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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. No use in the game "capturing" a tunnel. Jus detsry the shack and the tunneling units inside die.
  2. I give the Ptolemies a champion pike infantry (Agema Pikeman) in DE. Public should do the same.
  3. Nice. I miss real siege stuff like mantelet and undermine tunnel in the game.
  4. I have not try more than 1 restart. I can try and test. I am on Windows 10 (unfortunatly)
  5. feneur is right. Plus extra time give me extra time to replace some icons with fresh ones.
  6. Is possible to just disable the button when Multiplayer? No need for dialogue then (maybe just tooltip).
  7. The restart patch seems to work as planned. I don't know about the code, but the behavior is correct as I can see.
  8. This could have been committed by now, looking at how long the release time has been...
  9. Should be in single player for all map types, really, not just random map.
  10. Any other ideas for to use the Upgrade feature? I was thinking of giving every champion infantry unit a Banner Carrier upgrade option that boosts the performance of units around them (does not stack, so sprinkle them around). They'd have no attack, but very good armor or health. Definitely an Immortals Spear <-> Bow option. Any others? I thought about a Hastatus Sword <-> Pilum toggle, but I think the Pilum should be use differently in the game (throw pilum more like a "first attack" option if the enemy is right distance, then charge with the sword). But I might include in Alpha 21 for fun anyway. Some of these will be made obsolete later with proper secondary attacks implement, but that's okay. And in case I don't like the way secondary atack implement then I can always use the upgrade feature. This is one of the best feature impemented in a long time.
  11. Maybe portrait? This stuff look cool:
  12. Well, already even with upgrade feature I am use on units, it's too many clicks I feel. Plus you will have to manage more different units, remember who are what upgrade, etc. A lot more to parse. Would be a lot easier to just upgrade or weapon-switch battalions of troops at a time. See Battle for Middle Earth II mechanics.
  13. You guys got it wrong, actually. I am use the 'Upgrade' feature that has been implemented in official game. The difference in DE is that I am exploring the possibilities of the feature while the team focus on other things. This is the same feature that I use in DE to allow player to upgrade individual Wooden defense tower to Stone defense tower (for 100 stone and 30 sec). It's the same feature that let player make his elephants go berserk. Also, I use the same feature in DE to let the player upgrade his Hypaspists to Silver Shields, and his Macedonian Barracks to Royal Barracks. With the Maiden Archers I explored the possibilities and made it possible to manual switch back and forth between types of weapons. It is the same feature as the towers, elephants, hypaspists, etc., but looped so the player can make the unit "upgrade" back to what it was before (in this case, back to archer from swordsman or back to regular arrows from fire arrows). Honestly guys, looking at #252, I feel like disappointment will be mine when secondary attack implemented. And without battalion system, things are going to get messy and clicky.
  14. Made Mauryan Maiden Archer can transform between Fire archer or Sword and back again. So, 3 modes for the Maiden Guard. It's pretty cool. Would work even better if we had battalion feature.
  15. Hi guy. So, I fix the "cape" prop point in the new unit meshes. I did this by hand by edit in Notepad++ (just add prop- to the name of the node). I was hoping to fix the "helmet" prop point too. I think it need to be rotated forward if you look at them in Atlas, but I am not sure of the numbers in the collada file. I am sure they represent position and rotation, but I am not sure which number is which and in what notation they are be used. <node id="prop-helmet" name="prop-helmet" sid="prop-helmet" type="JOINT"> <matrix sid="transform">1 1.10134e-13 7.27118e-9 1.13687e-13 -1.20792e-13 1 4.02331e-7 -5.96046e-8 -7.27115e-9 -4.32134e-7 1 0 0 0 0 1</matrix> </node> If I do this by hand I can just apply the same rotation to all the meshes with Notepad++ instead of importing all the mesh to Blender (a program I am not familiar with anyway, so I would probably export them wrong). Or maybe I can just give the (cape-fixed) files to someone like @LordGood or @niektb and he can fix the helmet node and export again. @Enrique
  16. They do. Not sure if I like them, but they are uniqe to the Seleucids.
  17. Oh, I just thought it may have be too expensive. A dedicated server would really put 0 A.D. over the top.
  18. I am wondering if the team have investigate hosting all games on a server or allowing personal dedicated server with mods. How much would cost?
  19. It is not about progression though. These guys are basically at their peak. Only the Seleucids have a progression, but that is in the late game to give the player interesting choice of champions. And if you do all these upgrades for the Successors, then you have to do it for everyone else too. What are the upgrade chains for the Persians and Celts and Carthaginans?
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