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5 points
5 points
I'd favor a 4 month release cycle to keep it a bag of positive surprises. We could have probably released 2 months earlier if there hadn't been things to wait for beforehand (something like 8 things to wait one week for each. It hadn't been in our control to change.) I'd prefer 3 releases over 4 per year to keep it a tremendous update (as opposed to having only one major feature). Alpha 22 development started Nov 10th 2016, then feature freeze was on Jun 1st and release was on July 27th. That's just bad. The key to improving that is having more active and qualified contributors if we don't want to release without new features that can be mentioned in a release announcement. Wait, this is the Hyrule Total War thread?3 points
3 points
2 points
The best way to eliminate redundancy and hopefully don't overload their roster is to look at roles and only put one unit per role. For instance, it's currently spec'ed that there's a citizen-soldier axeman and a champion axeman. Axes are unique enough weapons in the game that having two of the same type of unit might seem a bit overkill. I know some other civs double-up this way, but if you're looking to streamline things this is the best way to cut. Obviously, the Apekasjsdjhgs's Faithful axeman should remain. I'd say the citizen-soldier axeman can be replaced with a swordsman that uses a sword similar to this one on the left. It's a unique looking piece of equipment, and the general blade shape seems to be used on multiple examples. For the mercs, I suggest you only have one buildable Mercenary Village that houses all 4 of the mercs, Nuba and Blemmye. While for scenarios you can have the 2 separate ones modeled and working, for skirmishes and random maps I think one unified one would be better, else you overwhelm the player with choice. You can say "What about the Carthaginians?" I'd say that's a fairly unique aspect of one singular civ and is probably better to keep it that way. Or...... what about this? The Kushite player receives one free Blemmye Village and one free Nuba Village at the start of the match, out near the edges of the player's territory. The units aren't trainable until Phase II. I already do something very much like this for the Greek civs and their free Stoa. Changed my mind, I think those Villages, one for each ethnicity would work fine. What's good for Carthage is good for another. Maybe they are restricted to being built in neutral territory and are easily capturable. For the Temple and the Temple Guards, for TM, since it's trying to remain a rather straight forward mod without too many changes to the core game, I think there are 3 options: 1. Have 2 buildable temples, each with their own champions and unique aspects. Easiest. 2. Have 1 generic temple that can be upgraded to one or the other temple, Amun or Apedemak. No need for modding code on this one. I already do something like this with the Mauryan Maiden Archer, and the core game already does this with the sentry towers, so it's an established feature already. 3. Have 1 generic temple that has both champions available, but like with the Seleucid reform techs, have a tech pair that unlocks one or the other. If the AOM-style choice UI is ever implemented, then that opens up all kinds of cool possibilities, but for now if I were you I'd choose one of the above options.2 points
We should make sure that the Kushites don't get access to too many different champions (at the same time), it would make them really OP i think. Doing both a full mercenary roster ánd a diverse champion roster is also going to be problematic. Having a generic temple that can upgrade to select between a champion units could be one way of addressing this problem (though we should take a little care with the unique techs too because that could also be a source of OP-ishness if you get what I mean...)2 points
I totally understand your point, and it's valid as the break from the Napatan dogmas was political and eroded the power of the priests of Amun, but it didn't destroy it. Outwardly, the Kings still revered Amun and built Amun temples until the third century AD. Many important sites feature both temples. But I do really like the idea, and it does emphasise the evolution from Napatan to Meroitic Kush quite nicely.2 points
2 points
