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Everything posted by Ceres

  1. It could also be something small as bones and stuff hung in some trees (if discernable enough), could it? Or one larger tree that is special on its own; same for a larger rock/ monolith? Should these places have some capabilities like healing wounded units or increasing attack within a certain perimeter?
  2. @andy5995y Maybe you would like to consider adding a brief description of what this mod does? (not technically but from the player's perspective) Thanks for keeping up the great work! PS and OT: Inserting text after @<username> seems to be problematic in the mobile (Android) browser on this forum. Text gets eaten by the editor, and then I cannot delete the remaining letter ("y" in this case). Is there a known solution for this? @Stan`
  3. Would it make sense to make her even "dumber" in terms of not being omniscient, in sandbox mode, or as a separate toggle? Admittedly, I'm asking this question more out of curiosity rather than because Petra is too hard to fight (well, we set her to 'medium', so we still have lots of possibilities for challenges). It could be interesting to see her behaviour of she didn't know where her opponents are (just like for human players without an unrevealed map). But on the other hand, it might not be worth the effort to code such an optional setting. @FreagarachoWould it be complex? PS and OT: I cannot delete that misplaced "o" letter when using the mobile (Android) Firefox browser, sorry.
  4. @Freagarach Does Petra account for e.g. a wonder of an enemy only when she really sees him, or can she "see" the opponents even if not yet encountered (i.e. "behind the scenes")? Does she know that an opponent is e.g. Iberian before its first real encounter?
  5. @dave_k @Stan` Should this info about the hostname and IP mentioned in the Wiki or maybe even in the game itself (as a tooltip)?
  6. So you opened the port for pyrogenesis.exe in Windows' firewall? Are there multiple entries for pyrogenesis.exe? If so, please allow connections to all of them to test it. You might later consider ticking them off again, if you feel insecure. I'm speaking about opening everything for 0ad, not just that port. One more thing you could try if you have a second PC or laptop also with 0ad in your local network (LAN): Can you host from one device and join from the other? Usually, this would trigger a Windows firewall message, asking you if you want to grant access permission (if you have not granted it already before). This would just check connectivity within your LAN. Finally, please check if your network is set in Windows to private or public, as depending on this, there might be different boxes to tick to grant the pyrogenesis.exe file permission to accept incoming traffic. Maybe you can also share the exact error message (if any) that comes along with your pproblem. You can also open the 0ad console (hit the ^° key in the top left corner of your keyboard - at least that's where I have it). There you might see some additional information you could share here.
  7. Specific types of terrains could slow down units considerably. However, this was discussed already, and to my recollection it is not easy (or currently impossible), because certain terrain like swaps are not distinguishable (programmatically). The devs here might correct me, if I'm wrong. But still, I like the idea to give specific types of terrain some impact on the gameplay.
  8. Then maybe ssh'ing into your machine might help, if sshd is running and you have another device, even a smartphone, as client. If I remember correctly, top or htop would be the tool to find the PID of the 0ad 'main' task to kill.
  9. And the LORD spake, saying, PS (for those who might not have recognized it): From the movie scene before the fight of the Knights of the Round Table (comprised of the hilarious Chapman, Cleese, Gilliam, Idle, Jones, Palin, and others) against the Rabbit of Caerbannog, in: Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
  10. Erm, maybe I'm just too dumb or lazy but do you have a patch number or something to look for? Else, I have no clue where that might be - Phab is quite large. Would it make sense to search for patches from you? Does your mod have a name? Like so? (I looked for "trample damage" and added you as author in the search query) https://code.wildfiregames.com/search/query/q4.aAyiFLdjO/#R
  11. @Yekaterina Since you are an experienced ArchLinux user (and I've stated with this/with EndeavourOS), can you please add a hint how this works on Arch? I followed instructions about the MagicKey but didn't see an effect. Sorry, I don't mean to hijack this thread for my own questions, but maybe this would help other Arch/Linux users, too.
  12. But that would kill all processes, rendering the system unstable, or wouldn't it? Switching to a different Linux console (Ctrl+Fx function key, if I remember correctly) should always work. EDIT:
  13. @Freagarach In case you have some code/ patch to share, please do. A nice Sunday to all of you!
  14. @wald Which OS? Do you use a firewall? If yes, is the port for 0ad open? (port 20595, protocol UDP) See also there with instructions for several routers: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Manual_SettingUpAGame#Settingupyournetwork
  15. Should this be fixed or changeable? In the game settings (only before a match) or in-game, too?
  16. Or (on user's choice) ungarrison units with 100% health or with highest rank (the latter, as units gain ranks when garrisoned). Or is this nonsense? @Stan` @wowgetoffyourcellphone @maroder @Yekaterina (just asking for more thoughts from further people, without any specific preferences )
  17. For people interested in using a GUI for SVN on Linux, I just installed RabbitVCS, i.e. the package with integration in Thunar (there are integrations available also for other Linux file explorers like Nautilus etc.). I had to install this first: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/thunarx-python/ Then this: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/rabbitvcs-thunar/ I created an empty folder '0ad' on my software-raid (2 SSDs) that is mounted under /run/media/<myusername>, right-clicked on that folder and selected 'RabbitVCS SVN => Checkout...', and put 'https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/' into the URL field (see also 'Getting the code'). The rest is quite self-explanatory. Further instructions etc. are available for Windows users but should be applicable for Linux users as well:
  18. Fortunately, 0ad already runs with 2 GB. I patiently (more or less ) wait for the ordered SO-DIMMS (yeah, old stuff, but ok) to arrive.
