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Everything posted by Genava55

  1. Yes, the Celtiberians are the best candidate and since there is a huge coalition against Rome during the Second Celtiberian War, it is possible to include the Lusitanian and the Vettones in the late game roster.
  2. In Catalan: Celtiberian Numantia: http://www.numanciamultimedia.com/en/chapter-4/Numantia-in-the-Celtiberian-Context/5 Iberian city of Ullastret (Indigetae tribe in Catalunya): Castro de Borneiro, Galicia. $ Castro de Terroso, Lusitanian: Castro de Navarre. Castro de Arrola, Pais Vasco. Castro de Bolunburu:
  3. The main issue is still the same, the current Iberian faction is mostly Iberians (speaking a non-indo-european language) with no contribution from Celtiberians (speaking a indo-european language). I know they are two tribal culture and that it is difficult to distinguish them but it is something that should be addressed in a short future. I see three possibilities: The current Iberians will stay 100% Iberians and will be the only faction of the Iberian peninsula. The current Iberians will stay 100% Iberians but a new faction will be added for another Iron Age culture of the Iberian peninsula. The current Iberians will include others cultures but it should be done in a smart way and clearly stated to not confuse people and to not making this faction a patch-work of very different cultures. Tribal and Iron Age cultures doesn't mean primitive and all "same-@#$%" cultures you can throw in the same box.
  4. Praetorians and Ancestor Legacy are not bad too for battle formation and tactics.
  5. If you are looking for some mercenaries, I found very cool siberian pictures: https://www.realmofhistory.com/2017/05/30/siberian-warrior-armor-reindeer-antlers/
  6. It is maybe easier to copy the pattern of one of the coins. Like this we use historical material with early arabic writing.
  7. Beware it is a 19th century Indian shield ;-) It is just an example of what can be done with leather and painting.
  8. Probably the leather. You can have very nice colors by working on leather. https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/22816/lot/97/ Nice work, well done. If you want to use it for the faction's symbol, maybe we should add an islamic motif? There are some interesting writting in the coins of this period: https://www.davidmus.dk/en/collections/islamic/dynasties/umayyads
  9. It is an issue if he still have a old version of the OS. It is a common problem, old mac didn't have regular updates for the OS and if he didn't do it himself the update, it become tougher after time because the Apple Store didn't let you download a new version of the OS.
  10. I agree. It is easier to cover all side and it takes less space. It is not the same than successive walls.
  11. "While it is a common mistake to regard the scimitar as a weapon exclusive to the Middle Eastern world, scimitars and straight swords existed side by side in the region for millennia. In the 7th century, scimitars first appeared among the Turko- Mongol nomads of Central Asia. A notable exception was the sickle- sword of ancient Egypt, which appeared to be an outgrowth of a battle axe rather than a true sword. As successive waves of nomads spread through Asia, their curved swords were adapted by the Indians, Persians, Arabs, and Chinese. With the steppe warriors migrating farther west, the scimitar entered Eastern Europe by way of Russia and Ukraine. The spread of the scimitar into Central and Western Europe can be tracked linguistically. From sabala of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Central Asia, it became sablya in the Russian language, szabla in Hungarian and Polish, sabel in German, sabre in French, and saber in English." https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/scimitar-how-one-sword-dominated-warfare-centuries-25033 "The name is thought to be derived from the Persian word shamshēr which literally means “paw claw,” due to its long, curved design. The word has been translated through many languages to end at scimitar. In the Early Middle Ages, the Turkic people of Central Asia came into contact with Middle Eastern civilizations through their shared Islamic faith. Turkic Ghilman mamelukes serving under the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates introduced "kilij" type sabers to all of the other Middle Eastern cultures. Previously, Arabs and Persians used straight-bladed swords such as the earlier types of the Arab saif, takoba and kaskara." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scimitar "The Central Asian Turks and their offshoots begun using curved cavalry swords beginning from the late Xiongnu period.[3] The earliest examples of curved, single edged Turkish swords can be found associated with the late Xiongnu and Kok Turk empires.[4] These swords were made of pattern welded high carbon crucible steel, generally with long slightly curved blades with one sharp edge. A sharp back edge on the distal third of the blade known as "yalman" or "yelman" was introduced during this period. In the Early Middle Ages, the Turkic people of Central Asia came into contact with Middle Eastern civilizations through their shared Islamic faith. Turkic Ghilman slave-soldiers serving under the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates introduced "kilij" type sabers to all of the other Middle Eastern cultures. Previously, Arabs and Persians used straight-bladed swords such as the earlier types of the Arab saif, takouba and kaskara. During Islamizaton of the Turks, the kilij became more and more popular in the İslamic armies. When the Seljuk Empire invaded Persia and became the first Turkic Muslim political power in Western Asia, kilij became the dominant sword form. The Iranian (Persian) shamshir was created during the Turkic Seljuk Empire period of Iran/Persia." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilij Edit: a few pictures here: https://www.pinterest.ch/thomaslothar/swords-of-the-umayyad-caliphate-era/?lp=true
  12. Emishi culture with horse archer warfare (thought to be the origin of the samurai archery tradition): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emishi http://emishi-ezo.net/ http://emishi-ezo.net/WhoEmishi.htm http://emishi-ezo.net/Conquest/DestructionOfCastle.html
  13. Vendel period: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Wulfheodenas/photos/?tab=album&album_id=456075257847631&__tn__=-UC-R Viking age and general: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1569524136596079/?ref=br_rs https://www.facebook.com/andrimners/posts/1660523900917013 https://www.facebook.com/pg/marobud/photos/?ref=page_internal
  14. A couple of forum/fora where built during the colonization of the Cisalpine provincia: http://sci-hub.tw/https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/papers-of-the-british-school-at-rome/article/early-colonisation-of-cisalpine-gaul/5F90A1D7A39151153DD0B5CF9AFEA8D6 Ancient Ostia, a few informations: http://www.ostia-antica.org/intro.htm#22
  15. It is why I posted this link because I think they have a lot of 3D model picture for different period (it is not eyecandy but kinda useful I think): http://www.digitales-forum-romanum.de/gebaeudeliste/?lang=en#spaete-republik-i Edit: I will try to look for information in other Roman cities
  16. It's look like Gladiator weaponry to me. Especially the last picture, with this kind of helmet and arm protection. https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-gladiator-fight-relief-from-about-30-bc-perhaps-a-part-of-a-funerary-135831767.html
  17. http://www.digitales-forum-romanum.de/gebaeude/curia/?lang=en
  18. The Iron Age in western Spain (800 BC–AD 50): an overview https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/1468-0092.00100 Warfare, redistribution and society in western Iberia https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/2051314/Warfare__redistribution...__BAR__2005_.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1540473846&Signature=vouylUZ8R3oEstGz%2FkPypNhPsn8%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B filename%3DWarfare_redistribution_and_society_in_W.pdf
  19. Personally I think it should be great to use regional and cultural diversity among a faction to give more depth. Unlocking cultural buildings and units could be synonym of strategic choices for the player. Otherwise, I don't think it is a good idea to illustrate each cultures by a faction because it will increase exponentially. Dozen of Greek cities and Hellenistic kingdoms, Thracians, Dacians, Przeworsk culture, Illyrians, Celtiberians, Lusitanians, Picts, Armenians, Pontic cultures, Numidians, Dozens of nomadic tribes.
  20. My eyes are bleeding! Not this: But these: But very nice pictures besides this. Here a couple of pictures for you:
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