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New Release: 0 A.D. Alpha 24: Xšayāršā


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1 hour ago, LuisEnrique said:

hey! just discovering 0AD!

i wanna play LAN, 1v1 on windows and ubuntu, its posible?

we just downloaded the game, but it seems that versions dosent match 24 on windows and 23 on linux.

wait for the update on linux or downgrade on windows?

amazing work! we will enjoy join the ride.

as you said, you either need to wait for the Linux repos to update or downgrade to A23. Downgrading to A23 is definitely an option if you don't mind upgrading again once the repos are there.

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14 hours ago, nani said:

Try wine

As nani suggested i tried running a24 on wine (on linux mint). It doesnt work for me and if i understand correctly it is because im missing  a whole bunch of .dll files.

just thought to let you know in case someone was wondering =)

I might go and buy some wine to pass the time while waiting for repository update though so in a way nanis proposition maybe will work :wine:

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12 minutes ago, axi said:


As nani suggested i tried running a24 on wine (on linux mint). It doesnt work for me and if i understand correctly it is because im missing  a whole bunch of .dll files.

just thought to let you know in case someone was wondering =)

I might go and buy some wine to pass the time while waiting for repository update though so in a way nanis proposition maybe will work :wine:

Does flatpack or snap work?

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12 minutes ago, Stan` said:

Does flatpack or snap work?

Hah, i started looking into flatpak and from there went to think if i shud update my Mint version. Then i noticed in the Update Manager i can now update 0ad to A24. But through the "normal" package manager interface i could not find the new version for some reason? Even though i had ran apt-get update multiple times.

I will admit being bit of a linux noob so cannot really understand the fineties behind this. But for now my problem of getting to play a24 seems solved =)

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12 minutes ago, axi said:

Hah, i started looking into flatpak and from there went to think if i shud update my Mint version. Then i noticed in the Update Manager i can now update 0ad to A24. But through the "normal" package manager interface i could not find the new version for some reason? Even though i had ran apt-get update multiple times.

I will admit being bit of a linux noob so cannot really understand the fineties behind this. But for now my problem of getting to play a24 seems solved =)

Update: i ran the update manager, and apparently it installed a24 data files only, and uninstalled the program itself. And ofcourse now the A23 game version in my package manager cannot be installed due to broken (mismatching) packages

So i will continue to looking into updating my OS :P

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2 hours ago, axi said:

Update: i ran the update manager, and apparently it installed a24 data files only, and uninstalled the program itself. And ofcourse now the A23 game version in my package manager cannot be installed due to broken (mismatching) packages

So i will continue to looking into updating my OS :P

Can you remove the 0ad packages and install them again? If that doesn't work, Flathub's website says that Mint 18.3 and newer should have Flatpak already installed and configured. If somehow it isn't configured, I can offer what I do in Debian -- I think flatpak works the same in each Linux distro.

Steps to install and setup Flatpak:

  • Use the package manager to install flatpak.
  • Initial flathub repo setup:
sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

Steps to install the 0 A.D. Flatpak:

  • Use the package manager to remove all the 0ad packages.
  • Install the "zeroad" package from flathub repo:
sudo flatpak install flathub com.play0ad.zeroad
  • You should then be able to run 0ad from the Applications menu, or with:
flatpak run zeroad

Note that flatpaks store their data in ~/.var/app, instead of ~/.cache, ~/.config, and ~/.local/share, so if you want to reuse old 0ad userdata (like savegames, replays, and mods) you will need to copy or move files over.

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I've installed a24 from flathub on Fedora33 (https://flathub.org/apps/details/com.play0ad.zeroad) and seems to be working well, and since native Fedora repositories still have a23 and It uses different locations for userdata I can keep both versions side by side for now. It should work for any major distro of debian/fedora/opensuse flavors.

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I managed to install A24 via Flathub but ran into some kind of graphics issue similar as in this topic:



So im getting an error saying:

WARNING: Failed to set the video mode to fullscreen for the chosen resolution 1360x768:24 ("Couldn't find matching GLX visual"), falling back to windowed mode
ERROR: SetVideoMode failed in SDL_CreateWindow: 1024x768:24 0 ("Couldn't find matching GLX visual")
WARNING: Failed to set the video mode to fullscreen for the chosen resolution 1360x768:24 ("Couldn't find matching GLX visual"), falling back to windowed mode
ERROR: SetVideoMode failed in SDL_CreateWindow: 1024x768:24 0 ("Couldn't find matching GLX visual")
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'PSERROR_System_VmodeFailed'
  what():  System_VmodeFailed

/app/bin/0ad: line 9:     5 Aborted                 "$pyrogenesis" "$@"


I had to upgrade my OS to use Flatpak so it could have been an issue with that, but i reinstalled A23 just now and it still works normally. So its some kind of issue with the A24 installation

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...


how to update to the Alpha 24 on my Ubuntu 16.04?

I tried "apt-get update" but doesn't work (I suspect the repository is outdated).
Which is the right repository? Or should I uninstall the old version and try to re-install all from the scratch?
(Or maybe there is an appimage version available?)

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On 25/02/2021 at 7:58 PM, Lopess said:

Hi @axi I don't know if that can help you but I managed to upgrade to Alfa 24 through snap on ubuntu

How did you do that? (I have Ubuntu 16.04 with the 28/12/2018 version of 0AD.)
Did you uninstalled 0AD and then reinstalled again? Do I need to modify the repository?

Edited by Yuri
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5 hours ago, happyconcepts said:

What is holding up the release of the alpha 24 files at the wfg PPA on launch pad?

I just tried to update m.23b but there are no new files there!?

The “WFG” PPA is maintained solely by ricotz an Ubuntu maintainer. He has problems compiling the game (Mostly spidermonkey) with Ubuntu's special hardening flags and as of three weeks ago he still hasn't found a solution. Fabio's ppa works because he doesn't use those flags. So, until this is resolved with the Spidermonkey developpers it is unlikely it will get updated. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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