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Everything posted by SDM

  1. I love the straight edge daos! I've definitely seen those photographed and they fit the time period. In fact, they're used very often throughout Chinese history. e: I don't know about the length though. If experts think that's accurate (and being iron it most likely is). I've seen photos of bronze daos more often. e2: quick Google showed that iron jians swords were developed even before Han!
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leekfrith_torcs Thought you all might be interested in some recent archaeological findings in the time period of 0 A.D.
  3. A short, uneducated critique: compared to the previous versions, the new one is much better.
  4. Oh yeah, judging by the dating of the coin, you're in the clear of using that freely.
  5. This is one of the finest threads I've seen in this forum. Kudos to you! I've always wanted a Black civilization represented in 0 A.D., but the limited resources available was a huge setback. Even trying to search for some of these using my university's library system didn't provide much information. If you don't mind me asking, what is your background?
  6. It's not off-topic. In the preview, there is an animation for a swordsman wielding a sword in two-hands. As far as I'm aware, I can't find any examples of two-handed swords in Europe until the 11th century. Granted, the infantry in the animation might be wielding a one-handed sword with two hands (probably done historically), but since there are shield and sword units, wielding a one-handed sword with two hands just seems silly and purposefully disadvantageous. I'm not worried about the historicity of this, mind you. I just find it funny. After all, this is still just a game at the end of the day that gets most things correct. Now if anyone can provide an example of a two-handed 500-1 BCE sword in any of the civilizations in-game, please inform me. I'd love to be proven wrong.
  7. I think there's room to increase the size of the eagle, based on how it looks on the GUI. Also, what is the original copyrighted image based on? If it's an ancient artifact, it cannot be protected by copyright. Just giving out info just in case it isn't widely known.
  8. Do we have any historical examples of two-handed swords during the time period 0 A.D. takes place in?
  9. My biggest problem with studded leather is not that it doesn't do anything, it's that it has no historical basis. If you're going to use artistic licensing (which I heavily encourage when sources are unknown), use historically-accurate leather armor like lamellar or even linen armor over Hollywood decor. With that said, looking at the unit with the leather armor; I can't even tell that it has studs to begin with, so that's good.
  10. Are we privy to what they are unhappy about?
  11. Thanks for sharing! RoTE could not have continued without your help.
  12. A little caution with winged dragons: Apparently, they aren't that common according to Jake Carlson: http://www.jakecarlson.com/2012/12/depictions-of-dragon-in-chinese-art.html I found the source of his reference at the Open Library: https://archive.org/stream/cu31924021444728#page/n89/mode/2up I think we can still use winged dragons in ROTE, but there would need to be non-winged dragons used too. If the anachronistic Bixie statues are set up as props, perhaps those can be replaced with more contemporary dragons and Bixie statues. Additionally, the Chinese Wikipedia has the 四神云气图, as I'm sure we're aware. Wikipedia, in theory, only accepts libre media. Since Chinese copyright law is not as transparent/effective as what is expected, I think it's fair to assume that the Wikipedia image, at least, is a fair reference.
  13. Ayakashi, could you by any chance draw a reference for a more Western Han Dragon? I'm interested to see what you can come up with! You can use pages 19-23 for animal references (dragon inscribed in brick on page 21): http://www.pnclink.org/pnc2009/english/PresentationMaterial/Oct08/08-Rm4-AncientChina1/1520-08-AncientChina-ppt-LiJiajun.pdf
  14. Wow, didn't realize I let three months past by without commenting. I'd prefer to have fewer but stairs that are close to the 0 AD civilizations' than smaller but more numerous stairs. It's okay to be smaller than usual, but at the moment the stairs make the temple look disproportionately smaller than it really is.
  15. With regards to references, I think we should not rely on Red Cliff too much because it is essentially a Hollywood anachronism of events. Red Cliff is made for entertainment, not for authenticity. So let's try to find better sources and use Red Cliff only as a discussion point.
  16. Hey, just want to thank you for providing all these awesome references. Without them, I don't think Westerners would be able to find out anything close without resorting to more questionable sources.
  17. http://www.chinahistoryforum.com/topic/33176-fashion-of-the-different-chinese-dynasties/ http://www.chinaculture.org/gb/en_chinaway/2003-09/24/content_29324.htm This should be useful for the crown design. The one in the reference looks oddly Western. Not sure if it's convergent, inspired, or anachronistic. Edit: Apparently, the color of the clothing might actually be black! http://www.pureinsight.org/node/1342
  18. Hey all! I've been busy for awhile now, but that screenshot by Enrique is awesome!
  19. This is a great read! It's good to know that there are lots of thought going into balance.
  20. Have you seen the internet lately? Or have you checked out NPR? http://gawker.com/npr-pulled-a-brilliant-april-fools-prank-on-people-who-1557745710
  21. Define "primitive religion" and "primitive culture". Then explain what they are relatively primitive to. I don't think your implications are necessarily conscious, but just keep in mind that the rest of the world isn't necessarily Western/Christian-centric. Ayakashi, even if the mod isn't active, if you want to provide concept arts; continue to do so! You've already gotten several of the WFG members interested in modeling your work.
  22. While I'm happy to see that the issue has been resolved, I think every artist needs to re-read the legal waiver and fully understand the implications of the waiver. I'm calling for this because this has been the third time in recent memory that I've seen this happen.
  23. This may be useful for the game, but I rather create an off-topic thread so that Off-Topic can be a repository for scholarly research and studies. Below is an excerpt of the full article. It seems that Ptolemy IV's war elephants are inbred African Savannah Elephants. For the full article, see the source below: http://www.igb.illinois.edu/news/war-elephant-myths-debunked-dna
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