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Posts posted by Feldfeld

  1. 17 minutes ago, BeTe said:

    I do, but that's not long-term solution IMHO.

    And it's still not properly balanced, even food which should be balanced in Mainland Balanced, right? Check my tournament match with `rm -rf`: 

     I had much more hunt in CC range and it was near cherries so I could build 1 Farmstead and reach 3 food resources easily. I think I didn't use it properly - some better player would quickly stomp opponent. 

    I guess if players are near to equal in skills, these balance will decide game actually, especially on high level.

    Your additional hunt was compensated by his additional berry patch. And the position of your hunt relative to your starting berry near CC is irrelevant because it is worth it to build a farmstead at a hunt location anyway. If you don't the hunt food collection will be way slower. It's a tradeoff but it's never bad to build a farmstead anyway. All features of my berry patch / hunt generation are something I wanted. Resource diversity while being balanced at the end.

    The only thing I didn't balance about food are the straggler berry tree. Imbalances with this could happen although rare and it is rarely relevant.


    • Like 1
  2. The last match has been played, we can now start the 2nd round! Standings are here as always: https://challonge.com/sv36zmko/standings

    But first I have an announcement: the new version of feldmap (0.2.1) has been signed! It is now available on mod.io. This new version drops the quite imbalanced Nubia biome, so now we can drop the previous convoluted biome rules, and back to simply a random biome setting. Note: if you previously installed feldmap manually and wish to update through mod.io, I recommend you first delete the mod to avoid bad surprises.


    Round 2 matches:

    @ValihrAnt vs @Edwarf
    @Feldfeld vs @LetswaveaBook
    @Player of 0AD vs @Dakara
    @MarcusAureliu#s vs @Philip the Swaggerless
    @borg- vs @chocapoca
    @rm -rf vs @BeTe
    @alre vs @seeh

    The deadline for this round is Wednesday 23, 23:59 UTC. If all matches are finished sooner we could try to get closer to the original schedule but that's not a priority.

    Please try to organize your match as soon as possible using forum private messaging! Beware of timezone differences.

    Please message me personally if your opponent doesn't answer you after 2-3 days.


    EDIT: I see there is a new Community Mod version released, please update and use it for this round!

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 2
  3. 6 hours ago, seeh said:

    I guess I activated community-maps accidentally this time. and thought it would be community-mod. waveABook told me that he canct connect (idk reason, was not told), so i disabled it. yeah. next it will be community-mod. i will check it more strict :)  BTW I have to turn it on and off very often because it's too complicated for many new players

    If he couldn't connect to your original game yet without changing anything could connect to your new game, it looks like at the very least he didn't have the community mod.

  4. 13 minutes ago, BeTe said:

    Wait what? Lower range - more damage? Is that b/c of missed arrows? I wasn't aware of that...

    No, I meant that slingers have lower range but higher pierce damage than archers in their template, and skirmishers have lower range but higher pierce damage than slingers.

    Edit: In other words, if you are using skirmishers unit it's probably wise to have more melee infantry in your army than if you were using archers

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, BeTe said:

    Somewhere in balancing discussions I have read that current meta is kind of spamming ranged units... Obviously, I misunderstood something...

    What's the best ratio ?  1:1 , 2:1 or 3:1 for ranged?

    Meat shield is important too. Personally something close to 2:1 - 3:1 for ranged should be good. There is probably a wide range of working ratio, especially if you can afford to retreat if your meatshield is done but the enemy is still going good. I'd argue that the closer your ranged units is to the skirmisher line (low range high damage), the closer you will be to a 1:1 ratio. Meanwhile archers can afford to have a more imbalanced ratio.

