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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. The stone platform is under the terrain grid.
  2. I intend to include all of these civs at some point, even if it takes 10 years. I will of course need lots of help; no man is an island, Jack. * = Civ already in the mod, but mostly incomplete (unplayable or unselectable). ** = Civ already in the mod and mostly complete and playable. No star = Intend to include, but no assets in the mod yet (mercenaries don't count).
  3. Actor Viewer is to just view actors (such as soldiers) and their animations. It's not much more useful than that. It would be nice to edit an object's variations with that tool and then apply it to the selected object in-game, then at least Actor Viewer would be more useful. Might be out of scope though.
  4. Indeed, I think the community mod would be the place where you can be daring, since it's not the official release and can be easily reverted or refined. I'm not saying huge sweeping changes, but modifying a unit's role a bit, going for a 10% change instead of a more conservative 5% change, etc.
  5. Persian Shrine idea: Greek version of the shrine (already in-game):
  6. A model like this would make for a great Persian version of the Shrine structure.
  7. Not only can you turn this off, you can also set a hotkey to have both worlds. (in my setup, I can Alt-Shift to select units out of a formation).
  8. I believe it can be possible with the status effect feature (same feature as poison). @Freagarach @Stan`
  9. I like the "stickiness" feature in AOE4 (and Rome Total War), where if cav are hit by spearmen they temporarily lose aa small amount of speed. It's more pronounced in Rome Total War, which has more realistic simulation-mechanics, but it's also there in AOE4.
  10. My guess would be that an infantry speed buff has a lot of knock-on effects on the eco and such (one of the weaknesses of the citizen-soldier concept).
  11. Well, the geometric tiles could be removed and a nice tile-texture decal placed underneath instead. I'm not opposed to that.
  12. Shrinking them up would help with pathing, definitely. Right now the current Quinqueremes are awkward AF because of how ridiculously large they are.
  13. A Senate House would be cool. Evil Geese? Notsomuch. lol Yes to Extraordinarii swap.
  14. This here is what we are trying to imagine, but there are no images on the internet:
  15. I don't think there's any propaganda per se here regarding the equipment and role of the Skiritai. To what end? Just different interpretations.
  16. Good guess! It's actually a QR code that will take you to the modeler's OF.
  17. I've looked and I can't find anything. I think the description is pretty vivid though and rather simple to imagine. What do you think? @Obskiuras
  18. I'll throw out a mantra: Perfect is the enemy of the good. We can't have progress without a little risk.
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