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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Hmm, yeah, I forgot about that. Dunno, we'd have to think about it.
  2. I agree that the game should have this. In AOE2, the "random" movement of the farmers is actually not random, just looks that way to the player. There are 4 designated positions on the farm field and the farmer moves between those positions after gathering 20% of its food capacity, then at 100% it goes and drops off the food at the dropsite. Then the farmer randomly chooses one of the 4 positions and the cycle begins again. It looks random enough to the player to keep it from looking monotonous. It's too late for A27 though.
  3. I like this because right now the skirmisher+Skiritai emphasis for the Spartans doesn't make sense historically. Spartiates need to be a good solid percentage of the player's force.
  4. This could work, but isn't as straight forward as it could be and feels very hacky. You're right though that I could very well use it in a mod (DE), since half of modding is hacking what is already there and creating workarounds. Thank you for the idea, I may well use it.
  5. Nah, they did something similar to what I've proposed for 0 A.D. They made "eras". You click on AOE1 and you get the older civs. You click on AOE2, you get the medieval civs.
  6. Point is, just because one guy has a problem with it doesn't mean an entire building needs redesigned.
  7. A lot of people @#$%ing about the very nice DLC
  8. With DE, I hardcode more things. The ability to allow 5 Spartiates in Village, then 10 in Town, then unlimited at City+ would be nice. Instead, in DE, I cap them to 5 per Syssiton until Empire phase where the cap is now unlimited. By this time, you've researched Agoge (Spartiates -1 pop cost), Panktration (Champions +10% health), Tyrtaean Paeans (infantry +10% speed) and probably Iron Spearheads (spear units +20% attack) and Spartiates are now pure juggernautage.
  9. I wish unit training limits could be iterated by techs. Currently it can only be affected by 1 tech only. No way to allow for further techs to affect the limit after the first one.
  10. 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.9 0.65 0.2 0.9 0 still gives me death balls. :/
  11. By virtue of simply having access to archers, Carthage is an "archer civ" sure, but that doesn't mean their archers have to be particularly good. In fact, I'm not aware of a single recorded historical incident of Carthage using archers to effectiveness. Elephants, mercenaries, and skirmish cavalry should be their trifecta.
  12. The only reason to introduce such a thing again would be for asymmetry. As an aside, I don't think I've ever agreed with a single one of your gameplay takes. It's kinda strange.
  13. They are saying barracks should add to the pop cap, like houses do, and that fortresses should add more to the pop cap than they already do.
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