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  1. Okay So it should be more... military looking. I'll start working on this. EDIT : Is this ... Accurate ?
    3 points
  2. That is a problem for all open source projects not limited to this one Enjoy the Choice
    2 points
  3. "pewpew! pew!" "We're much higher up now, Consul!" "Yeah I can see my house from here!" "I liked the old one better, more roomy" "We have to climb a ladder now?! I don't like it >:("
    2 points
  4. I've created a github repo. You can find it here: https://github.com/niektb/milleniumad/tree/master
    2 points
  5. Might be my being French but that's what I see:
    2 points
  6. I'll have you know that Greek hoplites did take up the bows when they defended cities. All armies become ranged when they "man the walls". Not just Greeks. In my opinion.... Maybe to much animating for this, I certainly like and support the concept though.
    1 point
  7. The rounded corners are gone I'd have the wall buttresses extend below the ground plane with the rest of the structure You don't have to articulate the tiling in the roof so much, we have normal maps that can do that for you (the building has two tiled eaves, if that is unclear in the sketch) The crenellations on the wall look a little too even as well, make them look a little more sloppy, like the walls and fortress. Give them varying texture as well Try to randomize some of the smaller details, it gives a more believable, natural feeling to it a little bit of slope in the walls should be OK but not too much
    1 point
  8. actually, it WOULD make sense: the elephant is stored away in the fort and the guy commanding it goes to the ramparts to defend. same reason a tank driver would still be trained to fight on foot if the need arises
    1 point
  9. If you found them on Deviantart then they're not 'unknown artists' every piece is attached to an account let us know so we could take a closer look at their work? I really like how that first one was painted ah, that first guy's name is Jonas Jensen
    1 point
  10. So there are two problems: your sound card fails to init, and the sound manager crashes as a result. I've made a ticket for this on Trac: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2345
    1 point
  11. Feudal age town center I didn't make it, some of these are from unknown artists... ... . . .
    1 point
  12. That would be Planetary Annihilation (PA), which is one of the very few promising RTS games in development. PA is being developed by Uber Entertainment. The CEO of Uber Entertainment is Jon Mavor, one of the people who did SupCom with Chris Taylor, so the people behind PA have a great RTS pedigree.
    1 point
  13. Yeah and they looking good
    1 point
  14. when i mean Spamming its in late game. the Ai never, i think train units. how you finish with a ai, never stop to train, and how you can even survive to III phase with unlimited?
    1 point
  15. Formations do nothing, apart from unit movement so far. The wish is to get them fighting, with some proper animations. But it won't be for next alpha.
    1 point
  16. yeah but the Ai spamming several units.
    1 point
  17. pop unlimted? are you crazy, you must have a big monster pc to handle with that. XD.
    1 point
  18. Aun no estan disponibles estas formaciones y sus respectivas funciones. por algo dice aun en progreso. The project still working...
    1 point
  19. Hello vmos, I won several team matches online not because I'm an specially talented player, but because themultiplayer lobby is full of newbies, and, in my opinion, the way the game is designed, it's very easyto win a 2v1, 3v1 or even 4v1 against 1st timers. Take my advices with caution, since as I said I'm notactually a "pro". Anyway I'll leave here some tips in hope that you or someone finds them useful: Economy:- Your first movements in the game in many maps should be: send your women to food, man to wood, horse for chickens and batch train 5 females or citizen soldiers.- If I'm not mistaken, women are bonused for forraging and farming, man for taking wood,mining and constructing.- You can build barracks since the beginning: this means when you have enoughresources you can start training units in parallel, which will gather more resources,allowing you to build more barracks and also more units increasing your populationexponentially since the beginning. In Age Of Empires II, this only happens in castleage, you can't recruit units to gather resources earlier.- Check your population at various points: in order to improve your technique itwould a good idea to check how many people do you have at minute 5, 10, 15, for exampleand see how are you doing compared with your previous games. You can see the game timepressing F12.- Batch train in batches of 5: Allways train your units in batches of 5 as long as you canafford it. Military:- Watch out civ center build attempts: Don't allow other players to build civ centers near yourfirst one, specially if they are good players.