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37 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

When I try to use the mute function it gives me errors.


On 19/07/2018 at 2:37 AM, nani said:

          Features with *** at the end means that exist (pre alpha 24) but not still compatible with alpha 24



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I don't know wether I am possibly making something wrong, but when I remove default hotkeys from autociv after restart they are there again like nothing happened ^^ I solved the problem by disabling autociv. Now the removal of default hotkeys is permanently ^^

BIG thanks @nani

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18 minutes ago, 4th_Rome said:

I don't know wether I am possibly making something wrong, but when I remove default hotkeys from autociv after restart they are there again like nothing happened ^^ I solved the problem by disabling autociv. Now the removal of default hotkeys is permanently ^^

BIG thanks @nani

Just so you know I JUST noticed this problem myself hours before and fixed it, will update some time later this week.
Technical reason: when you save in hotkey editor it removes unused hotkeys from user.cfg but then at restart autociv checks for missing hotkeys then adds them with a messsage. Ideally the hotkey editor should just leave mod hotkeys in user.cfg but as empty string (as in alpha 23)

seee: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6093

Edited by nani
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1 hour ago, seeh said:

I have an idea. As AutoCiv lower i now nearly all AutoCiv hotkeys. If i hit several times a build hotkey often the building into turning. not bad. My Idea. Some buildings have the same initial letter. How about if pressing it several times would switch through the same building? (Farmstead, Field, Fortress),  Then it would be enough if you only know the first letter to create a building.

Yeah, the problem is to how best define the order and make it customizable. I'm thinking about giving the option to define the same hotkey as config option and then let the user write what other buildings wants to cycle between and the order.

Probably not too difficult but don't want to hardcore things if possible

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15 minutes ago, seeh said:

is autoTrain implemented in autoCiv ?

i see shorcuts called autoTrain but i never understud if this is working and what autoTrain is doing.

plseas :) explain

On 16/07/2019 at 3:48 AM, nani said:

Autotrain option. Press Alt+Q hotkey to enable on the selected buildings and Alt+W to disable.
**Doesn't have any indicator so you will have to know which has is active and which does not.
**Bug: auto-train won't work if the game has a pop-up window active (e.g. lobby). Not fixable for now.

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6 minutes ago, LetswaveaBook said:

I installed Autociv, but after that i joined the lobby and saw that the mod blocked me from all the games in the lobby since I was using a mod. Is this meant to be?

Are you running the latest game version A24? Have you downloaded the latest AutoCiv mod from here "autociv_1.0.0.pyromod"? Do you have other mods enabled? 

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12 minutes ago, Langbart said:

Are you running the latest game version A24? Have you downloaded the latest AutoCiv mod from here "autociv_1.0.0.pyromod"? Do you have other mods enabled? 

I had indeed all the requirement, but I had another mod active that changed the fonts. Seems like that was the problem since I seem now to be able to play the game with autociv.

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2 hours ago, seeh said:

i happy to read sometimes: "new hotkey added" :wine:  

  • how i easy could find out what the new hotkeys are?  how i easy could find out what the new hotkeys are?
  • can I also configure them in a file. config file? simply for a backap. or so.

user.cfg or options->hotkeys

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version 1.0.2

  • Added
    • Options tab for autociv
    • Smart chat autocomplete (from fgod)
    • Stats overlay (from fgod)
    • Small visual changes
    • Map
      • Skirmish:
        • Volcanic Island (8)
    • All chat commands now work except player reminder 
    • Special cyclic building placer for the same hotkey, see first page to know how to add them
  • Removed
    • Map flare
  • Changed : you will need to remove old settings again :/
    • Hotkeys: they are now changed to reflect better the new meta, with elephant stable and arsenal building having more prominent positions in the keyboard
      • Building hotkeys
      • Building selection
  • Mods compatibility
    • Made it easier to have add special dynamic mod filters and be compatible with multiple mods @badosu @go2die look at file for more info.
Edited by nani
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Thanks @nani.  Very good update.

The following is a tutorial for people with poor eyesight who want a larger 'Stats Overlay'.

  • Download the file autociv_1.0.2.pyromod and unzip it (image below for clarity).


  • Download the attached fonts.zip file from this post and unzip it.


  • Create a folder named 'fonts' in the 'autociv' folder and paste the unzipped contents of the "fonts.zip" file in it (image below for a better overview).


  • In this tutorial we will use the mono-stroke-14 font, which should be enough to see the 'Stats Overlay' better.
  • Open the following file with a normal text editor gui/session/objectives/autociv_statsOverlay.js and go to line 27 and replace:

    textFont = "mono-stroke-10"


    textFont = "mono-stroke-14"


  • Now we have a larger font, but we need to resize the 'Stats Overlay' to fit all the text in it
  • Go to line 106 in the autociv_statsOverlay.js file and replace

 return `100%-${6.2 * rowLength} 100%-228-${numerOfRows * 12 + 7} 100% 100%-228`


 return `100%-${8.2 * rowLength} 100%-228-${numerOfRows * 16 + 7} 100% 100%-228`


  • That's it. Add the folder to your 0 A.D. mods folder and enable the mod via the 0 A.D. app. If you did everything correctly, it should look like in the image below.


  • More adjustments can be made, e.g. you could remove certain stats  from the "Stats Overlay" or change the background, in the image below you can see just some examples of such changes. :) 


PS: The fonts in the fonts.zip file were created with the Font_builder2. (Thanks to @wraitii for helping with an issue.)


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This can only select one thing (template name):

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.barracks "Ctrl+X"

To select with filters (meaning it starts with "by." prefix )

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.select.by.class.Farmstead|Fortress = "Ctrl+F""Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+Shift+F", "Ctrl+G"

if this doesn't work it means Farmsted and Fortres class does not exist (I haven't tested using "by" filters with buildings though maybe they just don't work)

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48 minutes ago, seeh said:

with this autoKey python script you could build everything (what is already defined in autoCiv) with firstLetter (little config see in script):


example if press F:

       if fPressedCount == 1: # field = "Space+F
        if fPressedCount == 2:
            keyboard.send_keys("g") # farmstead = "Space+G"
        if fPressedCount == 3:
            keyboard.send_keys("n") # forge = "Space+N"
        if fPressedCount == 4:
            keyboard.send_keys("r") # fortress = "Space+R"

If what you are trying is to have field farmsted forge fortress in the same hotkey and cycle between then you can do that already like this:

Add this line to user.cfg:

autociv.session.building.place.field = "farmstead forge fortress"


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19 hours ago, seeh said:

i tried to add some extra. again.

works buitiful, create, like expected. i love it:

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Dock|Defense_tower|Dog)&!Ship = "Ctrl+D"

but this seems ignored. Selects the Temple. that good. But not selects the Defense_tower here:

hotkey.autociv.session.entity.by.class.select.(Temple|Defense_tower)&!Ship = "Ctrl+T"

any idea? :-)


Probably a type on the class name

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