Right, but what I propose explicitly makes clear the important break between Meroe and Napata. You as the leader of your Kushites choose whether to stay true to the priesthood of Amun or favor the cult of Apedemak instead. To make TM simpler though, it'd probably just be easier to allow the player to build 2 different temples.2 points
I suspect what I might end up doing is having two different versions of the mod. One using the latest public build and then another with the dev version. As I mentioned my problem is that I try and bring out frequent releases. If you track my history with the total war version of the mod I generally released two new factions every 3-4 months and I hope to do the same with the 0AD incarnation of the mod. I don't want to have to wait around for months until the devs release a new public version of 0AD so that I can release my mod to the public. I also worry that asking people to download the dev version to play my mod might be too complicated for the average player. I get complaints from people about getting my total war version of the mod to work when it turns out they installed it in the wrong folder.2 points
2 points
The Scythians version 1.1 Above: Scythian Commoners (left), Scythian Slaves (right) Above: Skilurus, King of Crimea Above: Tomyris, Queen of the Massagetae Above: Ateas, King of Scythia Above: Scythian Shaman (Healer) MAP OF THEIR INFLUENCE Units Support Units Scythian Peasant Male and Female variations References Resource Wagon Dropsite for all Raw Resources Can "unpack" into these buildings Yurt (+10 to pop cap) Storehouse Can train Slaves once the Trade Depot is built Enaree Shaman Healer/Priest Class unit They wear shaggy clothing, drooping robes, tassels, and animal skins. They have eagle feather or deer antler head gear and carry a stretched leather drum. References Barracks Units Scythian Spearman Spear Infantry Saka Axeman Sword Infantry Scythian Archer (male and female actor variations) Archer Infantry Maiden Archer Female Archer Infantry Less armor, faster speed Only costs Glory resource References Stables Units Scythian Scout Scout Cavalry Sarmatian Lancer Spear Cavalry Massagetae Sagaris Cavalry Sword (Ax) Cavalry Dahae Cavalry Archer Archer Cavalry Royal Maiden Headhunter Female Archer Cavalry Less Armor, faster speed Only costs the Glory resource References Mercenary Camp Units Bosporan Hoplite Hoplite Thracian Peltast Javelin Infantry Tocharian Swordsman Fortress Units Alani Cataphract Champion Lancer Cavalry Extra Armor, slower speed Can upgrade to a strong anti-building attack (flames) References Royal Cavalry Archer Champion Archer Cavalry Extra Armor, slower speed References Battering Ram An uncovered Ram Lower armor, faster speed Heroes A civ bonus for Scythians is that their Heroes are allowed to upgrade to Mounted from Village Phase, while all other heroes in the game have to wait for City Phase. Tahm-Rayiš (Tomyris) Hero Cavalry Queen of the Massagetae, a powerful Eastern Scythian confederacy. Her army defeated Cyrus the Great and checked his expansionist ambitions. Her look is very Eastern or central Asian, in contrast to the more Western look of the other heroes. References Ateas (Ateas) Hero Cavalry United dozens of Western Scythian tribes to form a kind of "Scythian Empire" over his lifetime. Fought against and was killed by Philip II of Macedon. References Skilurus (Skilurus) Hero Chariot King of the Crimean Scythians, whose capital was the Greco-Scythian city of Scythian Neapolis. Warred against Mithridates of Pontus. He has a mix of Greek and Scythian equipment. References Scythian Structures Scythian structures, like the Huns and Xiongnu, can be built anywhere on the map, in neutral, allied, or enemy territory. This is their "nomad" bonus. They also have half the build time and cost. Consequently, they are the weakest buildings in the game, at 50% health of standard. Their buildings are very fragile. These bonuses and weaknesses also apply to their Fortress. Cult Statue: Ovoo This is the "Cult Statue" building for the Scythians (and Xiongnu). Not only does it give a trickle of Glory like all Cult Statues, but also a trickle of free Stone resource. As an additional bonus, Enaree Shaman healers gain greater healing powers when in range of this structure. Wonder: Royal Kurgan tumulus. A large earthen mount with eye candy around it (see how the mound is surrounded by standing stones; we can add additional culture by using the enigmatic Scythian "statues" found throughout the steppe instead of simple stones). Can have various "stages" of construction like the other Scythian and Xiongnu buildings do: