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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I wonder how complete this tumulus is: How much does this look like how it originally did? Looks a lot like the Kurgans of steppe tradition. Though, many cultures had such a tradition.
  2. Try a playthru of the Miletus Peninsula skirmish map and see if you like the capturable map elements.
  3. My point was, that Seuthopolis and Persepolis both seem like the central administrative centers of a city rather than entire cities in themselves. Though it seems like Seuthopolis had more of the trappings of a city (marketplace, etc.) than Persepolis did.
  4. You already have 10000 trees, elevation, rocks, waterways, and territory doing that
  5. I think I will use most of the buildings you have modeled. I am re-mapping them to my new texture. This takes me a lot of time, as I am a perfectionist.
  6. They are only mixed together for now, until I can complete each one's UV mapping to my new texture. Although, I think I will keep the Norse Storehouse and Farmstead models, which are really nice.
  7. Because it is. lol. The uv map just needs fixed, is all. Probably added geometry to allow for the texture area provided.
  8. Suethopolis seemed more akin to an administrative center such as Persepolis than an actual city or town. Fair?
  9. I like the tree stump one. Also, the middle section of the stone image: We have a smaller stonehengey actor in the game that could stand in for now.
  10. I guess he's not counting the2 Greek ones. They can pass for Roman, but would maybe need some new model variants to map them to the Roman textures.
  11. I really like the frescoes, but I'm not sure if we have food examples of Thracian artwork @Genava55 which cam serve that purpose (wall decoration). Beyond the frescoes, I like the other elements too. Civic Center ^ Civic Center ^ Middle = Temple ^ Fortress and Walls^ Perhaps Thracians can have a special feature where they can build Fortress and Walls 1 phase earlier, but weaker Wooden versions, upgradeble to Stone versions in City Phase (just an idea for a unique feature for them). Barracks, Stables, and Range can use elements from here^
  12. The texturing and models are well done. It's more of a design problem for sure. We don't have a lot of good inspiration or concept artwork for them. Those AC:O screenshots are a rich source of ideas though!
  13. Yes, but unfortunately you have to make arrows into heat-seaking missiles, which I think a lot of people agree is undesirable.
  14. I share your frustration with a lot of the territory bugs. I hate the weird loops and bubbles too. Also, allies taking over your terrain is annoying. This is especially prevalent from AI allies who love to do this for some reason. What I think needs done though is that allied borders should have stronger weight against each other so that they resist each others expansion more. Couple that with some border calculation fixes to get rid of the weird loops and bubbles and I think we got a winner.
  15. Carthaginian Embassies buildable in allied territory? (Possible in Delenda Est already)
  16. It was just a start. The section in the bottom right has room for new textures such as you requested.
  17. I wish MAYORCETE would play nicer looking maps. lol
  18. Right. Like an old school "Expansion Pack," ala Age of Empires.
  19. I have no idea what @Yekaterina is talking about; we're not implementing any German faction for next alpha in the main game. The community poll and momentum is clearly for Nomads (Scythians and Xiongnu) to be included next in the main game (largely for the unique gameplay possibilities). The discussion around Germans over the past few weeks has largely been around fixing/adding them for TM and DE until that comment. What is your contention with this comment?
  20. The Germans we've been discussing are for Terra Magna and Delenda Est.
  21. I see your point. In my head I'm thinking of DE's heroes, where you get access to them from the very beginning. Perhaps a -50% build time bonus in the City Phase would make it impactful. In that case, I'd make it ranged and not global.
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