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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Right now, only when it dies. Though, there may be some promise with the way XP is gained, which is damage inflicted each strike divided into the XP available for the target structure -- or target unit. XP is quite different from a standard resource though, so @elexis or @leper will have to tell you how hard it is to mod.
  2. Hmm, Iberians were last on this man's list of civs in dropdown. Not alphabetical?
  3. That's the comment that made me confused. Sounded like you were going to convert Athenians to Doric Order just because the Parthenon was of the Doric Order.
  4. Delenda Est might have a hacky way to do something like that. A nice implementation might need some work. Well, in that case, all mods be a little hacky. Although, I will pat myself on the back here and say that the way Glory works by praying at statues is quite ingenious in using the engine how it currently is to make something like that possible. In short, you just make the unit's capacity for that resource 1, and then make that statue a dropsite for that resource only. In practice, it looks instant when the "resource" is dropped off. You don't even see the resource show up as 1 in the UI, it just gets immediately dumped to the dropsite, the statue the unit is already at. So, in this way, praying for Favor at Temples, ala Age of Mythology, is already 100% possible in the game's engine as-is. In fact, all ways possible to gain Favor in Age of Mythology are already possible in 0 A.D.'s engine. I do all 3 for Glory. Praying at statues -- Greek Favor; Killing enemy units -- Norse Favor; Statue trickle -- Egyptian Favor. One could easily make an Age of Myhtology mod for 0 A.D. right now. The only major problems would be some UI stuff and the God Powers.
  5. Hmm, good Wonder for Dominate Romans.
  6. What time period are you depicting for Athens?
  7. Their set already uses Ionic columns in their cc and temple bro.
  8. @elexis: For A22, is that an actor problem or a code problem?
  9. looks nice. Maybe they'd blend better if some yellow was taken out of the Egyptian texture?
  10. Thank you for report. Fixed and will sync soon.
  11. Will do. I also made a new obelisk texture but it could stand to be remade, model and texture.
  12. Maybe could have been done with coordinates in the template, same system as visible garrisoning. though, that may be mixing the visual side a bit much with the template side. Or, perhaps extended actor code to allow props placed with coordinates. In the end, I think all options would still be a bunch of work.
  13. The Theban acropolis or citadel was called the Cadmeia. It wasn't nearly as massive or tall as the Athenian Acropolis, but it definitely perched above the rest of the town. I think part of the city wall used the Cadmeia as a redoubt. Here is the shape of the city. It should help you a lot. The "palisade" can be removed, since it was erected by the defenders against the attack of Alexander after they rebelled, unlesssss, you want to make it some kind of Macedonians vs. Thebans scenario, which could be cool. Spoiler alert: Alexander won.
  14. You mean more Archaic I think, and I would support that direction actually, as long as it doesn't turn into something fanciful. Spartans: Archaic architecture Athenians: Classical architecture Macedonians/Seleucids: Hellenistic architecture
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