Technologies "Fill of Blood" Prereq: Choosing Tomyris Tomyris +25% attack when mounted on her war horse, +50% attack vs. Enemy Heroes. Social Reforms Prereq: Choosing Ateas Scythian Peasants +50% health; Scythian Slaves +100% Loyalty. Greek Engineering Prereq: Choosing Skilurus Unlock the ability for Scythian citizen-soldiers to construct Catapults. Goldsmithing Prereq: City Phase Research at: Forge (the only economically-focused Forge tech in the game) Traders +40% trade profit per trip. Archery Tradition Prereq: Village Phase Research Building: Barracks Archers -50% experience needed to promote, +10% faster firing rate Parthian Tactics Prereq: Town Phase, Archery Tradition, Advanced Cavalry Research Building: Cavalry Stable Ranged Cavalry will automatically kite away from approaching targets if the enemy targets get within 15 meters. Falconry Prereq: Village Phase (also requires Basic Husbandry) Research Building: Civic Center All Structures and Cavalry +25% vision range. Scouts +25% meat gathering rate. Scouts gain a new Falcon prop actor that circles over them. Extensive Husbandry Prereq: Town Phase (also requires Basic Husbandry) Research Building: Cavalry Stable Domestic Animals -25% train time, +25% health. Slave Trade Prereq: Town Phase Research Building: Market Slaves -50% train time. Other civs have to first capture a Trading Post before being able to research this tech. Scythians can research it from their Market. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need to find a Scythians expert to help parse all of the reference material. I don't think it has to be super granular, but I would like to separate everything into some categories: Western Scythians Cavalry Infantry Potential Hero References (Ateas and Skilurus) Eastern Scythians Cavalry Infantry Potential Hero References (Tomyris) Support Units Healers Peasants Males Females Traders Fishing Boat (necessary for gameplay) Trading Ship (necessary for gameplay) Structures Specific Buildings Materials Need to try to find era-specific reference materials: 6th-4th centuries BC.1 point
First of all: I'm new to this forum so I am probably posting things in the wrong forum or whatever. Apologize for any mistake Originally I wanted to create a ticket on trac, but unfortunately I never recieved a trac account activation email so I am not able to do so... Concerning my orignial problem: 0 A. D., Release 22 and the (currently) newest svn version 20096 crashes on startup. It displays a black screen and then a window of the error handler. I appended the generated crashlog of the svn version, the Release 22 crash is almost identical (can upload this as well if needed). The "interesting log" file is empty and the "mainlog" file shows just the configuration settings (maybe this is intended?). I guess the error is caused by faulty hardware detection, but I am no expert. You may be interested in my hardware (created with dxdiag): Hope you may help crashlog.txt1 point
I just stumbled over some Imperium videos about a possibly new release. In spanish: It's a small company, so take it with a grain of salt, but seems that the objectives are making another re-release of the game (we're coming to a good RTS revival), fixing bugs, better screen resolutions, some graphic enhancing, and a good support of multiplayer. Maybe steam. They might add some news civs, probably Greeks and Parthians. They are also taking advices from community to make the game Although the game was very unhistorical, I really enjoyed it.1 point
1 point
i've made 2 walks animations for the horses for a more natural life style in the gaia horses > Gaia horses: Walk like the 1st video, slow peacefuly > Cavalry horses: Walk like the 2nd video, faster with the neck up1 point
i'm looking some, i saw AoE2, maybe will try look attila total war because the have beautiful horses, and some medieval/ancient era movies when the rider attack this are the first animations i've made for the horse1 point
1 point
I think that might be an idea for Delenda Est, for TM we should maybe look for a different solution (as vanilla doesn't really do anything with pre-placed buildings except for the Iberian walls)1 point
