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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-01-06 in all areas

  1. Hello, I thought I would share a map for the 0 A.D. community. This map tries to capture an area of conflict between the Romans and Gauls in proximity to the Alps. Please Let me know what you think, as i'm new to the 0 A.D. community. *Updated Map Image* Map Download Xml File: Via Augusta (4).xml Pmp File: Via Augusta (4).pmp
    2 points
  2. the lower i can go whitout making the armature look weird
    2 points
  3. I'll make a Blemmye Camelry Swordsman for the Kushites, perhaps an Arabic Spear Camelry mercenary unit for the Persians and Seleucids.
    2 points
  4. One thing I'd like to eventually see in a game like this is more use of different types of terrain. There could be rough ground which slows cavalry down and that siege in chariots can't go on at all. That would add some interesting strategies as to where you can use different army types and how to plan battles' or fortress' location on the map.
    1 point
  5. Sure I understand. I'll try to look for the original models as I have no way to contact him. If the license is compatible I'll commit it. If not we'll I'll wait for someone to come up with another version.
    1 point
  6. You're right, I could have expressed it a bit more subtle. As usual, my knowledge is limited to the Near East and Mediterranean. Although I know a few things about ancient Africa (modern Tunisia) I know next to nothing about the ancient history of the continent we nowadays call Africa (ancient Libya and Aethiopia). Therefore thank you for correcting me (and please continue to do so; I like to learn new things, and I do hope Kushites and other significant civilizations will eventually be included in 0 A.D.'s main distribution). The primary motivation for me posting was to distinguish between Arab (a term already used by the Assyrians) and Arabic (which did not yet exist during Antiquity). And the idea behind my controversial statement was that there is clear evidence desert peoples (who were typically called Arabs in their own time) fought from camel-back, whereas there is no evidence for other people who did have camels. E.g. the Parthian army at the battle of Carrhae reportedly consisted of about one thousand cataphracts, nine thousand light horse archers, and tens of thousands of supply camels, but no camelry units. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if dromedary camels existed in and around the Sahara thousands of years earlier; even if the first literary references are from Roman times, it doesn't mean they weren't there long before. There is clear evidence the Carthaginians used both bigae (two-horse chariots which served on the flanks alongside cavalry) and quadrigae (four-horse chariots which were deployed individually in front of the main infantry formation, just like war elephants later). The bigae were gradually being phased out in favour of true cavalry, and the quadrigae were replaced by elephantry shortly after Carthage' conflicts with Pyrrhus. I'm unaware of Punic camelry (and ancient writers are interested in exotic things). “Troglodytes” means “cave-dwellers” and various ancient authors apply that term to various peoples. Yes, I'm aware camels were and are guided by loose reins, sticks, both, or neither; besides shouting. I'm not objecting to loose reins, I was pointing out they were too loose; if they can't be reined in they serve no purpose; I'm asking them to be shortened somewhat (but not to be tight).
    1 point
  7. Although I agree with most of what you say, I'd be very careful with statements like the one above. Blemmye definitely used camels in war during Antiquity. Their (material) culture is very similar to that of the bedouin, so it's what you'd expect (they were neighbours). According to some sources camels were introduced to the Sahara as early as early as 500 BC, although most sources put this date much later (2nd century AD) and attribute it to the Romans. These common sources are almost definitely incorrect. There is a very rich corpus of Saharan rock art depicting camels being ridden by people carrying weapons (some dating back thousands of years), but as with all things African, this history has been very obscured. Garamantes are actually more known for their horse-drawn chariots (up to 4 horses) which they used to "hunt" troglodytes. So I also think camels should be avoided for Carthagenians unless a clear reference can be found. I must emphasise that I'm not sure about camels not being used by Garamantes during 0AD's timeframe... Also, camels are usually ridden with loose reins, being steered with a stick, not the reins. So the long reins don't only look good, they're actually accurate... Ancient African Camelry
    1 point
  8. Moved to it's own topic. As the art thread states do NOT post references use the task thread. Since I do not know if it should be an official task I moved it to the generic art department section. Thanks for the references.
    1 point
  9. Since he wants to make money out of it I do not think it's anywhere close to available. What would be the point ? Take a game using the cryengine or the unity engine. People advertise they are using them not rename it and say it's a weird version of it. If you make significant improvements to pyrogenesis you should submit your code to improve it for two big reasons. First because the license requires you too and second because if it makes things better bringing attention to a RTS game engine will be a good advertisment both for you and for us. In case it wasn't clear. Pyrogenesis is the Engine. 0 A.D. is a game based on this Engine.
    1 point
  10. I know is medieval 12 century (Crusades to Holy land timeframe). only I was tasting your knowledge is very good.
    1 point
  11. Saracen is the Medieval term for what we nowadays call Arab. Names which had different meanings in the past are unimportant to be aware of in daily usage, but do matter when talking about specific historical contexts. E.g. modern Calabria (the toe of Italy; called Bruttium in Roman times) is a completely different region from ancient Calabria (the heel of Italy; the modern Salento Peninsula in Apulia).
    1 point
  12. Perhaps a Garamantes Camelry Mercenary for the Carthaginians.
    1 point
  13. Where can we find the source code of this new engine that you are doing ?
    1 point
  14. Ok, I am starting work on a new engine, it will have texture loading, model loading, and possibly terrain by next week.
    1 point
  15. Advanced could add the notched leather shield. Elite could add turban and longer robes? Maybe quilted cotton armor.
    1 point
  16. Yep, i have planned something with the kushites references @Sundiata posted. at least the archer is mostly done but i may ask what could fit the promotion in the camels?
    1 point
  17. You have to give proper attribution but you also have to make your source code available to everyone. Gpl licence is viral which means it extends to every line of code you write.
    1 point
  18. Well here's an odd bug I've noticed. I've set all the 0AD factions to "SelectableInGameSetup": false, as well as Map specific Civ that's supposed to be non-playable in my mod. However if a player selects Random as their Civ they occasionally spawn as the unplayable Civ. Is there something I'm missing or is this a bug? Yes I'll eventually port over all the Hyrule Historia missions, though I think there's a few features not in 0AD yet that will be needed to replicate them. I don't think the engine supports pre-rendered cinematics at the moment. I'm personally hoping a more file size friendly video format gets supported unlike Medieval 2. .wmv or .mp4 would be great.
    1 point
  19. More importantly there can be valid ways to quit a game. For example if someone has to go for any reason and the others are ok with it. It seems more relevant to rated 1v1 where players quit. That by itself will need some tricky coding to detect leavers reliably (we shouldn't trust any other player account for that, otherwise people will get someone innocent banned).
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Ron have good immersion with diplomacy, when you found the enemy , the message is you found Cleopatra from Egypt.(an example). Even the Ai, start to sending messages and menacing to get start a war if you don't pay tribute.
    1 point
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