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Gurken Khan

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Everything posted by Gurken Khan

  1. Yeah, my bad. Just now saw the path of thread...
  2. Hm. So the first is about the start menu folder and the second about the desktop? Maybe I just got "shortcut"...
  3. gl hf! No. Because I seem to have mis-remembered it. After going through all the necessary steps I didn't get a crash but an adequate popup. That's how it should work, maybe that's part of the progress of a26! All my settings were lost in the process, but neither did I reinstate them at every step nor do I care.
  4. I think there's something funny regarding installation and shortcuts: when I start to install there's a checkbox to not create shortcuts and at the end of install there's another checkbox to create a shortcut; I think the latter shouldn't be there.
  5. Nice catch. I had one mod ("cute flags") that made the game crash when I started with a26 RC1 but I could disable it from the mods screen. I wish just like the game uses a new saves folder with a new version it would also use a new mods folder. I really see no reason why it wouldn't; when I uninstall the old version and install a new version I don't really know why so much old stuff is carried over. I guess it's nice for the custom settings, but everything else should be ditched (especially stuff that is known to cause problems in a new version, like mods...). @ulla Instead of editing your cfg I guess you could also just delete all mods except "public" in your mods folder.
  6. Hi @ulla, welcome to the forums. Do you have antivir running? If so add an exception for 0AD (.exe/folder). Are you on Windows? If it's not the antivir maybe zip and upload your complete logs folder. HTH
  7. Yeah. I cancelled my previous draft of a reply, because I didn't know what "Name" is supposed to mean. Personally, I'd expect to see a "Name" like "Delenda Est" and maybe a version number. Why would I want something like a label or a path?
  8. As much as I like that shrub doesn't block construction any more, would it be possible to indicate the shrub being erased? For example when I want to place a storehouse as close as possible to wood but don't necessarily want to erase wood I could gather. Maybe it could be tinted red; with the building preview being white on top I think it would be visually readable.
  9. Well, we got the Gauls and the Britons. Bronze Age is too early for our scope, although I don't know if there's maybe a mod. (But generally, the earlier the time period, the less sources are available; which of course isn't good for a game based on history.)
  10. Hola Lucas, no hablo español. If you're playing against AI you can select a lower difficulty in the Match Setup. If your main problem is siege try to destroy them with blades; swordsmen, sword cav, or even women with their daggers.
  11. Ah. Wasn't aware that another UI would change the stuff that is on screen.
  12. Can you upload gif/avi? I want to see the blinking effects.
  13. I share that assumption. Judging by the last two comments a lot of people seem to not look too much at the title screen.
  14. I guess. If other civs aren't supposed to have an Imperial Court then they shouldn't be able to convert a captured Han CC into one.
  15. Should they? I doubt it makes much sense that I can turn a captured Han CC into an Imperial Court.
  16. @Freagarach lol, yeah it's hard to be that cool!
  17. Reminds me: the tooltip for the arsenal still has "Train Champion Infantry Crossbowman" regardless what civ you're playing; I think it should only say than when playing mace.
  18. A while ago my a25b was dead; once it worked, then it didn't. I strongly suspect the Epic Games Launcher to be the culprit; apart from regular updates that was the only change to my system and the EGL feels like an overall piece of sheeet. I simply turned it off and on again un-installed 0AD and then re-installed it and it worked again. So no cry for help, I didn't even look at the files, but since I had them I thought maybe some of you might be curious. cheers logs300522.zip
  19. OK, I don't wanna edit the above post to death. Let me start this post off by saying that I generally enjoy the a26 version! One of the things I noticed was the unit icons; did they all get an overhaul? Anyway, I think they look really nice. Thanks to everyone working on this version, and specifically to the person(s) doing those icons. On to the next "complaint": Y no flag? @Langbart
  20. I thought I saw something being done about the worker's elephant problem to enter the CC from the corner; unfortunately it's still an issue. savegame-0987.0adsave I had that issue before the save and on reloading it persisted. Also I have the feeling that since RC1 garrisoning/ungarrisoning sometimes messes with the units' stances. I noticed it then with Ministers and the ministry, and earlier in my current game the ele came out of the temple being aggressive (which doesn't make sense, I believe I had it on standground); haven't been able to reproduce, I'll see if I can catch it again. Edit: The worker ele lacks an acknowledging sound when ordered to build; if I have it selected together with inf they also won't make a sound when being ordered to build.
  21. Were you ever able to save a game? Or is the \saves folder empty? If not, try to delete any saves as @Stan` suggested above. If there's a corrupt save, the game will crash on trying to load and trying to save.
  22. Try blades. Swordsmen, sword cav, in dire need even women with their daggers.
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