So just to be clear, lion-man will be the "Apedemak's Temple Guard", or "Apedemak's Faithful", and khopesh-man will be the "Napatan Temple Guard", or "Amun's Faithful". Obviously champion units. @niektb @wowgetoffyourcellphone Maybe a choice between either structure and thus recruitable unit wouldn't be so bad indeed. Amun temple is more expensive, but offers more techs. Apedemak temple cheap, but less tech? I'm so undecided... Maybe a late tech from the wonder makes both buildable? Same for the merc camp. You either build a Nuba merc camp (round huts, with a high, pointy thatched roof, 1 big and 2 small huts), or a Blemmye merc camp (2 roundish tents covered in animal hides and a simple rectangular brick structure with flat roof). Can they be built in neutral territory? Merc camp references:1 point
1 point
Of course, everything here is under cc-by-sa. I'm glad they're well received!1 point
You can have the worlds best programmer, if the problem can't be analyzed, then we don't know what to code. However the issue sounds like some graphics cards don't support some shaders that are enabled by GLSL. So the hardware detection code might be improved to catch that (so the analysis could perhaps be done by looking at the specs of graphics cards in the reports). But then again there seems to be a problem with 0ad picking the worse graphics card if we believe that one reporter.1 point
Like the sandwich Sundiata did post a few in the overreaching kushite's thread, if you can find them. Theyre legit mace heads, cant get any more historically accurate than that1 point
1 point
These peoples here: Images provided by @Sundiata I think what they need now are better shields and a club for the clubman.1 point
Components (which is why they are sometimes called cmpSomething) can either be C++ or JS (or C++ interface with JS implementation). So in that specific case you should be looking at files in source/simulation2/components/, specifically CCmpVisualActor.cpp. For some more information about components read up about entity-component systems (in general and [1] and then possibly the docs about how to write those (which are not only useful for that, but might also help understanding how to use them if you are looking for slightly more details). The rough idea I had (as a follow-up to D842) would be to reuse cmpPosition in cmpVisualActor's Update to get whether we are currently floating, and if yes switch to "swim" instead of "walk". Also note that changing C++ code will require a rebuild of the engine, see [3]. [1] https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/SimulationArchitecture [2] https://svn.wildfiregames.com/docs/writing-components.html [3] https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions1 point
I feel like you're going to have a bad time when it comes to maintaining your changes. Make sure you work very closely with the team and maybe you can get some of your changes implemented into the public mod code when applicable.1 point
1 point
yep, seems that there is a missing protection in that function when the field template does not exist. You should add if (!gameState.getTemplate(gameState.applyCiv("structures/{civ}_field")) return false; before the line let maxGatherers = ... That should be enough1 point
1 point
1 point
I suggest to use the Stylus add-on (do not use Stylish, it sends your personal statistics usage by default, while the Stylus fork doesn't) to test new (trac and/or forum) themes. One can also upload themes on https://userstyles.org/ @daker I prefer dark themes, have you ever thought of creating one? (for trac and the forum) ?1 point
It's now implemented in full and will be available for A231 point
I think the ugliness of the theme (the current one or the proposed one) is subjective and a bit irrelevant. The lack of contrast on the forums is a real problem because it can prevent people from participating at all. On the other hand I don't think we should care about people who think "oh this website is ugly I don't want to participate because it doesn't look modern". Those people are not motivated enough @daker Thanks for looking into updating the theme though. What we could maybe do is installing that theme without making it the default? That way it is available to the people who'd enjoy it. I can look into that when I upgrade Trac to the latest version, if that sounds good to you.1 point
1 point
Oh, please do. Once I get my hands on that DE that fixes my UI, I might start supporting it as the main game.1 point
Female Clothing Unit Types: Scythian Female Citizens, Maiden Head Hunters Shaman Clothing and Props Unit Types: Healer Animation Refs: Basic Tunics and Jackets Unit Types: Basic and Advanced Soldiers, Scythian Male Citizens, Trader Trader and Cart: (trading goods in lieu of family members)1 point
0 points