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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. Yep, they were the old armature so they weren't usefull
  2. Will take a look tmw, today i spent the day looking new procedural materials tutorials.
  3. @wowgetoffyourcellphone can you confirm this is working both in svn and your mod?
  4. Thanks for the testing as always @gameboy this bug was weird to me because i didn't named the files fisherman_x so i had to look where it was being called the old armature animations. It was the "Base" fisherman variant in the biped/fisherman folder i took this opportunity to remove from the game the old bodies and actors of the fishermans too.
  5. You can use them, by appending. (i use intel HD Graphics be sure to update your drivers) but with the DxDiag i can see the graphic chipset of your processor is too low for 2.80
  6. @wackyserious Do you imagine any use if i bake a whole 512x512 or 1024x1024 texture of scales?
  7. Yeah i saw that after the bake but it takes 30 mins per baje (Normal/diffuse) so i leaved it as it is . 3 Test following references for scale chamfron/armor: First normal bake was wrong (forgot to change Y to -Y). Persian winged: Sele Chamfron: And persian Bactrian cavalry:
  8. Any request before i close for a while the animation and start baking again ?
  9. Perfect then! that clearifes my doubt about it. Rotated the hand a lil bit and used the "fingers" to hold the arrow and rope.. or at least simulate that:
  10. @Nescio have you consider adding as upgrade for towers, fortress a technology wich increases the fired arrow amount half or similar to having garrisoned archers inside, but this as the cost of half of the archer cost but also adding population cost to the formula.
  11. @Bigtiger in case you have levy infantry, i've made some animations of spear whitout shield different to pikeman and they are in the SVN repository. However as attack i leaved the pikeman attack.
  12. Here a test ingame of a persian cataphract following this reference: Cataphract: Texture for now is 1024, but will be rezised.
  13. Here a test done combining the aspis material + scales:
  14. Following this tutorial i have recreated the scale material easier to use with another material: Here a look: The material is controled by this "simple" node group: Color can be used as one or if want imperfection use both. "Tamaño de Escamas"; Traduced as "Scale Size". "Separación Intermedia"; This is handle the middle separation between scales. This little dot is the separation: Value 1: The little dot is in the middle of the scale. Value 0: the dot goes up to the middle section of the scale. (i've increased the dot size to be visible) 3. "Tamaño de Separación"; Traduced as "Size of separation". This one handles the lil dot size: Value 1: Looks like a chainmal! Value 0: No dot. 4. And last the Scale border (Borde de Escamas); This soften the scale edge: Blendfile: Will be uploaded later when my internet goes stable.
  15. Could tweak the hoplite stand then. About archer: Step by Step: Prepare Aim: Before: Right hand Floating shield floating. Having to twist the hand every shoot isn't very confortable: If I left it right as it was, you can see the clipping while the hand is not resting in the bow rope wich in a ready state is the more logical position If im ready to shoot i have to hold arrow and bow ready to raise my arm stretch and loose: What you are looking isn't a more "closer" hand but more raised. if i left it in the same height distance i have to stretch right arm to reach the bow rope wich also make its unrealistic and inhuman: And if i move a lil bit the shoulder to reach the bow, still is very unconfortable: So the real difference is: We have better bows and animations wasn't done having in mind a proper working bow. We have shields resting in the forearm or "shieldarm" instead of floating away from the shieldarm. Thats the downside of animating whitout the proper assets adjusted to real measures or having a support like the aspis handgrip.
  16. Step 1: Have a pc... Joke, select by color. Step 2: Ctrl + I for invert selection from alpha to the whole letter (Fast way if they are multiple colors) Step 3: Filters > Light and Shadows > Xach Effect: Here the values;
  17. i would say the _m is irrelevant for now, when turret is applied i can imagine folders will have just a horse_x horse_y horse_z instead of cavalry. being logical the proper way would be rename horse_javelinist_x instead of cavalry_javelinist_m and leave cavalry as the rider. but again having to update it again when turret is implemented makes it irrelevant the best way would be the "after" update, i know a program (Advanced Renamer) wich can rename the whole files easily removing sufix or prefix and also know how to rename all the template files removing _m with notepad if that is the case.
  18. Another issue constraits should be in vertex groups? i mean, i haven't thought about that properly, but vertex groups aren't supposedly to be just the deformation bones and not the prop/constraits bones? May i ask you a favor? I don't remember the way of importing old armatures and animations to new blender and i want to have the elephant animations (all of them) so i can redo the same animation and the same movement of the elephant bodies while improving a bit the geometry of the elephant keeping the same uv (mostly for avoid rotation bones look stiff) and fix once for all the 3 Bugs; Elephant not having a blend.file > The bug i have while using gpuskinning > Elephant riders animations done in proper way. Can you import the animations to blender? doesn't matter if the armature breaks i just need the motion for recreate them.
  19. weird, im sure i've re-exported all bodie meshes. Some of the spearman aren't found in the action list thats what i meant with some animations. I knew rome ballista have another animations but didn't found it in my drive so that one is missing in my house also.
  20. I meant to say, i couldn't upload it. i gave up and start to look youtube (Armies and Tactics: Roman Polybian Legion and Triplex Acies) and see what i can excavenge from there and started to animate idle poses:
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