- Garrison units in your castles: In this game castles doesn't woork like in Age Of Empires II;in that game castles are strong without people garrisoned in them, also you can take them down with trebuchets or with enough melee units. In 0ad, they are too weak without people garrisones inthem so as long as they are ungarrisoned they can be destroyed easiliy with melee units. However,when you have people garrisoned in them they shoot too many arrows. They are so strong that - in my experience - it's very difficult to take them down with pikemen. It also takes effort to take them down with siege catapults. So remember to garrison units in your castle if it's under attack,most newbies doesn't and they would have saved themselves a lot of trouble if they did.- Garrison units in you civ centers: sometimes when you are expanding and you have built a civ centerand you have some units around it, your enemy comes to attack it to prevent your expansion, andyou both have like 10, 15 or 20 units. In this cases, some newbies fight back the attacker with hisunits, however it would be much more effective if you garrison the units in the civ center and you wait for the enemy soldiers to be killed or retreat, then you can repair your civ center.- Buildings doesn't fight, people does: it's important that you have a fair amount of population,because otherwise you won't be able to defend yourself, you cannot rely only on buildings to defendyourself, ungarrisoned castles and civ centers are too weak, as explained above.- Military units diversity: usually it's a good idea to have soldiers of different types, thus youcan handle better enemy attacks. The more diverse is your army, the more chances you will haveto get the appropiate units to counte enemie's units.- With melee soldiers, attack the unfinished building, not the builders: when you are stuggling tonot get an enemy building built usually it's better to attack the unfinished buildings - Attack the buildings, not the repairers: sometimes it's better to attack directly a damaged buildingrathern than the people who is repairing it.- Blacksmith: this one is obvious, you should have a blacksmith and research technologies of yourconvenience. Beware, because unlike in Age Of Empires II researching some technologies prevents youfrom research others; choose wisely which ones you want to research.- Be careful with elite units: they are very, very strong compared with other units. In many cases, asmall number of champions can kill a fair large amount of citizen soldiers.- Don't make "early walls": building walls too early in hope they will stop the enemy to break into your city and alsogiving up on expand yourself over the map is usually a bad idea, Romulous explained it very well in thepost above: Map specific advices:- Gold Oasis and Team Oasis: in team oasis there are treasures, you should pick them with your horse.In both maps - believe it or not - there is a fair amount of wood, but you have to take it. One thingyou can do to reach the wood of the center of the map is building a row of barracks (which will expandslighly your frontiers) instead of waiting to evolve to the phase II.- In maps with water, for instance "Lake", usually the water is useful mainly to send troops to other placeof the map, and sometimes it's not worth it to fight for the control of the sea because unlike in Age of Empires IIit's not possible to destroy a city in maps like "Lake" just using boats (at least so far, I couldn't figure it out, ifI'm wrong and any of you guys know how to destroy a city with ships, please tell me). Newbie killer techniques (this wouldn't work if your enemy is a reasonably good player):- Pikemen flood with Spartans: this is just making a myriad of pikemen early (before the enemies reachthe phase III) and send them to destroy the enemies civ centers.- Civ center sandwiching: this is surrounding the first civ center of your enemy with various of your civcenters, thus your enemy won't be able to expand and will starve economically.
    1 point
  20. I agree it will be easier to review without those rendered reflections. Btw, did the iberians use such sloped walls? I don't think any of our other Iberian buildings has it. The crenelation wall is also a bit thin. Like you can fall though it without applying too much force. Apart from that, it looks good to me.
    1 point
  21. The failing assertion is when finding the minimum size of large memory page on your system (wcpu.cpp:121, higlighted). if(pGetLargePageMinimum){ largePageSize = pGetLargePageMinimum(); ENSURE(largePageSize != 0); // IA-32 and AMD64 definitely support large pages ENSURE(largePageSize > os_cpu_PageSize());}According to MSDN doc of 'GetLargePageMinimum':If the processor does not support large pages, the return value is zero. Apparently on your system zero is returned. Your computer has Xeon processors that does not fit under IA-32 and AMD64 mentioned in the assertion comment, so this could be an issue. What OS are you using anyway? Edit: And on http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366720%28v=vs.85%29.aspx it is written that WOW64 on Intel Itanium-based systems does not support 32-bit applications that use this feature. The applications should be recompiled as native 64-bit applications.So it seems this codepath should not make this assertion in 32 bit compiled binary that runs on 64 bit system.
