (a lot) for it (I'm sometimes lucky enough to find a way around it, but still). The internet is exploding with substandard information, advertising, porn, political propaganda and whatnot, all for free. But if you want to read something meaningful, academic, with actual substance, you have to pay... Like: "Hey, hey you! You're too poor to be smart! But don't worry, here's some spyware... Huhum, I mean social media, shirry advertizing, pictures of cats and some videos of Mia Khalifa"...
    1 point
  20. @Ross you can message me and @LordGood if you dlike The first thing you need to do is signing the legal waiver here: /api/v1/devices/2/players?position=front&side=hinge You could also fill an application using the dedicated subforum. So we can know more about you and your work. Then depending on your skills there are a lot of tasks you can take
    1 point
  21. I got it from a PhD thesis by Sarah Schellinger: An Analysis of the Architectural, Religious, and Political Significance of the Napatan and Meroitic Palaces. It's basically a lengthy comparison between Ancient Egyptian and Kushite palatial architecture, and the evolution of Napatan and Meroitic palatial architecture more specifically. There's a lot of nice stuff in there... https://www.google.com.gh/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=14&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj5-6ud5bLaAhVBHCwKHWfLAHsQFghlMA0&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftspace.library.utoronto.ca%2Fbitstream%2F1807%2F77480%2F3%2FSchellinger_Sarah_M_201703_PhD_thesis.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0pUlGlAoMO2KjCRDDVEXWU page 408 (or 426) I haven't come across the original source of that particular image though (Roccati 2013: 250, figure 5), but Alessandro Roccati is widely quoted by experts in the field. Here are some sources for the other images in that post, and further reading (good stuff.. I should have put the links in the previous post, but I forgot ..) https://www.sciencealert.com/nubian-funerary-artefacts-meroitic-texts-found-in-sedeinga-sudan https://canvas-story.bbcrewind.co.uk/sites/head-of-augustus/ https://www.openstarts.units.it/bitstream/10077/14297/1/ATRA_3_online-11_Baldi.pdf And a wider shot of the excavations at the Royal City, Meroë:
    1 point
  22. Hello and welcome to the forums Here is the file you are looking for https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/0538865f8f96a40618e07d379c417c99710cb275/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/session/selection.js
    1 point
  23. Thanks for the warning...
    1 point
  24. All of this stuff, including other traditional diplomacy screen stuff, can't fit on one screen, so there will need to be some kind of tabbing or extra windows.
    1 point
  25. I also want to "warn" you of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sci-Hub
    1 point
  26. There is some experimental work in re-enactment about the fabric motifs and techniques. Here some examples: https://mickytissages.wordpress.com/tutoriels/tutoriel-tissage-tablettes/ https://www.archeologies.net/recherches/le-tissage-aux-tablettes-tablet-weaving.html http://www.arkeofabrik.com/2014/05/tissages.html https://mickytissages.wordpress.com/tissages-realisations/realisations-tissage-2010/ It is based on an archeological proposal by Hubert Masurel: https://www.persee.fr/doc/pica_0752-5656_1983_num_1_1_3009 There is also:
    1 point
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