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Everything posted by ShadowOfHassen

  1. HI! Also, if you don't want to do something related to web development, there are plenty of things you could do. The Game Engine is written in C++ but the AI and game files are written in .xml and JavaScript, and being a web developer, you might be familiar with that. You can find open tickets here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/report/1 to see if you can implement a feature or squash some bugs! Or if you want something less technical you could contribute to the Encylopedia project:
  2. A new Pr for the farming articles for the Secludes and Ptolemies. https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/130
  3. Interesting. I can see where it's coming from, however I'm not sure if I'm convinced that they all are intentionally related. In writing circles, we've had a thing where two authors come up with the same idea at the same time because they had been exposed to similar cultures. It could be either though. I'll have to do some more research.
  4. I'd be interested in seeing where you got that information from. Granted, It's plausible, a lot of ancient mythologies have very similar characters. I read that Zeus and Jupiter were technically separate deities but they were close enough that the Romans decided they were probably the same guy.
  5. I played the first few levels, and it was pretty good. I liked the mechanics, and the game seemed well polished. I couldn't quite figure out what the story was about, Two horse running away? But it was fun. My only gripe is the ads (I hate ads) but I can understand why you had to put them in. I heard apple charges 99 dollars a year to develop an app for them, and you have to make that back. I'm not a big phone gamer, but now when I get bored, I know I have something fun to do while I wait. Oh, and I'll write a review after I play it a bit longer.
  6. I have a github account (https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen) if you add me, I can start working on improved writing. Or I could just fork and do a PR. Whatever would be easier for you. Another thought is there's the kind of message that is used in the game's tutorial. You could use something like that to state objectives, or to transmit dialog. Personally, I'd like the side chat message box and flashing characters that Age of Empires 3 uses for some of their cut scenes.
  7. Two things? 1. Could we set it up that you lose if Phillip/Alexander dies? If I remember I had him die and I could still play 2. Do you think some sort of dialog could be added in game? When I tried a play through, I found it somewhat difficult (I kept forgetting what to do) furthermore it was somewhat bland on the story side of things, which is what I think is necessary for a campaign. I am more than willing to add the dialog, myself, if it's possible. I'd also like to take a swing at the in between level descriptions to try to get them in a more narrative tone. If you'd like, I can show you what I mean.
  8. I've been wanting campaigns in this game, so I'm glad to see this. If you need any help writing or need someone to look over your in game writing, let me know. Actually, while I've been working on the encyclopedia, I've had style ideas for the narrative and writing in campaigns. My ideas don't have to be followed exactly, but some standardization could possibly be nice.
  9. It's too bad about the hyperlinks. I really think they would be beneficial. Hopefully someone who knows C++ will find some time to implement it. In the meantime, I can't wait to see the new UI!
  10. Do what you think is best, and if people grouch about it, ignore them. I for one, trust you with game balance. :-)
  11. Don't get me started about that. I know a lot of people like Discord, but when open source communities use it exclusively, it's ridiculous. I ended up not working on Endless Sky because they only talk there. I personally prefer the slower form of communication than real-time. It gives people more time to think.
  12. I can't speak for, @Vantha but I'm enjoying the work! I'm probably repeating myself, but anyone else is welcome to join! If you don't think you can write (Which is wrong. Anyone can write.) I'm sure Vantha would be happy with some help on the new encyclopedia page.
  13. I'd play it except I have an I phone. Will it be free for the I phone too?
  14. Here's a PR for Ptolmic houses: https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/127 I wasn't able to find as much information as I had for the other Hellenistic buildings. I think the article is good enough on its own but If I find more information during my research (or if anyone else has information) I will add it.
  15. I'm not sure I do. I haven't gone into any detail about the styles of the other buildings. Obviously, the Seleucid's were influenced by Persia, but I don't think it's big enough that it has to be stated.
  16. Pr for Macidonia and Secluid houses. (They had very similar houses, so they're sharing a rewritten version of the Athenian house) https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/126
  17. I'm going to write an article later today but first here's a Pr that moves some of the Athenian farming texts to also be used for Macidonia (Because they are both Greek and the information applies to both.) https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/125
  18. It's looking good @Vantha! In regard to @wowgetoffyourcellphone I think he built the UI concepts with images and photoshop. If you can't find the icons you could probably load the images in something like GIMP and cut them out.
  19. We're back! While @Vantha is working on the encyclopedia UI we've decided to continue on with the encyclopedia. This time we're focusing on the rest of the Hellenistic Civilizations, that is not only Macedonia but the Seculids and Ptolemies as well! The reason is that although Alexander the Great's empire was broken up into the three different parts, the empires existed at about the same time and all had a common culture taken from Greece. This PR is the women for all the Hellenistic civilizations, it has some repeated parts because, as I said, the cultures of the three empires were very similar. https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/122 This is as good a time as any newcomers to join. You don't have to be an amazing historian (I'm most certainly not.) And writing articles is really simple, just check out what we have already written and try to write like that, everything else can be fixed in edits.
  20. I'm pretty sure games of skill can still be gambling.
  21. Maybe he's played the map before. Usually after I've played a map maps several times, and usually I learn where everything goes.
  22. Not us specifically, but like you said, they don't do it without reason. If they aren't trying to promote something, why are they spamming the forums?
  23. OK. They're messing with us for no possible reason except for intentionally harming us.
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