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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2017-06-08 in all areas
7 points
5 points
Yeah. It's going to be really difficult to come up with a better name than that. I sometimes wonder how he (and other people who were around shaping the base of 0 A.D.'s design) would feel about the game as it is today, but (while I wasn't around to get to know him) I at the very least hope he would have been proud that there are still people working on the game at this point in time. The last word of that quote of his really has proven true, it's taken and will continue to take quite some perseverance to bring this project to a finish.4 points
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Have you played with AI? (Rejoining with AI always OOS atm, because the AI isn't serialized correctly) (The missing OOS message on second rejoin is a bug, but we already have a ticket for this)2 points
Hello again, I'm glad to present you the second version of the metagame, where many things have changed. Game: Updated 28-11-2016 IMPORTANT FIX - Marian Reforms Missing MetaGameV2_2.zip Patch: Updated 28-11-2016 IMPORTANT FIX - Marian Reforms Missing MetaGameV2_2.patch Docs: CivBalance.odt Main changes: Creation of category subtypes to improve the strong-weakness system (and make it more diverse) Rush: Strongest in phase 1. Weak in phase 2. Weakest in phase 3. Successors Changes Can't build fortress. Siege only avaible on CC. Champions can only be recruited on Militar Colony. Militar Colony can be built on phase 1. Ptolemies No changes Seleucids Changes Seleucid corrals can recruit militia cavalry. Militia infantry also affected in matter of costs and debuff. Rush-Wall: Stronger in phase 1. Normal in phase 2. Weaker in phase 3. Celts Melonas in age 2. Champions can be only recruited on CC. Start with one unit of the same type you'll use to rush. Britons Dog rush. Kennel in phase 1. Cost 0. New tech Woad Painting. Puts a fear aura over your units that'll lower enemy citizen's attack on sight by 20%. Don't affect champs. Lowered dramatically longsword champions armor. They got slow yet deadly attack rates. Gauls Druid rush. Temples in phase 1. Cost 0. Set fanatics armor to 0. Boosted heath, speed and attack rate. They can't capture buildings, only attack. Wall-Rush: Strong in phase 1. Strongest in phase 2. Weak in phase 3. Carthaginians Wall role. Walls cost 0 and have enormous resistance but they've got the slowest build rate. Removed Carthaginian Embassy. Carthage doesn't got barracks. All mercenary citizens and champion elephants are recruited in markets. New building Tophet. Reduces Sacred Band cost and maximum population by 50% for each Tophet. Persians Wall role. Boost walls with Persian Architecture after you build them. Units now cost food only. Persian storehouses give a slow trickle in all resources. Wall-Eco: Weak in phase 1. Strongest in phase 2. Strong in phase 3. Mauryans Pillar of Ashoka effects are stackable. Iberians Reverential Monument effects are stackable. Rework of the Iberian Maisu Burdina Langileak Tech. For each Blacksmith you control you reduce unit's metal costs of your team by 10%. New building: Foundry. Special armory that has the Iberian Special Techs. Unique building. Eco-Wall: Weaker in phase 1. Normal in phase 2. Stronger in phase 3. Hellenes Civic Stoa, Royal Stoa and Theatron are considered influent buildings, they're visible to all players. No Theatron build limit. Spartans New technology Femine Mystique. Improve all women's economic parameters by 25% but increase cost in 25%. Spartan houses can spawn women without need of the house tech. New building Tall Spikes. Special building for Spartan women. Deals heavy damage to cavalry on contact. New building Small Spikes. Special building for Spartan women. Deals average damage to all units except for siege. Athenians New building Propylaea. Doubles other player's structure build time. Visible to all players. Eco: Weakest in phase 1. Weak in phase 2. Strongest in phase 3. Macedonians New tech Military Reforms. Allows to build new building Reformed Army Barracks. Each one can recruit 16 Lothos pikeman lines, which are population free. Can heal Lothos infantry. Siege workshop can also be built on enemy/ally territory. Can build ballistas in Age 2. Romans New tech Marian Reforms. Allows to build new building Tent. Each one can recruit up to 8 Contubernium swordsmen squads, which are population free. Can heal Contubernium units. Rome champions cost the same as the hero, to reduce their numbers in battle and enhance their role as the general's vanguard. Infantry got a vanguard aura that increases hero's armor if the hero is near, and cavalry increase attack. New skin for Rome's outposts.1 point
I made the head like the one's i posted before from scratch using as reference the other head, but made it with less polygons also i adapted the uv's to match the actual head textures, but it stills need eyes textures. and the hair/beard could be made apart for make it look more realistic. @stanislas69 @wackyserious1 point
Sorry for posting this so early... And sorry @sphyrth for stealing this idea from your April Fool's post. But I think there really is only one choice: Alpha 23 Wololo We certainly know that the term "wololo" isn't complete bullshit. And by adding a new cheat unit we could easily justify that name. Typing "wololooo" should spawn a super monk that will convert all enemies very fast by wololo-ing them. What do you think?1 point
There already is a wololo cheat https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Manual_Cheats It just converts the currently selected unit to belong to you thoough1 point
@elexis Can you provide the game ooslogs and commands.txt ? It will help us figure what is causing this and whether it already has been reported. Thanks for the report @Giotto1 point
There is a reported problem for packable ranged siege engine (without formation). Perhaps your problem is only that one, perhaps it's another one. Perhaps it's both.1 point
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Formation aren't fully implementated, is very known issue. Is supposed the fire bolt first is disarmed, later is mounted, load the missile and fire. 3- this probably need a new topic, but I'm not sure if is related to " red water bug"1 point
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