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Everything posted by SDM

  1. Fully agree to everything here. There's lots of controversies with AI and many are fair, but the some things I can see great use for, especially for an open source project like this, is to assist when resources (in this case, skilled volunteers) are scarce. There's a fear that AI will make certain jobs redundant. Rather, it's that people using AI will replace those who don't. Likewise, projects using AI will generate more value than those who don't. I'm speaking as someone who's very skeptical of AI and want more legal and environmental regulations surrounding the use of generative AI.
  2. Signing in to also give my thanks. I'm usually lurking nowadays, but I've been following for a very long time. You've been leading for so long, it's hard to remember when you weren't in charge. Whoever will be taking over have big shoes to fill.
  3. I'm not a history buff, but this is true of the Middle Ages. The Genovese crossbowmen were famed mercenaries and had all of the described advantages in closer ranges compared to archers, but when the English created obstacles to slow down their enemies' approach, their also highly regarded longbowmen were able to launch a barrage of arrows at the opposing crossbowmen who couldn't get close enough to shoot. I can see this being true for Han crossbows.
  4. That's awesome. I've always wanted this to be a thing when the original mod for them was first announced. They were the only standout civilization that I felt belonged to the base game.
  5. Does that mean Alpha 26 will have the above as a new non-modded faction?
  6. Sorry, I meant Step 3. Every icon set looks cohesive and easily readable. Even without playing the game, I can infer what everything means. Edit: Although now I'm starting to see why Step 4 may be preferred and I'm leaning towards that too. Less clean but it gets more of the message across.
  7. For what it's worth, I thought Stage 3 looked the best and would be happy if every icon set resembled that, but all of them are improvements over the original, even 4.
  8. Just want to say thank you, and that this guide is probably for someone like me who's terrible at RTSes
  9. I want to chime in and say that I like the new look of Boudica a lot when compared side-by-side with boob-armor version.
  10. As someone who is mildly red-green color blind (the most common category of color blindness), I would prefer having symbols instead of colored highlights in every case, but I also acknowledge that accomodating for me may not be a priority in all cases.
  11. It's not a PhD paper, but it's something I never would have known without watching this. Hope you all like it!
  12. This is not a political message and should not be construed as such. This is just a matter of fact that everyone deserves a chance to live. Enjoy your day and stay safe, wherever you are.
  13. I miss these, thanks for the update guys! So excited for the next release.
  14. Yesterday YouTube channel Hometeam History uploaded a video about the ancient history of Kush, mentioning its archers, decisive naval battle against Lower Egypt, fictional story of Macedonia avoiding Meroe, and Rome's inability to defeat them. It's a fun short listen if you're interested in history. Every video feels a bit embellished as a non-historian (sources are listed in his Patreon apparently), but the voice is quite soothing. I listen to the videos during my workouts.
  15. I enjoy RTS as an visually-appealing abstraction and don't care for the realism. 0 A.D.'s development is going strong in spite of the realism has become my takeaway.
  16. They look great. :] Glad to see more fauna.
  17. On the topic of bronze age weapons in Britain, Neil Burridge is the leading researcher of bronze age swords, and around the time of 0 A.D. Ewart Park swords and the Hallstatt C swords would be the most common type around. By 500 BCE, Britons would be using both iron and bronze swords, too. Here is some information regarding the Hallstatt C (800-620(?) BCE) swords: https://myarmoury.com/talk/viewtopic.php?t=3475 And here are some reproductions of the types of European bronze swords, including one Hallstatt C type and one Ewart Park sword: http://www.bronze-age-swords.com/British_and_European.htm Here's an Iron blade from the Hallstatt culture that coexisted with the La Tene culture from a British museum catalogue: https://www.britishmuseum.org/research/collection_online/collection_object_details.aspx?objectId=829507&partId=1&searchText=sword&matcult=29381&page=2 The site above is also a great catalogue for finding other weapons in this time frame, such as spear and axe heads as well as arts. Via trade, I think that both the bronze and iron Hallstatt & Ewart Park swords may have ended up in Britain during the time period. I don't think that they would have been the most common type of weapons found, but it's something to consider if you would like some variations in weaponry.
  18. Hi, thanks for providing evidence on the iron scabbards. I feel more confident that you're right given the circumstances of not having found any leather or wood-core scabbards.
  19. I don't know a lot about the Gauls, but one of things you mentioned is the idea that the scabbard should be made of iron. The primary function of a scabbard is to protect the sword and to make it easier to transport. Iron rusts, and an iron scabbard would surely not be effective for transportation in weather. While I'm sure iron scabbards may exist, I don't expect them to be as prevalent as bronze, wood, or wood-cored leather.
  20. There's Mount & Blade: Warband - Napoleonic Wars. It's FPS and TPS, which one can switch back and forth for better accuracy/immersion or better/realistic FoV.
  21. On the mail texture, I think there should be a layer of padding underneath. I don't know of any historical artwork where mail is directly touching the skin. Also, leather armor shouldn't be too common. I feel like that may be rare historically since layers of clothing is as equally or even more effective while being much cheaper than leather.
  22. The archery target seems a bit too anachronistic. Do we know that they were circle with red and white alternating lines in ancient times in any of the civilizations that are being represented in this game? Just wondering if we have better or more accurate options. If not, that's okay. It's threw my suspension of disbelief a bit, but I understand the wider audience also wouldn't know any better (assuming that red circles are a more modern invention).
  23. I think unique and unrecognizable is great to mod. As implied, there's a lot of focus on the later periods of Japan but not the earlier ones. One of the more interesting aspects of 0 AD is how it brings historical accuracy to dynasties that few would know about such as the Mauryan and the Seleucid dynasties. I think it's a great idea to bring less familiar versions of civilizations we've come to know to ROTE.
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