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Everything posted by SDM

  1. Which isn't too unreasonable considering that they have a parent project that needs tweaking first!
  2. AoEO is shutting down because of Windows Live ending, not necessarily because it did badly. Just to put things in perspective.
  3. Is this okay? http://www.snowleopard.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/fieldguide-ibex-male.png Here's also another excellent profile: http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/280623/ibex And Google for the front: http://www.google.com/search?safe=off&hl=en&pws=0&biw=1024&bih=668&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=5_c3UoHAA4qsyAGUjIBg&q=ibex+front&oq=ibex+front&gs_l=img.3...122888.127047.0.127619.
  4. To be honest, I like the original logo because it has a more timeless look. The thick O and the detailed texture makes the logo too noisy/busy. My opinions of logos are that they should be simple and recognizable without looking cheesy, kitsch, or a fad. Detailed art logos looks great on fan arts and desktop backgrounds, but they lack the timelessness to be official material. That's not to say that you can't have high resolution logos. That's something I'm hoping for at the moment until a better logo appears. The texture of the O is too low res currently.
  5. I know they have their own forum, but they also post here as well. And given that they have a sub board here, I don't see an issue. I haven't registered on their forums for several reasons. It's possible that they're dead, but it's also possible that their development is just sporadic. History has supported the latter case enough times. In any case, I have some pictures from sources in my university's library if the mod still plans on being being developed. To be fair, this topic was made to see if any of the developers are still around. I'm really hoping it isn't dead because its the simplest 0 A.D. mod with a civilization that I'd love to see in the vanilla game. Edit: Since some members of WFG are also devs of Scion (which I knew but wanted to find evidence before jumping to conclusions), I highly doubt this project is truly dead.
  6. Hey all, I was wondering if the mod is looking for anything references to find. I didn't think retroactively at the time, but I think what was done for the Mauryans could be done here if needed.
  7. I'm not looking for a particular answer, so anything that's been decided is good as long as there is some thought to it, even when the reason is related to UI rather than proportions. Expect a donation from me soon.
  8. That's good to know. I knew you guys had reasons for choosing whatever you chose. Since the humans are two meters high, are the animals depicted proportionally? A 1.6 m human would perceive a wolf as being larger than a 2 m human. A bear would look a lot bigger to a child than to a grown person, for example. Not that this is at all useful. I just thought that elephants and ancient horses being bigger would look a lot better than if they were average sized while humans are scaled up. Speaking of which, are the horses scaled to their respective civilizations and time periods? I heard that horses in the past were considerably smaller than they are now.
  9. Just wondering, how tall are the humans in this game, and how tall are they (on average) in real life at this time frame? I am under the impression you've taken this into account, but I want to hear it from official sources.
  10. I was wondering, if I support this project via indiegogo, is it still tax deductible?
  11. I thought that was what you were looking at, too. The attachment didn't work for me, so I couldn't check to make sure. I'll look for other sources, then. By the way, if there aren't many references for architecture, what does WFG plan on doing with the Mauryans?
  12. If anybody wants, I can check out this book in my library (available in the Fine Arts Library of The Ohio State University): The roots of Indian art : a detailed study of the formative period of Indian art and architecture, third and second centuries B.C., Mauryan and late Mauryan / S.P. Gupta Encyclopaedia of Indian history : land, people, culture & civilization / Anil Saxena Well now I'm starting to think that someone already got this book, but I'll post the scans for some of the pages anyway. https://docs.google....VGgzZFN2WHpPWG8 https://docs.google....cEY0UExZVjJNWGM https://docs.google....MlB4bjJqTEY5Rm8 https://docs.google....LU1La0xNdlBuVUE https://docs.google....R01tR21EUldzaFE https://docs.google....VldNZDlHbmhUMms About Vidisa Temple- The structure was eliptical, its longer axis measured 8.1 m and the shorter 3 m. At a distance of 2.5 m on all sides of the foundation trench of the wall of this structure runs the foundation-trench of another wall, also eliptical in plan and absolutely parallel to the first wall. The outer wall's foundation trench, however, had a distinct projection on the eastern side (the longer wing of the elliptical structure) which measured 7 x 4.85 m, there was a contemporary brick-rammed flooring but its exact limits could not be ascertained simply because it was subjected to floods and later disturbances. But it has been noticed that at some places the floor extended beyond the rubble enclosure of the later period, mentioned above. The brick-rammed flooring was perhaps plastered with lime all over since a layer of fine pale brown earth, occasionally with streaks of lime plaster was found all over.
  13. I'm all for the Pop-Ups or Notes being included on Random and Faction Descriptions. This won't require unnecessary balancing, be non-intrusive, and still keep the same play-style for the Iberians. It also won't infringe on historical evidence. If fire ships really are needed, they can be modded in by people that want to even the playing field.
  14. It's obvious that the Iberians aren't meant to be played in a 1v1 multiplayer scenario in water-based maps, and doing so is suicide. I'm just glad that the team isn't making this game into a Rock-Paper-Scissor game by "balancing" everything. However, the "Total Annihilation" feature might need to be tweaked with Iberians just to prevent abuse and stalls (i.e. Hellenes destroy Iberian ally, and Iberian destroy all of Hellenes except fleet. Fleet runs away, destroy Iberian naval base, and continuously harrass shipbuilders, or they just stab one citizen in a transport and rebuild their civilization.)
  15. Hooray to any updates! Is the boat model finished?
  16. I'm glad that this is still being worked on. Good luck with the rest.
  17. SDM

    Wildfire Irc?

    That's just what I'm asking for. Thanks.
  18. Is there an IRC server for Wildfire Games?
  19. This is very cool and different. I'm glad you decided to work on one civilization for now instead of three so that it'd be more polished. I'm expecting great things from this, and I hope there are some cool historical tidbits whether they be articles or units.
  20. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Priests_of_Amun According to Wiki, we're given several clues about the pronunciation of how they say High Priest in Egyptian. Just throwing this out there in case it's partially useful.
  21. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/...00924084615.htm Posted for the sake of information.
  22. Since the site revamped, there hasn't been any articles posted on the top of the page. Have they been discontinued?
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