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  1. You could give more divertisty too, to the set of greek buildings
    2 points
  2. Well here is what you could do. A lot of players complain about the similarity of greek buildings in the Athenian, Spartan and Macedonian civilizations, so you could try replace some with new ones ?
    2 points
  3. It looks nice ! Few questions: What do you plan to do with it once it's finished ? If you plan to put it in the game remember that you can't have meshes with more than 32.768 triangles. Else you have to split it. If you want you can use the game textures to make it more realistic either Greek Roman or Seleucids texture atlases Would you be willing to model specific buildings for the game ? Do you have any experience with animation ? I probably have some more questions but this is all I can think about right now. Keep it up.
    2 points
  4. I made the head like the one's i posted before from scratch using as reference the other head, but made it with less polygons also i adapted the uv's to match the actual head textures, but it stills need eyes textures. and the hair/beard could be made apart for make it look more realistic. @stanislas69 @wackyserious
    1 point
  5. I played a game on Mediterranian and was in Africa and noticed the animation of the Spartan Hoplite headless. Sometimes it has face but not the entire head. I cant post a picture yet but will try if the issue was not know yet. I will try to bring the unit up north and see whether there's a difference. It happens when they are gathering resources.
    1 point
  6. While this is my first post, I have some experience with Blender, and currently I am creating part of the city of Priene. It was the polis of Bias, one of the seven sages of ancient Greece Concept art I am using is (mostly) this one: Current state of the polis is the following:
    1 point
  7. Periklēs (c. 495 – 429 BC) Pericles was one of the most influential Greek statesman and predominant leader of golden age of Athens Appeared in the political scene as the most active member during the trail against the general Cimon (463 B.C.), Pericles political activity lasted for about forty years during which he held the strategia for at least fifteen consecutive years. While under Pericles political predominance the Delian League (constituent base of Athenian Empire) reached its zenith, however, the statesman is especially remembered for his building program which aimed to transform Athens into the cultural capital of the Hellenic world. Pericles program of public works was in a first phase focused on defensive building with the construction of the Long Wall between Athens and the two demos of Piraeus and Phalerum Hero Aura: When garrisoned in a structure, it galvanizes its defenders, + 2 garrison raged unit To carry on urban planning works in Athens, Pericles summoned artisans and artists from the cities of the Delian League. Monuments as the Propilei, the Odeîon and Telesterion are testimonies of the Pericles commitment in the public sector aimed to affirming the Athenian supremacy. Builder Aura: Building construct 15% faster within his vision Anyhow, the major contribution gived to Athens was the commission of temples as that of Athena Nike and the continuation of works on the Parthenon Acropolis Aura: Temples are 50 stones chipper during his lifetime Pericles political parable was that of a democratic leader able to control the dêmos but who, over time, had to face a block of opposition that convinced the public opinion to condemn Pericles circle of collaborators (Phidias the sculptor appointed by Pericles to decorate the Parthenon will die in jail before his sentence). Though the opposition struck hard Pericles, only in 430 B.C. there was a real conflict with the dêmos who, exhausted from the sacrifices of the war, removed the statesman from the office of strategós. Even though he was re-elected already the following year, however, the plague which spread in Athens during 429 B.C. hit the statesman who died in October of the same year. With the death of Pericles, came the death Athenian Hegemony over Greece. Instead of pursuing his shrewd strategy of controlling the seas while depending her walls, Athens, at the urgings of demagogues, set out on a disastrous campaign into Sicily that led to her eventual defeat by Sparta. I hope that every grammar error has been corrected
    1 point
  8. Here is the file. It's not the orginal, I'm not sure that file even exists, or it would probably be a 3dsmax format. athen_temple_old.blend
    1 point
  9. Feel free to ask Here you just have to export tthe mesh to collada format (*.dae) and do some XML work. Player color = alpha transparency of the png file you are using. PNG files have to be power of two (eg. 1024x1024 512x512, etc...) You can work with DDS but we avoid it because the game automatically converts pngs to dds so there is really no need to bother with that format. Indeed you have to unwrap your models, and UVs have to be in the texture bounds, there is no texture tiling AFAIK.
    1 point
  10. And viola, Parthian spearman basic.
    1 point
  11. And some progress... Do you like it?
    1 point
  12. It's the "Howe Sound" random map introduced in a21 (see the announcement ; and that's the version he is actually playing btw, not a20 as the video title says)
    1 point
  13. It's the first movement of Mozart's "Eine kleine Nachtmusik", btw: Mozart_-_Eine_kleine_Nachtmusik_-_1._Allegro.ogg
    1 point
  14. Most units and buildings use the standard health, armor, attack stats from common parent templates. For example, a spearman from one civ tends to have the same stats as a spearman from another civ; a blacksmith has the same health and cost from one civ to the next. There are exceptions of course! And those exceptions are what give the civs their flavor. But in general, if you make their buildings stronger, you should balance that somehow, probably with cost and build time. Same with exceptional units. But for overall civ strength, you can't know that, usually, until after many many multiplayer games between your new civ and the others. Then you can buff or nerf according to that data.
    1 point
  15. Depends on what kind of xml file you want to know about. (Some reading about how xml works (tags need to be closed) might be helpful, in case you haven't figured that out already.) For actors you might want to read the Actors wiki page, which (judging from the edit history) should be up to date. For other files look at the file format wiki pages, and the other pages for artists and modders listed on the wiki. In case something isn't clear and you figured out how to improve it, do so (it is a wiki). Otherwise please do ask questions, it is quite hard to improve documentation if it isn't used or people don't point out issues.
    1 point
  16. Altogether I found your article well informed yet still concise, which is a helpful thing for history articles for games. Two particular points I would make are that first, there are some grammatical errors that could be easily fixed with a quick reread of the article; second, the final sentence does not exactly characterise what happened with Pericles' death. If I were to offer an alternative, here is my take on it: With the death of Pericles, came the death Athenian Hegemony over Greece. Instead of pursuing his shrewd strategy of controlling the seas while depending her walls, Athens, at the urgings of demagogues, set out on a disastrous campaign into Sicily that led to her eventual defeat by Sparta. As a last simple pointer, if tense could be kept consistent, it would make the article flow better.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Head more vertices (388) / Head less vertices (144) / Original 0.A.D Dudehead.dae (107)
    1 point
  19. I don't think we should bind in with the overpowered factions, but rather give the underpowered more power. This is because I like diverse factions, and every diversion is extra power to a faction. Just my opinion though.
    1 point
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