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  1. Updated the animation roadmap list to final version. Please feel free to check and inform if you think something is missing. Will try to add it in the following days to an updated official pending task thread.
    4 points
  2. Hello again, I'm glad to present you the second version of the metagame, where many things have changed. Game: Updated 28-11-2016 IMPORTANT FIX - Marian Reforms Missing MetaGameV2_2.zip Patch: Updated 28-11-2016 IMPORTANT FIX - Marian Reforms Missing MetaGameV2_2.patch Docs: CivBalance.odt Main changes: Creation of category subtypes to improve the strong-weakness system (and make it more diverse) Rush: Strongest in phase 1. Weak in phase 2. Weakest in phase 3. Successors Changes Can't build fortress. Siege only avaible on CC. Champions can only be recruited on Militar Colony. Militar Colony can be built on phase 1. Ptolemies No changes Seleucids Changes Seleucid corrals can recruit militia cavalry. Militia infantry also affected in matter of costs and debuff. Rush-Wall: Stronger in phase 1. Normal in phase 2. Weaker in phase 3. Celts Melonas in age 2. Champions can be only recruited on CC. Start with one unit of the same type you'll use to rush. Britons Dog rush. Kennel in phase 1. Cost 0. New tech Woad Painting. Puts a fear aura over your units that'll lower enemy citizen's attack on sight by 20%. Don't affect champs. Lowered dramatically longsword champions armor. They got slow yet deadly attack rates. Gauls Druid rush. Temples in phase 1. Cost 0. Set fanatics armor to 0. Boosted heath, speed and attack rate. They can't capture buildings, only attack. Wall-Rush: Strong in phase 1. Strongest in phase 2. Weak in phase 3. Carthaginians Wall role. Walls cost 0 and have enormous resistance but they've got the slowest build rate. Removed Carthaginian Embassy. Carthage doesn't got barracks. All mercenary citizens and champion elephants are recruited in markets. New building Tophet. Reduces Sacred Band cost and maximum population by 50% for each Tophet. Persians Wall role. Boost walls with Persian Architecture after you build them. Units now cost food only. Persian storehouses give a slow trickle in all resources. Wall-Eco: Weak in phase 1. Strongest in phase 2. Strong in phase 3. Mauryans Pillar of Ashoka effects are stackable. Iberians Reverential Monument effects are stackable. Rework of the Iberian Maisu Burdina Langileak Tech. For each Blacksmith you control you reduce unit's metal costs of your team by 10%. New building: Foundry. Special armory that has the Iberian Special Techs. Unique building. Eco-Wall: Weaker in phase 1. Normal in phase 2. Stronger in phase 3. Hellenes Civic Stoa, Royal Stoa and Theatron are considered influent buildings, they're visible to all players. No Theatron build limit. Spartans New technology Femine Mystique. Improve all women's economic parameters by 25% but increase cost in 25%. Spartan houses can spawn women without need of the house tech. New building Tall Spikes. Special building for Spartan women. Deals heavy damage to cavalry on contact. New building Small Spikes. Special building for Spartan women. Deals average damage to all units except for siege. Athenians New building Propylaea. Doubles other player's structure build time. Visible to all players. Eco: Weakest in phase 1. Weak in phase 2. Strongest in phase 3. Macedonians New tech Military Reforms. Allows to build new building Reformed Army Barracks. Each one can recruit 16 Lothos pikeman lines, which are population free. Can heal Lothos infantry. Siege workshop can also be built on enemy/ally territory. Can build ballistas in Age 2. Romans New tech Marian Reforms. Allows to build new building Tent. Each one can recruit up to 8 Contubernium swordsmen squads, which are population free. Can heal Contubernium units. Rome champions cost the same as the hero, to reduce their numbers in battle and enhance their role as the general's vanguard. Infantry got a vanguard aura that increases hero's armor if the hero is near, and cavalry increase attack. New skin for Rome's outposts.
    3 points
  3. While territorial taxation does sound like it would get the job done, it kind of works around my original point regarding city building. A house trickle would work great though
    3 points
  4. News posted on the front page: http://www.ppmsite.com
    3 points
  5. Now, hear me out. I am an avid fan of city-builders and tend to build houses past my population limit for the aesthetic alone. I would also like to build up areas of the map that are otherwise barren of natural resources, wall them up, make them look pretty. This is currently useless, except giving your population limit the ability to take some housing losses. It seems a shame for city builder civilizations to build 30 houses and be done with them, less with the peristyle tech. Then I thought, taxes! all these citizens sitting pretty in their homes while I micromanage trade routes for territory expansion, why don't they help out? This could have a number of benefits and implementations, Carthage, the colonial city building civ who relied so heavily on mercenaries, can actually put out a decent stream of mercenary units with taxed housing. Seleucids and Ptolemies could build cities to support its metal-heavy unit rosters. Grabbing land actually means something again, and the more territory controlled the more ferocious the battles will be when the wealth pours in, instead of locking into stalemate, waiting for the other player to falter. I dunno, thoughts?
