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Everything posted by ShadowOfHassen

  1. I believe the plan behind Flatpak was to build on one distro run on all others. I have run into issues, however, where something failed to work on one system that did on another. However, that was a problem between flatpak and system versions, not the flatpak. Just as for example wine + 0 A.D. might not work with all distro combinations. I actually don't even think Flathub wants you to test that many distros. The other thing to note is distros are moving to flatpak. Fedora is stopping support for LibreOffice packages to use focus on the flatpak.
  2. Sort of, except with the Flatpak issue, we can actually do something about it.
  3. I don't mind the unverified label. But I think we probably should not have it because other users could easily be scared away from it, and besides I think it's only fair with we have the official snap, we should have an official release for the more popular third party app store. Native means, It's built specifically for Linux. Does it cost something for WFG to make a Linux build? Even when people like me volunteer to help? If so, how much? I am certain if you just did flatpak and snap, it would be much cheaper than helping to maintain the 12+ different package repositories for the Linux distros? I don't know how much you use Linux, but it is really bad to use wine with a game with an installer. Not only do you have to install the game, but most of the time you have to set up a desktop icon. Of course, you could use something like Lutris, but that's even more work. And of course, using wine increases the raw system power you need on a device. Also, there are many people who are using Linux and aren't tech people who compile apps. I have never compiled an app from source, and if that was the only way to make me play a game, I wouldn't because I don't want to have to go through that much work to play a video game.
  4. The first time I started 0 A.D. it didn't, but then it did.
  5. Let's put it this way, on the steam survey, Ubuntu is the second most popular distro. The first is Arch, (from the steam deck, I think.) But even if you don't count arch, all the other distros put together are almost twice the amount of users as Ubuntu. https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/?platform=combined Another possibly imperfect place for us to look is the Gaming On Linux Stats: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/users/statistics/ Those stats seems to suggest that while Ubuntu based distros are the most popular, Ubuntu is only slightly higher than Pop!_OS or Linux Mint, and both of those Operating systems get rid of snap. In fact, I used to use Ubuntu, and it's still my go to operating system, but the first thing I do is ditch snap. I'm sure a lot of other Ubuntu users do likewise. So yes, technically Ubuntu is the most popular distro, there still are more people using Fedora/Arch/OpenSuse/etc than Ubuntu.
  6. In that case, do you want me to confirm the issue exists? I can spin up a virtual box and see with 23.10
  7. I'm going to be honest, most of the time the distribution packages can be woefully out of date, and most of the advice I see for new Linux users is to just go with flatpak. Also, snap is only used by canonical, and not a lot of people use it. I'm willing to help with testing/ mantaining a flathub repo. If we steal the unofficial one, I think most of the work would be done.
  8. The issue was with 23.04 which is unsupported by Canonical, so I think we could safely close the issue.
  9. Trac looks alive. However, couldn't use submit the thing to the GitHub mirror?
  10. https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2024/04/flathub-now-prominently-notes-unverified-flatpak-apps/ I understand that it's extra work for the developers, but I can foresee this as a potential hang up for new Linux users trying to get onto 0 A.D. Flatpak is by far the easiest way to install an up-to-date version of the game, and a big unverified tag might turn people away. Anyway, I'm sure whoever runs the unofficial flatpak repo, would gladly hand it over to the developers, and so all the set-up work will be done. All that would need to be done is update the flatpak whenever we get a new release.
  11. Me too. Mostly funny things. I try to make the mods day. Also, Cryptonauts. Doesn't that sound cosmonaut? Cosmonaut is much cooler than Astronaut.
  12. I'm going to be busy getting ready for Easter Saturday, so here's my weekly Encyclopedia writing early! Here's a PR for the Macedonia wonder and temple. Once this is merged, it looks like all we'll have to do for Macedonia is its soldiers! https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/132
  13. What, exactly, is the Macedonian wonder?
  14. I wonder how you say, "I am violating my principles I'm a doctor not a warrior!" in Greek?
  15. If it helps, I like the non-random arrows. Sure, they need tweaked, but I build a guard tower to kill people, and it's kind of hard to kill people if it skims the top 50% off of the invading Spartans and then moves on to shoot something else.
  16. HI! Also, if you don't want to do something related to web development, there are plenty of things you could do. The Game Engine is written in C++ but the AI and game files are written in .xml and JavaScript, and being a web developer, you might be familiar with that. You can find open tickets here: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/report/1 to see if you can implement a feature or squash some bugs! Or if you want something less technical you could contribute to the Encylopedia project:
  17. A new Pr for the farming articles for the Secludes and Ptolemies. https://github.com/TheShadowOfHassen/0-ad-history-encyclopedia-mod/pull/130
  18. Interesting. I can see where it's coming from, however I'm not sure if I'm convinced that they all are intentionally related. In writing circles, we've had a thing where two authors come up with the same idea at the same time because they had been exposed to similar cultures. It could be either though. I'll have to do some more research.
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