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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by Alexandermb

  1. Again, the "noise" is the procedural material of metal i've use for bake the "metal" like textures, because baking whitout any noise at all will look just like a plain plastic texture not in preparation of a feature "i want" i've already seen the whole bake, because i don't just do the firtst bake i see, i do several bakes looking wich one doesn't look dull and blurry. Before the textures being 128 doesn't even have any detail and no one could say if a helmet had bronze rivots or if it was just a cap: A shield i can't really say what im looking with this, unless i have the proper knowledge of what is behind and aspis or how it looks and aspis handgrip I can't really tell if the right side shields are a shield or just a bread slice if they wouldn't have the theban club painted: Here they are at a "gameplay" distance, don't see the noise from here But here, in the left side shield i can see the whole "noise" with that outdated texture wich didn't have any detail in mind besides the pattern and the player color plus the way too low resolution for an asset in this time, while back in those days it was "standard". having the shield in 512 was just a mistake of mine because props should be 256, thats the amount of files i've handle every time wich i don't always remember wich ones were resized or if they would have been resized, but that doesn't mean having 512 texture for assets is bad just because they won't be seen in "gameplay" perspective. Minerals aren't just a shiny glassy looking material whitout imperfections in fact imperfections make the texture have the realism: Perfectly handle dand polished materials aren't accurate, they are just hollywood look. a helmet used in battle would be dirtier and filled with scratches same goes to aspis, same goes to greaves, they would have mud, dirt, dust, scratches, creases, blunts. wish i had a perfect material with all those details mixed but that require me to work for weeks in a material with a proper computer where i could preview the material every second and not every 2 hours. And yes, for a new player lover of art, andwich properly appreciate the assets of any games they will be like: "Oh let me pause the game for a second to Appreciate this Helmet, This Horse, this Tree, this Sword, this Sheath, this Bodie Texture" otherwise there wouldn't be modders at all like the ones in the skyrim community wich turned the game 1000000 times better than the actual developers, because they had vision, and they wanted to improve with their vision the artistical assets because they took the time to stop and look a prop and think: Mmmh this could be better if i do something. Same would happen to 0.A.D. maybe not tomorrow, maybe not today. But maybe after alpha 24 release wich have the greatest art improvements from flora to props, Maybe this will call the attention of a new artist or a new dev saying "im interesting on how it is looking this game, i will take a closer look" As an artist i consider what is best graphical speaking for the game, because the community of player will accept what is given and if not, feedback will be taken into account and will prob do something about. This is like a restaurant, if someone would ask something new, they wouldn't give the same dish from any other restaurant, they will give the best they can. Same goes to 0.A.D. if the oportunity of giving the best graphic is given why would be refused just because 1 player is used to look the game as it always gonna have the same look? Thinking "it works now" is giving up on "it could work better", same case would be if the game is finished with pathfinder with 0 lag and devs think, this is it, this is done, no more work will be done from this point. What about Navmesh? What about implementing physics to walls and capes? What about adding ship boarding? But as my point of view, giving an alpha with lets use an example "ray traicing" gives a good impact, why it would care the opinion of 1-10 players against 1000?. Same case applies to reflections on helmets and shields, same goes to instancing. If some dev wishes to implement it even as a toggleable option, and it gives a good impact would i ask ? Nah, the game works now, why i would implement that if the game works just like this. Games works perfectly whitout antialias, but someday a guy wished to implement it and was working on it and now its gone i belive. Would i say Nah, its really needed in an RTS Game when i played AoE 2 and Empire Earth i didn't had Antialias and never enabled it because my pc wasn't good enough, why should the game and the community would want Antialias because i don't want it. Maybe one day, standard resolution for games would be even for low end pcs 1024p and we will end having with outdated textures again.
  2. Following that logic why would i've update horses, ships, helmets and any asset if we already had them? we are an RTS we already had the assets we just need to focus on performance but im not a programmer. So let just sit on the "throne" and let other RTS go above 0.A.D. The king AoE 2 DE is coming wich will take out some of the community surely but probably will return later when they get bored of the same formula over and over. Warcraft 3 Reforged will take also another piece of the community but this one is bigger since this have a bigger community and also modders. Really don't know why always reach the same question or the same spot of "Why would we need this? we are just an RTS for low end pcs" when there are tons of games with art ready assets and finished with proper mechanichs with their unique features, "People don't zoom often" People do zoom often if they have a reason to, just like every1 does in Total War saga, their assets, their units, their animations, their models, their real scale size buildings and siege artillery, their stunishing "dirty" assets: Since i have my own thoughts in my country i wondered "Why i would be satisfied with this when it could be better?" the real question is; Why would i stop here with this when it could be way better? Why stop the assets just with 512 textures if we could have an option to toggle texture quality from 128 to 2048 even if we are just an RTS. if it doesnt add a huge performance impact and if we could have an option to disable it, then why not add it? The game should focus on both communities, Low End and High End even when most of the community is low end. If i would have feel satisfied with the game in the current state, cavalry would still be the first meshes, helmets would still be the same, shields would be the same 128x128 blurried whitout details and just a paint over because that was the objective in those days. Don't get this as a rude answer, but thats my feeling as an artist whitout proper resources to work with, and as a player wich looks to the future of the game bored of playing a game over and over and over with the same formula, looking for something i could modify not only to satisfy my needs but also the ones of the community if possible. If i had a better pc or if my country would be in a better state i've probably will be playing Monster Hunter World, Assassins Creed Odisey, Final Fantasy XV, Bloodborne, Dark souls 3, Phantom Pain (Again) Resident Evil 2, Biohazard, The Evil Within 2, Rome total War 2 (Yes i can't play this) Total Warhammer 2, Total War Attila properly. i would spent my free time playing another huge game because this one doesn't really tie me at this stage. i've barely play and spent most of the time looking what i can improve from the art assets until others can fix the performance, until others implement a more realistic and immersive perspective of the game for play, maybe the city like mods being developed or the survival mod angen worked before, but at this moment i would spent my time playing AoE 2 DE if i wouldn't like mod the game. But again, this isn't a rude answer, this is just my feeling each time i've read "why would we need this if we are just an RTS?"