    1 point
  22. or two whirling one-handed axes? It's even more aggressive! (The pole-axe is slower and quite defensive too)
    1 point
  23. I have a celt spearman 'gaeroa' in the carthaginian icon thread, He has an interesting expression but thats about it xP but if you start at the beginning, you can see a lot of the mistakes I make, and steer clear of them from the start there are also lots of critiques from the forum members that can be helpful too, theres one really good one from another portrait artist JustinOperable, who did the Hannibal hero portrait for Carthage, among others (justin's hero portrait thread could be dug up too, he posted WIPs from time to time. They can be used for insight into his technique)
    1 point
  24. Hmmm You don't need to change that. The AI can attack building on the wall but only with ranged units. Your ranged units on the wall are immune to swordsmen and melee
    1 point
  25. I've also posted some profiles/traces on another thread if more info is required. Regarding the isqrt, if I remember correctly the new pathfinder patch drastically reduced the number of calls there. Afaik the current one still uses vector lengths which obviously requires a lot of sqrts.
    1 point
  26. From the website contact form:
    1 point
  27. No I meant swapping swords for javelins using the velles animation. Probably edit the projectile too make it look like a pilum Just make duplicate file backups...
    1 point
  28. I'm going to try Preatorians. Was engaged with Imperium for awhile but I guess ill gave a break and go torment some Gauls lol
    1 point
  29. vi *.xml ... I'm just messing on Windows, and I'm lazy okay? lol So Lion you see where I'm going huh?
    1 point
  30. Here's a good reference page about the Berserker: http://www.vikinganswerlady.com/berserke.shtml I like the idea of using this version of the Berserker, wearing a wolf or bear hide with the animal's head for a helmet.
    1 point
  31. Sorry, there's something wrong but i think i can fix it:
    1 point
  32. Ok this guy, is now really sharp to battle as sword, what I mean? Is really ready to feeling what is the art direction thwt we want to go with 0 A.D now, you can do other 3D task perfectly. Nice work.
    1 point
  33. The 3th game, was the worst because they focus too much in ear his crowd , his players, his fan base, so like AoEo they mix cartoon style from Warcraft 3, 4 civilizations/factions decreases the stockpile resources, very bad actor voice scripts lines. Bad Ai, buggy game.But the best of that game is the idea of a planned in campaing. So this time is the dark ages of RTS, where all great franchises fall. It's important hear the fan but, you can lose the perspective, the canon.
    1 point
  34. Yeah was the worst, but all units was generic. In my country we call them "palillonas" Because looks like one, a palillonas it's a female dressed as military carnival, if se the boot are similar and the skirt too.
    1 point
  35. I've got a hunch that leper has started work on proper configuration behind the door, so I'd definitely add the config screen to work that should be done for A16. There's time enough.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Yeah, it looked weird. I should work more with references
    1 point
  38. General Meldor, when playing a match, there is a unique emblem for each faction with a tooltip in the top center of the screen that shows who you are playing as, and I believe the number of gathers per resource is a planned feature.
    1 point
  39. As a workaround, you can try starting the game without sound by passing the -nosound argument (in Windows, you can make a shortcut to the game and modify its properties to add that flag).
    1 point
  40. I open topic about possible factions, Gupta is not bad idea.
    1 point
  41. The slingers would hurl normal stones.
    1 point
  42. you check out our alarm sounds, in civic center and when units are attacked, it's horn but, can be better. I'm very in resting in roman trumpets , very classical in Romans sounds and soundtracks.