    Mixing the type of ranged units can also be good btw.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  6. 25 minutes ago, BeTe said:

    Anyone has time and will to check again, please? :)

    I had equal number of Javeliners 16 pierce (+some P1 upgrades+2x towers) vs slingers ~11 pierce and I lost significantly. Is it about formation or what?

    bete-eskro.zip 176 kB · 1 download

    Not enough spearmen, it doesn't matter that your units do more damage if the enemy can just attack your ranged units with much fewer overkill.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 17 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

    For example, there is confusion right now on whether women and men construct buildings at the same rate. I don’t know the answer. But confusion exists, and if there is a difference it should be disclosed. Having hidden stats isn’t a fun Easter egg, especially when players don’t know differences exists. We should either eliminate the differences or disclose/quantify the differences. 

    That is not hard to verify, each building has a set build time, so you can start a building with one unit and check that the announced build time is consistent with the tooltip.

    Personally I think it's fine not to show unimportant stats like acceleration or prepare time. You can easily have a feeling for it. I never checked prepare time of units and play by feeling, and, for acceleration I barely felt an effect from last alpha (though it's probably due to me being inactive before).
    For precision however, I think it's quite important, also this stat can dynamically change from promotion and technologies.

    • Like 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, ChronA said:

    Unlikely it would cause any noticeable difference with respect to <Accuracy>. The Law of Large Numbers applies because, even with a reduced rate-of-fire, you are still flinging hundreds of projectiles over the course of a typical battle. That is more than a large enough sample size to push the tendency very close to the theoretical expectation.

    In intuitive terms, yes misses would be a bigger lost opportunity, but the projectiles that do hit balance it out by having a proportionately larger punch that almost exactly makes up for the damage that is lost.

    Plus, I don't think the threshold of "game breaking chaos" is nearly as sensitive as this objection makes it out to be. There are a bunch of really unpredictable factors in 0 AD's combat already: e.g. not being able to tell how many units are in an enemy formation due to the obscene model overlap, or the way that promotions can randomly change a few lucky units' stats on the fly. Despite this, I don't hear anyone complaining that the combat gameplay is unskillful.

    Well, technically, there are large battles, but there are also small skirmishes which could be very important early game.

    The game should be balanced such that a good player wouldn't need to rely/ be forced to be in a position where randomness decides the game. AoE2 has imperfect accuracy early game, and even monk RNG which is definitely questionable and can decide some games but in the end it stays because only rarely it makes a difference (for example map RNG would be just as if not more important).
    I'd say we need to tune this so accuracy RNG doesn't have too much impact in fights, and small skirmishes should be predictable up to a reasonably good level for a good player (they are currently, I don't know if/how it would change with reduced rate of fire).

  9. 22 minutes ago, LienRag said:

    We really need also a stance for Citizens (soldiers or not) "Do what you are fracking told to do please thank you".

    I'm sick of ordering a bunch of CS to build a palisade or to repair a tower and having to keep selecting them and clicking back to the the building because they keep trying instead to capture a lone tower that is mildly firing at them, and this whatever the stance I put them in.

    If we have a morale system I could understand that troops would not accept to work under enemy fire, but we don't, so there should be a way to have them do what they're told.

    I think the "Stand Ground" (not sure if this exact name, can't check game now) will have your units ignore tower fire, but it might not be convenient for fighting afterward so be careful.

    • Like 1
  10. 29 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    Would players of the community mod be interested in a branch to lengthen attack repeat times? Buildings and ranged units could in theory all have slower repeat times which decreases the number of range queries and other calculations needed per second. We could then assess the improvement on performance in TGs. I would design it to minimize any effects on balance.

    I guess I would first test it on my own to see if there is an improvement before making a merge request.

    I made a similar suggestion here:


    On 02/11/2022 at 8:53 PM, Feldfeld said:

    Instead of fine tuning stuff like this, I'd be more interested in some more radical changes, such as for example straight up halving the attack rate of all ranged units (so reducing their DPS by that much), accompanied by a melee cav nerf. That could rehabilate melee infantry and maybe champions as well. Experiment, bring new units to the light, try to reach a new balance.

    except I intended for it to be a straight nerf to ranged units + a rebalance of a few other units. If I make a merge request with that i'll do some experimentation myself to avoid starting with huge imbalances.