    2 points
  6. Feels like the new animations will be on the next alpha. Maybe.
    2 points
  7. Many Seleucid units and some Ptolemies are place holder. Some native units from Seleucid have Persian appareance, many hero needs improved. Their props and texture skins.
    2 points
  8. Capture animation? We don't have any apropiated.
    2 points
  9. Some time ago I wrote a patch that altered the ResourceTrickle component to allow the option of limiting the trickle rate by the percentage of territory controlled by the player. Essentially, the more territory lay within a player's territory borders, the faster the trickle rate. I'm not suggesting that a territory-limited-trickle should be added to houses, but perhaps on a CC, market or palace... It was never committed, but for those interested, it can be found on trac: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3321 (it's the second attachment, and might need rebasing)
    2 points
  10. I like the idea. I actually think a resource trickle per house owned would be nice. I actually would like to be able to plant trees too ^^
    2 points
  11. Hi, This map, it is supposed to be a rough representation of the siege of paris, in 845 led by the vikings, led by a Norse chieftain named "Ragnar". (It does not follow all the history). Vikings had a fleet of 120 ships, 5,000 men, they went trough the Seine, arrived to paris, entered and plundered it. A plague broke out in their camps, but the franks did not have a good effective defense against their besiegers, they paid them 7,000 french livres and the viking invasion was over. (If i made a mistake, please, correct me). For the showcase of this map, i wanted to do something different, trying to make it more interesting and vivid. (I'm not good with words/writing/speaking, but i will try). again, It does not follow all the history. So i tried to write a history. And so, it begins. A dark and infamous day inside the walls, after the first brutal assault, the morale was getting low as the soldiers and the people who had a house/family in the other side of the city, was practically in ruins and dead, few survived the massacre and. The king didn't send all the troops as there were reports of a big fleet of warships coming down through the Seine and after seeing how two drekar warships smashed and shattered one side of the wall of the exterior city, he didn't want to take a chance against them. The fear started to instaurate in every living human inside the inner city, when they heard the wips of trebuchets, the sound of flaming arrows and rocks flying, hitting and putting down everything they reach. But that, wasn't all, the screamings, the clash of steel, the burning brothers, the call for battle, the hunger for blood led by the invasor. The franks had an advantage, a big gate holding the pass to Paris. The soldiers made a barricade to hold the attack till the survivors reached Paris and prepare for battle. Inside the city, everyone was getting ready to battle, there were a call for arms to every male who can fight, to defend and avenge. Some had the orders to evacuate females or to build barricades in the main gate. Some of the new recruits were send to the nearest armory to get armor and weapons. All the city was practically running to get defenses and preparing for the next attack. Some by recruiting, some by getting to the armory, some by carrying food to the walls.. Those who couldn't fight, were waiving and cheering those who will die for them, lovers, mistresses, wifes, daughters were crying for the men. For those who will use their bare body as a shield to protect them against all evil. For those who will stand against the invasor. The big walls of Paris had a tiny line, not strong enough to resist a ship. So, they ordered to build barricades and fortify that position, as there is the mayor weak spot. Paris, in its mayor crowded and paranoid splendor. You may ask? What about the ruined city? What about the threat? - Soon - If you enjoyed the last 60 screenshots, perhaps you want to see more and don't get any spoliers, but sorry, i have to show this for everyone who said the magic words: "Where can i download it, i want to play it". I'm truly sorry, i would like to play it too, but it's very laggy even in the map editor without running it and it's not finished yet. IT'S FINISHED!!! It is a shame it throws an OutOfMemory Error . I couldn't take the too many screenshots, it was truly laggy and crashed every time. Hope you enjoy Aerial view, dissapointing view, the shame view. Feedback, suggestions, corrections are welcome, even if you want to write a text for an image, do it! Let it out! Just send the text and the image for inbox. (If you do, preserve the context please) And many thanks for all the artist of the game, i encorauge you to make more artist stuff: Props, objects, dead npc's (Not the animation), whatever you want, as someone like me, may use it. Really, it's not enough and i don't have the time neither the skill to do it myself.
