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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Can you make a couple variations of this Carthaginian shield? Where the dolphins and palm tree are white and the background is player color (elite spearman). And then one where the background is white and the dolphins-tree are player color (sacred band champs).
  2. Much better. Yeah, the silver and other metal base colors looked very muddy before. They look way better now.
  3. Right now in DE, I have a tech for "Parthian Shot" that makes the cavalry archers "kite" enemies by giving them a minimum range. It's the best I could do with the game as it is.
  4. I suppose meats were weighed or counted or something? It's all an abstraction. How many woods does it take to build a house?
  5. I think the bronze (usually the rim) colors are looking too red and don't match the helmet colors.
  6. Nice. This one might be a good design. Uniquely round compared to other temples.
  7. The only thing that looks like Genava's objection is the temple, IMHO. But it's difficult to imagine a Dacian/Thracian temple without good references, so it's very easy to latch onto the first decent reference we acquire, which in this case had some Hellenic influence. The Civic Center is interesting. Looks a lot like something from AOE3. Barracks I think the back part needs to be 2 stories, currently looking too diminutive. I think the rooflines need more pizzazz, specifically the seams between the different roof planes. It's a decent direction, just needs fleshed out.
  8. Different genders (actors) for same template, which means only one set of stats. But yeah, DE now has differently gendered villagers with the properly gendered voice files.
  9. Right, I was talking about this one (for maybe the Thebans; I'd give it to the Sacred Band in DE or the Thespian champion) , but having the figure 8 shields would be awesome too. Imagine an Achilles cheat unit or Mycenaean civ.
  10. This is the "Thracian" structure texture I made some time ago. Looks like the artists hated it for some reason and made their own. Perhaps for Dacians or Illyrians instead? (with some tweaks; different shields of course, or just use prop points and shield props instead)
  11. It would be great to have the Boeotian shield in the game, even if a bit anachronistic.
  12. They look very nice. And thanks for finding a ref for the pikeman.
  13. Point is, it creates a floating effect.
  14. Make sure to turn off shadow casting for the grass sprites. Otherwise the shadows ruin the fading effect at the bottom.
  15. I have gpu skinning enabled, but elephants look fine. If you need the blend file, perhaps @Enrique has them.
  16. Can I ask for a small audio extension? If multiple phenotypes are selected, then their sunds play for each phenotype. For instance, a mixed group of men and women currently just pick one of the genders to play as their acknowledgement sounds (selected, tasked to move or chop, etc.), but it would be nice to hear both the man and woman sounds.
  17. Got it to work, thanks! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity parent="template_unit_support_citizen"> <Identity> <Civ>theb</Civ> <Lang>greek</Lang> <SpecificName>Polites Thēbaios</SpecificName> <GenericName>Theban Citizen</GenericName> <Icon>units/athen_support_citizen.png</Icon> <SelectionGroupName>units/{civ}_support_citizen</SelectionGroupName> </Identity> <VisualActor> <Actor>units/athenians/{phenotype}_citizen.xml</Actor> </VisualActor> </Entity>
  18. No, it's because I have GPU skinning enabled. It's probable that those vertices have something wrong with them in the mesh that is masked otherwise. This also happened with the gastraphetes, but was eventually fixed after I complained for 6 months.
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