    If you want to lengthen repeat times and minimize effect on balance, from my understanding this would result in even higher damage for ranged units to keep DPS. Personally not fond of such high damage values though it could always be tried.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. The second edition of 0 A.D. Friendly Tournament Series has started! Here is the list of players:

    ValihrAnt (2345)
    Feldfeld (2201)
    borg- (2169)
    weirdJokes (1913)
    Edwarf (1861)
    LetswaveaBook (1815)
    Dakara (1778)
    PhiliptheSwaggerless (1642)
    011235813 (1598)
    MarcAurel (1547)
    alre (1500)
    chocapoca (1493)
    seeh (1150)
    Bete (1108)


    The tournament has a swiss format. You can follow the tournament in challonge https://challonge.com/sv36zmko
    We have the pairings for the first round:

    @ValihrAnt vs @Philip the Swaggerless
    @Feldfeld vs @rm -rf
    @borg- vs @MarcusAureliu#s
    @Player of 0AD vs @alre
    @Edwarf vs @chocapoca
    @LetswaveaBook vs @seeh
    @Dakara vs @BeTe


    The deadline for the first round is Sunday 13, 23:59 UTC

    Please try to organize your match as soon as possible using forum private messaging! Beware of timezone differences.

    Once the match is over, please announce the result in this thread (possibly hiding it in spoiler) and provide the replay.

    Please message me personally if your opponent doesn't answer you after 2-3 days.

    You will find the precise game settings in the first post of the thread. Verify them before readying up in the lobby.

    • Like 1
  12. There is a small change in the rules.

    I have seen quite a lot of evidence of the wood generation in Nubia biome being sometimes very imbalanced, with some games where a player starts with no forest in his territory. Game 3 of previous edition between me and Valihrant was restarted because of this reason.

    As of right now I don't have the time to program a proper balanced wood generation.

    As such, I submitted a new version of feldmap removing this biome to mod.io, but I do not expect it to be signed before the start of the tournament, which means it won't be available for download. So for now, we stick in the current version of feldmap, I do not want to confuse players with having to manual download, so manual download is not available.

    Instead, there are new rules for biome selection:
    - the biome for the matches should be random
    - if it turns out "Nubia" is chosen, one player may call a restart (please do so before one minute of gametime)
    - if a game was restarted because of this reason, one player may force to select "Temperate" biome for next game.
    If you are not sure if a biome is "Nubia", you can pause the game and check the "Objectives" window, the biome is written in there.


    On another note, we have enough players to have a swiss system. I will still host it on challonge as it looks like it handles it just fine.

    If you don't know how the swiss system works, you may research it on the internet.

    I set the first tiebreaker to be the Median-Bucholz, and the next tiebreaker to be wins against tied opponents. https://kb.challonge.com/en/article/rank-and-tie-break-statistics-1p5f7y4/

    Players will be seeded using their ratings.

    You may see a preview of the tournament here: https://challonge.com/sv36zmko/standings of course, registrations are still open. Here I did the seedings from memory but when registrations close I will check players ratings and make final seedings.

    If the number of participants is odd, one player will receive a Bye (free win) each round. Normally it's the player lowest in standings that didn't receive a Bye who gets it.

    Unfortunately, challonge doesn't offer a column indicating player elo in the standings as far as I know. You may tell me if you want to see the ratings right next to player nickname (like we see in a game lobby in 0 A.D.). If someone wants to make a custom template for 0 A.D. swiss tournaments they may contact me.

    • Like 4
  13. 17 minutes ago, chocapoca said:

    Hi Feldfeld my dear friend, i'm humbly the best player of 0 A.D. so je vais continuer en français mais j'aimerais bien participer à l'édition 2 !