    1 point
  12. Added animation asset roadmap. Task list updated. I may have lost something done on my time away.
    1 point
  13. Not that I think it would be relevant in this case, but as a more general idea. That image of the reenactors made me think it could be cool to have the 0 A.D. 0 on a shield. I don't know if it would fit any of the civilizations, but if nothing else as a bit of an easter egg/something to use in PR Pretty low priority of course, but just as something nice to have
    1 point
  14. Some Hellenistic references about shields and colored helmets and Seleucid king.
    1 point
  15. I don't think that's a good idea to do it that way. We really don't want to encourage the other two ways too much, but putting them on the same tab would make it seem as if they are equally important. Also, as the information about SPI applies to both paying via credit card and PayPal it shouldn't "be on the same level", so I don't really think that much is gained by putting them on tabs. What I do think we certainly should change is put the information about where the money goes at the top, it feels a bit hidden/"forgotten" there at the bottom. What do you think @Jeru?
    1 point
  16. More goodies. Some fancy movements with sword and shield: Some with spear and shield: Edit: and some more spear moves: I don't understand French very much but you can see how these spearmen rotate the spear on hit, which makes that the tip of the spear to not get stuck on the target (difference from 2:26 to 2:55)
    1 point
  17. One could also say the converse (for example swordmen can defeat easily a ram and not a spearmen)... So I guess everything is fine ;-)
    1 point
  18. go to art_source\art\textures\skins\props\shield\ptolemies\Enrique sources\brushes\eagle brush if you want the black/white image that I used for that shield You also have there some more eagles I made for roman stuff.
    1 point
  19. I can see how the anchor paint goes over the wood rim in the right side. You can also add more variations with different rims (If I remember correctly I did metal rims bronce/silver and rimless in the sides and just top/bottom parts) Other than that, it looks good.
    1 point
  20. Hello. I allowed myself to publish the news about 0AD Alpha 21 on ppmforums. I hope you don't mind. I think that some promotion is always welcome. http://www.ppmforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=42887 Usually, it takes a few days for Banshee (one of the admins of ppmforums) to repost the news onto the front page of http://www.ppmsite.com/
    1 point
  21. It sounds good to me, especially since it is historically accurate.
    1 point
  22. So, I tested 40 Egyptian pikes with Ptolemy IV (not in the fight, he was off to the side) against 30 bronze shields and 10 silver shields (all level 1) and the Egyptians lost. Now, I replaced 10 Egyptian pikes with 10 Seleucid silver shields (as a place holder for the Royal Agema) and the Egyptians won. @wowgetoffyourcellphone has already put them in Delenda Est, and they round out Egypt nicely. Could I possibly get some discussion, I want to hear your guys' opinions!
    1 point
  23. I simply don't wanna know how much it took to position all those units
    1 point
  24. I made a tiny mod for testing: https://github.com/AlexanderOlkhovskiy/0ad-taxes-mod It adds ResourceTrickle component to houses (initially with zero resources) and a city-phase 'taxes' technology (researchable in CC) which increases houses resource trickle to 1 metal/minute.
    1 point
  25. Awesome! If you have some time you may want to da a video about it with in-game cutscenes: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/3301
    1 point
  26. Or moving all those interesting idea to an economic mod.
    1 point
  27. Hey guys! I've been really busy these past months, but I bring some juicy updates! I've been slowly but steady progressing on the animations developement whenever I could. Here's a teaser with what is currently in store, and the current state of the new animations roadmap. Here's the status of the new units animations roadmap. Blue: finished purple: WIP red: Planned orange: needs review !NOTE! Last updated: (11/22/2016) ATTACK IDLE: IDLE READY WALK RELAX: WALK READY: attack_2h_a Idle_relax....(generic) Idle_ready_2h walk_relax (generic) walk_ready (generic) attack_2h_b Idle_relax_generic Idle_ready_bow walk_relax_bow walk_ready_2h attack_2h_c Idle_relax_2h Idle_ready_hoplite walk_relax_healer walk_ready_bow attack_bow_back Idle_relax_bow Idle_ready_javelin walk_relax_javelin walk_ready_hoplite attack_bow_hip Idle_relax_female Idle_ready_pike walk_relax_shield_hoplite walk_ready_javelin attack_javelin Idle_relax_female_long Idle_ready_slinger walk_relax_shield_javelin walk_ready_pike_bigshield attack_shield_sword_a Idle_relax_female_short Idle_ready_swordshield walk_relax_shield_pike walk_ready_pike_smallshield attack_shield_sword_b Idle_relax_healer idle_ready_guerronshield walk_relax_shield_spear walk_ready_slinger attack_hoplite_a_b_c_d_e Idle_relax_hoplite walk_relax_shield_sword walk_ready_spear attack_spear Idle_relax_javelin walk_relax_female walk_ready_guerron_shield attack_pike Idle_relax_pike walk_sup_trader walk_ready_guerronshield attack_howdah Idle_relax_slinger attack_dualsword Idle_relax_spear attack_slinger Idle_relax_sup_trader JOG RELAX JOG READY RUN RUN READY SUPPORT / COMMON jog_relax_generic...