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  1. @stanislas69 Nerfed the scales as suggested (It is using the same scale texture for the Kushites) You sure you don't want the flat looking ones? What about the two new shield textures? (The light colored one and the white one)
    3 points
  2. At least is a start, the 3rd row should show the upper shield animation, haven't done the left side animation yet, walking speed highly decreased compared to how it is on public folder to 0.15 (or 0.25)
    2 points
  3. BTW all those errors are in a log file most of them will be syntax or implementation errors that your changes introduced into the JavaScript or XML templates for the units and buildings resolving them means figuring out why they happened Have a look a https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths for finding where those log file are hidden away.The most efficient unit one was most likely from the AI code but I can not be sure as I don't see either the code or errors Enjoy the Choice
    2 points
  4. Here is an A22 binary with the fix applied (you just need to replace your standard A22 binary and rename that one): pyrogenesis_a22fixed.exe
    2 points
  5. I don't know if this is offtopic, but i would like to suggest a new cattle for the game: Cows. Given the cows hide shield
    1 point
  6. on the diff file the idles should stay or they only remain for a few seconds?
    1 point
  7. Yes, you need to switch to the roman civ in atlas
    1 point
  8. I suppose that the source does answer that in part. Since Herodotus states that the scales were like that of a fish, it's pretty easy to ascertain what they were shaped like.
    1 point
  9. I wouldn't call this proof that you're wrong (Herodotus isn't exactly the most reliable source.), but according to him: Now these were the nations that took part in this expedition. The Persians, who wore on their heads the soft hat called the tiara, and about their bodies, tunics with sleeves of divers colours, having iron scales upon them like the scales of a fish. Their legs were protected by trousers; and they bore wicker shields for bucklers; their quivers hanging at their backs, and their arms being a short spear, a bow of uncommon size, and arrows of reed. They had likewise daggers suspended from their girdles along their right thighs. Otanes, the father of Xerxes' wife, Amestris, was their leader. This people was known to the Greeks in ancient times by the name of Cephenians; but they called themselves and were called by their neighbours, Artaeans. It was not till Perseus, the son of Jove and Danae, visited Cepheus the son of Belus, and, marrying his daughter Andromeda, had by her a son called Perses (whom he left behind him in the country because Cepheus had no male offspring), that the nation took from this Perses the name of Persians. This comes from his 7th book around 21 or so. There are also descriptions of other nations who fought for the Persians that could be fun to introduce as easter eggs or as trainable units.
    1 point
  10. My issue is that it looks a bit like this Which if I recall correctly was not historically accurate so I'm not sure sure Persian would have that kind of armor either. Feel free to prove me wrong.
    1 point
  11. Well we have a fix but you need to be a bit tech savy to test it. Can you download the source, compile the game in release, check it still happens, download a SVN patch apply it to the game, compile the game again and see if it fixes it ? If yes you can head over to Trac.wildfiregames.com and get started
    1 point
  12. Well, Kushites were active as far as Thebes during our timeframe, and were quite influential politically and religiously in the Thebaid region in general. They even built temples and monuments in Southern Egypt, like the original temple of Debod in Philae (currently in Madrid, Spain) built by Adikhalamani and the original temple of Dakka built by Arqamani. These were built in periods of Kushite supported revolts against Ptolemaic rule in Upper Egypt and Lower Nubia, against Ptolemy IV and Ptolemy V. Even the massive Kiosk of Taharqa, in the first courtyard of the temple of Amun in Karnak (Thebes) was built by... Taharqa, in addition to other monuments like the Edifice of Taharqa by the Sacred Lake in the precinct of Mut, in Karnak. Admittedly, the Kushite heartlands were significantly more South than this map. It's an amazing map though, can't wait to play it
    1 point
  13. Thanks! Posted an intro. I have a few questions: are mono files preferred? should i start a new thread somewhere to post soundfx contributions? (i can start with battle sounds as Lion.Kanzen suggested)
    1 point
  14. warm up sketch gone too far lol. I think my learning Krita is going fairly well! might as well throw this here
    1 point
  15. Just a quick update - my schedule is a little crazy at the moment, but I will try to make something happen in time for the next alpha, so the Kushites can have at least one track! Omri
    1 point
  16. Krita's more painterly controls gives me the fine touch i need for more TLC, so I'm finding out. Gave the cataphract a once-over since it was bugging me
    1 point
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