  3. Cubemaps in skyrim: add faked reflections to the object and gives a polished look like mixing very well with dirtier textures for don't make it look like a glass. Having that in 0.A.D. as a 4th texture would give to the bronze, Silver, Iron, Gold and every metal surface you imagine Aspis, Helmets, Chamfrons, Armors the shiny effect wich overrides the texture.
  4. The texture don't have noise this time (only in the ear zone wich is mostly because of the bake itself not by me) every texture is 1024 and with default bake, the gray zones are the material itself wich is supposed to be like that, otherwise the bake will look dull and pretty much ugly. The texture won't need the material if we could use something like skyrim does with cubemaps or reflections. The reflection will override most of the texture and will look pretty much polished and brilliant, and the gray (dirt) zone will give the effect of material (otherwise will look like glass). In other words if i remove "noise" helmet will look Pure white, already gone throught that.
  5. And type I (same type H but bronze as reference is pretty much similar)
  6. Baked a whole new gallic type B H F helmets, working with the mask: Helmets: This is the old one ive did before:
  7. Do they have an special helmet i could do for them for attach the mask properly?
  8. For helmets @wowgetoffyourcellphone this may be suittable for your mod i belive thought none of the helmets were made having this one in mind before.
  9. Haven't finished yet with helmets , (Neither with animations but i want to clear my mind a lil bit before continuing if stan manages to export elehpants animations back to blender). I've got this from the art repo units/concep_Art: The name of the file says "Bactrian_lancer_ult_Fin" plus the reference itself: @Sundiata would it be possible to have another hair like texture like the one you did for the horses, but this time i 512x128 for long hair whitout alpha space ? would work for have at least a better hair like shader for the plumes of every civ (and mabye crest) (For end with the reference):
  10. Hello 0.A.D. Community is time to give some love to persians due the recent changes to other civ assets, even when they have the most detailed cavalry assets, their infantry assets like helmets and shields are pretty much outdated. Its time for some persian love... Starting with the recent changes to chamfrons: And this new helmet (Missing Plume): Texture of the helmet is 1024 for have a cleaner bake due the amount of detail: Plus the new neckguard, Thought the iron bake went a lil bit darker than supposed to be. If any1 find references for the conical helmets, feel free to post'em here it would help me to properly find their conical helmets.
  11. By shuttle speed you mean when they carry resources or standard speed every time?
  12. In balance terms thats bug exploit of a broken balance , but no one complains about that because no one really compare or notice walking speed.
  13. He said is feel more realistic now: Is more weird a villager to Zoom all over the map, Stamina should really be implemented to nerf this kinda of "zoom" infantry, making walk as a proper human. Walking would be the default and toggle run would make infantry drain stamina making skirmisher drain stamina slower than a hoplite or pikeman. Also is kinda broken compared to the resource gathering thing i've mentioned before, having 100 gathereres skirmishers are way better than 100 hoplites.
  14. Yes, they now use running instead of "jog" for have a more human-speed realistic animation.
  15. No idea, but maybe we can apply the same we use for square formations (fill from center) wich distributes the less powerfull infantry to the middle.
  16. Continuing my experiment with the new wood material:
  17. Proposa: New formation! Can be considered as an special formation for persians sparabara + archers?
  18. Carefull with that, you can burn your video chipset and leave your motherboard useless (happend to my aunt pc's). Blend file of barrel: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L6GmEOG-HiuV_NE76ngIkrKT7YB3_h4P Editing normal map reducing opacity for have an inversed height in the cover:
  19. i leaved only syntagma to macedonians (the ones actually using it) didn't realized every civ has the formation enabled. I will commit a patch with every pikeman having syntagma variant files.
  20. Imagine how it would be having a GPU. I would experiment further if the preview was as fast as tutorials, they can previsualize every micro change in seconds while for me it takes minutes. Also baking the texture in 2k or 4k size gives even better results when resizing and a sharper look but that as other things require a proper GPU, at least a GTX 1000+. Cool that you have also a HD4000, maybe i can post a blender file just to press bake or F12 for Screen render like enrique's did in his tutorial for scales or wood if you want to experiment changing colors, scales, shapes etc.
  21. So i've spent most of the day doing this (because my pc is crappy and don't have gpu but just an Intel HD4000 and every render is 30 mins long and preview is 30 seconds per frame): Experimenting with my base material for helmets and ships, plus another tutorial i've watched + everything i've learned so far. A fully zipped material into this: And this is how it looks inside: A WHOLE DAY FOR A SINGLE BARREL! Yes, thats how much it takes for my pc to experiment with materials. Plus this i've baked for the persians: Missing if desired the lower player color zone:
  22. 1 can be done similar to javelin. 2. It would work if we have something to make the fishing ship attach to the croc or whale. Otherwise we will just have a choping water animation so at least for now not possible. 3. This could be done too.
  23. Thats how they work, they sill will spin around suddendly, also clicking twice the formation makes them take the proper position/animation. And looking DE tons of actors are just a copy of SVN
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