(bow) jog_ready_hoplite run_generic run_ready_2h death_a jog_relax_healer jog_ready_javelin run_shield run_ready_bow death_b jog_relax_shield_bow jog_ready_pike run_relax_2h run_ready_shield_spear sup_build jog_relax_javelin jog_ready_slinger run_relax_javelin run_ready_shield_sword sup_gather_berries jog_relax_pike jog_ready_shield_spear run_relax_shield_generic run_ready_shieldarm_hoplite sup_gather_chop jog_relax_shield_javelin jog_ready_shield_sword run_relax_shield_javelin run_ready_shieldarm_spear sup_gather_chop_shieldcape jog_relax_shield_sword jog_ready_shield_javelin run_relax_shield_spear run_ready_shieldarm_sword sup_gather_mining jog_relax_shieldarm_hoplite run_relax_shield_sword sup_healing jog_relax_trader run_relax_shieldarm_hoplite promotion jog_female? chariot_rider sup_carry_berries sup_carry_meat CAVALRY CAVALRY HORSE IF TIME PERMITS/LOW PRIO. sup_carry_ore cav_gallop cav_horse_gallop attack_ballista sup_carry_wood cav_trot cav_horse_trot idle_ballista sup_gather_fruit cav_walk cav_horse_walk attack_oxybeles sup_gather_meat cav_idle cav_horse_idle idle_oxybeles sup_farming cav_attack_spear cav_horse_attack_spear idle_phishingboat sup_seeding cav_attack_sword cav_horse_attack_sword row_phisingboat sup_slaughter cav_attack_javelin cav_horse_attack_javelin push_ram sup_gather_treasure cav_attack_bow cav_horse_attack_bow attack_ram cav_death cav_horse_death idle_ram cav_carry_meat cav_horse_carry_meat idle_lithobolos cav_promotion cav_horse_promotion attack_lithobolos cav_slaughter idle_polibolos cav_elephant_attack_bow attack_polibolos cav_elephant_attack_javelin ptol_fishing_idle cav_elephant_walk ptol_fishing_row cav_elephant_idle ptol_fishing_fish scorpio_dile scorpio_attack
    1 point
  28. Hi, if your Linux Mint version is based on Ubuntu 16.04 or newer I believe you should be able to get it from this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~wfg/+archive/ubuntu/0ad Or you can always build the game from source: https://play0ad.com/download/source/
    1 point
  29. (available as a mod here: https://github.com/AlexanderOlkhovskiy/0ad-space)
    1 point
  30. Okay guys, I have idea. Let's put 0 A,D, onto The Steam.
    1 point
  31. Hi, I'm going to share my workflow for texture creation within blender. I developed this technique while working in WFG and the need to make custom textures by myself in a reasonable timeframe. (This is a How-to post not a tutorial ) This may be helpful if you're a better modeler than a texture painter like me. The process is like this: I made a .blend file which is basically a camera in orthographic view mode (without perspective) that is pointing down, a plane which is exactly the same size as the camera and a sun lamp to get some shadows in the texture. With this setup, when you make a render, the square plane will fill all the render image. Once you have modeled whatever you want to be the texture, you can use the plane that fills the whole camera view to bake normals, ambient occlusion, displacements... whatever. You need to have some basic knowledge in blender to know how to apply textures, modifiers, etc.. so you create the scene textured, and you render to get the texture that will be used (preferably for 0AD lol) In this video I show the final scene of how I made a test texture for an elephant howdah. The bricks are just cubes that have two subsurf modifiers (that makes them smooth), displacement modifiers (that makes them bumpy) a desaturated leather texture that makes them grey and a rusty metal texture that makes them dirty. The wood is a single plane with a wood texture, and little details are modeled with a metal material. After rendering the scene and check the texture, I use the plane to bake the normals selecting all the geometry I want to bake, select the plane last, create a new image to bake the normals, and baking them with "selection to active" checked. Since the plane has the same ratio as the camera, the normal texture matches the rendered texture. Here's some links to pages with licenses compatible with 0 A.D: http://www.texturemate.com http://agf81.deviantart.com/gallery/ http://opengameart.org/users/yughues I also used this technique for creating textures for units. The trick for units is using a background image with an existing unit texture, and modelling only the "new parts" placing them following the background image as reference. Then make the render with transparent background, and use GIMP or photoshop to add the resulting rendered texture in top of the base texture. Here's an example of the blendfile I used to create Ashoka's texture. I used Cycles renderer instead of blender internal because it works better for metallic reflections (but is harder to make a good light setup). Here's the blendfile ready to model the contents of the texture and render it. Blender texture creator.zip
    1 point
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