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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Looks like a blockhouse kinda. Basically a small fort or big tower.
  2. I think it would be nice to develop formations more, so that the Skiritai can be fast swordsmen in general, but can switch to hard meat shield wielding spears in phalanx/locked shields formation.
  3. In 0 A.D. all of the units build from the first to the last placed part of the wall.
  4. I'm thinking desaturated: light brownish gray like the current placeholder assets.
  5. I was 25! Hadn't even hit my peak yet! (28 is when I really started partying and 35 is when I started to calm down).
  6. Not bad, @DuileogaYou're doing a lot better in integrating your work into the requirements of the game. you are very prolific, which is important for a project like this! The only real issue I've had with your output is the UV mapping. the textures can get stretched sometimes. Just got to work on that aspect.
  7. Indeed, I don't actually agree that the little aliased picture of a tree is more aesthetically pleasing than that nicely done wood icon.
  8. I'm not against that, except that animals aren't static objects, they can have speed and defensive effects depending on the species. For trees, it makes almost no difference if an oak tree is selected or a maple tree is selected, or even a bush.
  9. You're experiencing biodiversity in the game world already. The UI is for ease of recognition, conveying data, etc.
  10. Well, a tree is generally a tree. And the only use of a tree in the game is for its wood, so it is more important that it is made clear that it is a wood source than what type of tree it is or what actor it uses.
  11. Well, a tree is generally a tree. And the only use of a tree in the game is for its wood, so it is more important that it is made clear that it is a wood source than what type of tree it is or what actor it uses.
  12. The elite = painted and naked was from the beginning, 2005 ish, right @Wijitmaker?
  13. Kind of a good idea, actually! Just need to change the footprint shape from oval to circle.
  14. I'd like this feature for Delenda Est as well, so that players start with less coin and glory than the raw resources.
  15. Most games do it like this^, so I was basically asking if players would want it like that for 0 A.D.
  16. Thank you for the replies. I was just exploring what I could do to make the previews more useful. What about something like this? Exact details open for changes.
  17. I agree that a bigger drop down would be nice indeed. Hopefully someone else can make a patch, as I wouldn't know how to make this for you.
  18. The colors are only called "Player 9" - "Player 16", but only to keep the original pattern. Not sure if they can be called anything else. The patch is to give more choice of colors, not more choice of number of players. The max players is still 8.
  19. I was wondering if you guys think the map previews as they currently are are preferable or would something more like this be useful?
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