  19. Pamac is a GUI for pacman, but I don't really need it (was just an example), as I'm confident in using pacman on CLI. BTW, doesn't yay not also work for ArchLinux repo (and Aur)? With regard to the desktop environment, I'll stick to xfce, as it's extremely performant even on my old PC with (at the moment) only 2 GB RAM. KDE is (to my recollection of several years ago) too much cluttered with too many settings possibilities and drawing on the resources, but maybe this has changed since then. For the time being, I'm quite happy with EnOS (thanks a lot to you for pointing it out in the beginning, besides pure ArchLinux!) and will set everything up, so I can test 0ad from svn etc. I'm typing this from Firefox 92.0.1, which I find cool as with Debian I was always used to live with some older v78 LTS of Firefox. Cheers!
  20. Yes, that's a good point. Indeed SSDs are faster. I'll try to change this as you suggested. Thank you. I told the installer to use neither a swap nor a swap-with-hibernation partition, but to use a swap file. My understanding is that this has some (performance) advantages. However, I now wonder if it is really in use and how to check it. Another topic for me is the many different flavours of a same package, e.g. pamac (a GUI for pacman). How would I know which one to use (-all, -all-git, -aur, -aur-git) and which of the following selections (1, 2, 3) is good for me? $ yay -S pamac-all :: There are 3 providers available for xdg-desktop-portal-impl: :: Repositoryextra 1) xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 2) xdg-desktop-portal-kde :: Repositorycommunity 3) xdg-desktop-portal-wlr Enter a number (default=1): ^C $ $ yay -S pamac-all-git :: There are 3 providers available for xdg-desktop-portal-impl: :: Repositoryextra 1) xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 2) xdg-desktop-portal-kde :: Repositorycommunity 3) xdg-desktop-portal-wlr Enter a number (default=1): ^C $ $ yay -S pamac-aur :: There are 2 providers available for pamac-aur: :: Repository AUR 1) pamac-aur 2) pamac-classic Enter a number (default=1): ^C $ $ yay -S pamac-aur-git :: There are 2 providers available for libpamac>=11.1.0beta: :: Repository AUR 1) libpamac 2) libpamac-aur I understand that the 0 A.D. forum might not be the ideal spot to ask these many EnOS/ArchLinux/AUR-related questions.
  21. Do you use the svn version as a "daily gamer" or rather for testing stuff? I ask, because with svn I had (in the past, on a Debian system) the problem with non-cached gfx etc. I did not understand all of it but assume that 0ad from svn is maybe not as performant as a release (besides other issues that come along with "bleeding edge" stuff). @Stan` If I want to play vs. other at home who have a25 (not svn) running, should/can I nevertheless use svn, or rather a release? (most important for me would be performance)
  22. See there: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/57519-first-steps-with-endeavouros-and-a-bit-archlinux-and-beyond Skip the first posts from me, as many of them describe how I utterly failed at the beginning. But further down comes the success story.
  23. Oh my, this was a steep learning curve for me. Now it's up and running. Here's what I did: I disconnected the 2 SSDs and only kept the 1 HDD connected. I also reordered (for good measure) the SATA ports to which the drives are connected (SSDs reconnected after EnOS installation), i.e. the HDD to SATA0, the 2 SSDs to SATA1 and SATA2 (it was the other way around first, but I don't know if it makes a difference). Furthermore, I went to the Intel BIOS settings => Advanced => Drig Config => Configure SATA as: AHCI and => Boot => UEFI boot: Enable (yes, UEFI enabled). Then I booted with the thumbdrive (32 GB USB stick) that contains the EnOS image and started the installer (with non-free Nvidia drivers selected). As only the HDD was connected, the following steps were easy, i.e. I selected this drive, enabled a swap file, and selected btrfs as file system. There was no question about where to store a bootloader etc. After the installation successfully completed, I shut EnOS down, switched the PC off, and reconnected the 2 SSDs. Then I restarted EnOS. Via the partition manager (gparted), I can now format the 2 SSDs and will try if I can make a software raid0 (striped) of them. I know that this thread might be a bit boring for many (please ignore it in that case) and maybe of interest for just very few users (then I'm happy). To be continued... PS: I renamed this thread, as it now seems to be more EndeavourOS-related.
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