    Bien cordialement signé chocapoccaaaaAAAaaAaAaAaaa

    Bien reçu mon cher

    16 minutes ago, Edwarf said:

    Hi i can play if there is players missing

    There is no missing player but there is no limit to the number of players, so i'll happily register you

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  14. As the first round of my tournament starts next Monday, it could be nice if the proposals that received support could be merged like @real_tabasco_sauce said:


    On 29/10/2022 at 5:30 PM, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    I think we have enough votes to conclude that the ram change and the ptolemy, Iphicrates nerfs do not have enough support.

    @wraitii does a November 1 release of the next version sound feasible/ideal? Seems like the second round of the tournament will happen soon, so it would be nice to release in time.

    since they are not going to change anyway and we should target regular enough releases imo @wraitii

    Also I still am interesting in having merging rights in the gitlab repo, I could make an account if that is accepted (though it would be not be relevant in current situation since I want a release xd)

  15. About chicken rushes in team games, I agree that in the case of one team having an imbalanced line-up like 1800 + 1300s, if the all-in is well executed it could be possible to slow down the 1800 at the price of slowing down even more a lower rated player and therefore winning the game. However, the chicken rush is not the only way to do it, for example a 2v1 rush could do it well and is not new.

    I have not seen enough TGs to see if it is a problem. One all-in strategy was done against me this alpha but it was using ranged inf CS not cav, and was unsuccessful. It is tricky because if the defender gets even a 20 pop advantage early on against his adversary that can easily snowball to victory without the pocket's situation being relevant.

    If the chicken rush really is a problem in TGs, then a 2min or 3min ceasefire could do the trick. Also having teammates sending resources could help a lot, as you could safely build your forces without being slow down too much.

    • Like 3
  16. I will also add that, for now I don't really see a point in doing a (significant enough) cavalry nerf. At the end of the day, infantry is still hugely useful in 1v1 and in team games as well, a transition to cavalry if not well timed can just lead to being overrun by infantry. For the current state I only see a small damage nerf to skirm cav to be interesting.

    I'd consider the gameplay of mostly ranged infantry CS to be worse. There is not even an attempt in transitioning away from a unit we make from the beginning of the game.

    Instead of fine tuning stuff like this, I'd be more interested in some more radical changes, such as for example straight up halving the attack rate of all ranged units (so reducing their DPS by that much), accompanied by a melee cav nerf. That could rehabilate melee infantry and maybe champions as well. Experiment, bring new units to the light, try to reach a new balance.

    • Like 8
  17. 16 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

    I guess it is fine in 1v1s which I understand is where your exerience lies. I guess you would expect something like this and prepare some infantry/cav or maybe other preparation already like @Feldfeld said. So OP.

    For now I'm claiming to be able to deal with it without preparation, only by scouting and adapting. I would take the issue more seriously if I needed to alter my build just because of the possibility of a rush, but right now it's not the case. That said I still didn't play a lot this alpha so if anyone wants to challenge me and try to prove me wrong i'd be happy to play some 1v1s so we have more data about this strategy. Only problem is I'm not very active in lobby :D

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, chrstgtr said:

    You're just too OP. 

    Else perhaps lower rated players could take some reference on how to beat the chicken strategy.

    From my experience, the best way on how to play against it is scouting it, then if there are more cav coming than you can fight, just take all woodcutters back to the CC to take straggler trees. You should have still a way better eco than your opponent so then you can build numbers of men who can fight, and go out when ready. Counterattacking can also be effective in that situation although it requires some technique.

    • Like 2
  19. I have not seen evidence of cav domination in 1v1s. My first 3 games against ValihrAnt this alpha were victories from me after he committed to making more cavalry than me, resulting in myself having eco advantage. I played 3 games against vinme where he was trying to make a point about hunt biomes supposedly forcing games to be about making more and more cav, only for me to win by making (way) fewer cav and focusing on defense.

    Of all 1v1s I played this alpha, I only ever lost once to an opponent making a lot of cav early on, and that only was because I was taken by surprise from my own mistake.

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