    1 point
  43. You get me i idea to suggest that. based in some roman basic formations.
    1 point
  44. Did some Athenian ones, tell me if they're any good: (first 3 by Mythos, Italics are my added ideas on them) 1) Alcibiades AI Personality: Overconfident, even when defeat is inevitable. Boisterous. Quick. Backstabber. Raider. Expansionist. Oligarch.Strategies: Raids a lot. Attacks often with small to medium forces. Doesn't build walls at all. In team matches, has a 10% chance of switching allegiance on his ally if tributed enough resources. Tries to build his 1st expansion rather quickly, at the 10 minute mark if possible. Builds new expansions often and whenever possible, even if he can't defend them (this guy will probably lose lots of Civic Centers in the course of a match). Favors naval expansion and raiding on water maps (he fought mostly as admiral besides some sieges and raids).2) Pericles AI Personality: Thoughtful. Eloquent (and comforting/convincing with his advice to the player as an ally when you’re pressed hard). Democratic (but despotic over allies, might ask for resources in return for sparing units for allied protection or “to build something huge”). Defensive. Turtler. Builder.Strategies: Turtler, so builds lots of defenses, walls, towers, etc., around his starting base, while being fairly aggressive with his navy. Tends to build more Temples and other structures, and goes for the Wonder victory more aggressively than other Athenian AIs. When he expands he prefers to do so by destroying enemy expansions and building on them (he sent off many settlers, most of them replacing captured enemy or revolted allied populations - could work with capturing instead of destroying as favored tactic, which fits most other Athenians AIs as well)3) Themistocles AI Personality: Quick wit. Humorous. Cunning. Aggressive. Alliance builder. Democrat.Strategies: This AI is the most aggressive with the navy and builds more docks than the other Athenian AI variations (Aims for having more ships than any other player?). He goes for the Long Walls upgrade as soon as possible and uses stone walls to section off parts of the map. He is extra aggressive against the opponent in the other team who is playing as the Persians. He also temps other players on the enemy team to join his team with promises of tribute, especially if those enemy players are Greek or Successor factions. He might even send some chats/taunts to individuals in the enemy team to sow dissent, and even lie about other players. 4) Miltiades AI Personality: Vengeful. Oligarch. Aggressive. Strategies: Likes mass hoplite armies (since he's in the early era of almost exclusively hoplite warfare) and also Thracian peltasts (due to his Thracian rule). Favors upgrades to these units. Attacks frequently, especially vs enemies who have attacked him first (and Persians?). Builds a fleet on naval maps but doesn’t focus on it as much as the previous Athenian AIs. 5) Cimon AI Personality: Oligarch. Aggressive. Builder. Alliance builder.Strategies: Likes alliances, especially with Spartans. Favors attacks, especially on Persians. Builds temples and walls and civic buildings. Slightly in favor of hoplites and peltasts over other units (Thracian ties like his father Miltiades), slight naval focus on water maps. 6) Thrasybulus AI Personality: Democrat. Aggressive. Expansionist. Loudmouth but good speaker. Alliance builder. Stubborn/Persistent.Strategies: Frequent naval victor, focuses on navy on water maps. Likes to attack and expand, especially against spartans and athenian oligarchs. Might attack even when outnumbered. Likes diplomacy and asking for tributes. Wall builder. 7) Iphicrates AI Personality: Democrat. Aggressive. Expansionist. Reformer.Strategies: Focuses on military tech upgrades. Likes ranged and champion units, especially peltasts, marines and the city guard (with smaller shield and longer spear i think those represent iphicratian hoplites right?). Attacks, raids and expands quite a lot, especially vs spartans. 8) Demosthenes AI Personality: Democrat. Great speaker (should have some of the most impressive taunts, and some special badmouthing for everyone allied to a Phillip AI). Alliance builder.Strategies: Focuses on upgrades that make construction, recruitment and technology faster/cheaper (could be the athenian boomer?). Likes alliances. Favours attacks against macedonians and tries to convince his allies to attack them as well. Naval focus on water maps. 9) Leosthenes AI Personality: Democrat. Prestigious. Alliance Builder. Aggressive. Reckless.Strategies: Recruits a huge, balanced army, the most cavalry heavy of all athenian AIs (they had thessalians on their side among others during the Lamian War, could even make him focus mostly on cavalry). Loves alliances, especially with other Greeks. Aggressive, especially vs macedonians. Might storm enemy defenses even without enough siege equipment.
    1 point
  45. I am asking because I might be interested in contributing models and textures. Great mod to play for Mount&Blade: Warband - Vikingr http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,286569.0.html This mod really goes into details of the units for Vikings.
    1 point
  46. This is a Mod the developers are other. And Mauryan are complete in AlphaXIII. Now the artist are working in Ptolemy Dynasty. Contact with Rob Kimball to talk about Rise of East.
    1 point
  47. Age of Empires was my first computer game, and (I'm quite certain I've already said this in a post on this forum some years ago) I've yet to find a game that gives me the amazing feeling I had when I played this when I was seven ... but 0 A.D. is definitely the closest any has gotten. I would love to be able to play a 0 A.D. 'AoE Classic' mod ... but I'm not sure about copyright (and about my modelling skills xD).
    1 point
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