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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Dreadlocks would be awesome. Indeed. I love the design of the gorgon shield* (taken from a vase, right?), but Leonidas' current spiral shield (Apollo sun ray?) is nearly perfect. *I might get it tattooed on my shoulder.
  2. Nice. Maybe try to replicate the lighting effects of the Britannic Road skirmish map? Also if you make one for DE, perhaps add the merc camps too?
  3. This one could be Suebian: While this one could be for the Goths: I like how it's asymmetrical.
  4. Yep, this could work. Would also remove the "necessity" of making the Wonder a garrisonable object.
  5. I was wondering if it would be possible to give some kind of effect (permanent or with time limit) upon the death of an object. For instance, the Roman heroes could have the "Self-Sacrifice"* bonus where when they are killed by the enemy, any nearby units would get an attack bonus for a specific amount of time. *I've read of the rare occurrence of Roman generals, upon seeing their men wavering, will strip themselves of their armor and weapons, say a prayer to Mars, and then charge on their horse into the enemy ranks, a self-sacrifice to the gods asking for victory. Their men seeing this, redoubling their efforts in a battle frenzy and turning the tide, winning the day.
  6. Beautiful man. Only thing I don't like is the green tile stone under the portico.
  7. They get the Bosporan Hoplite as a mercenary.
  8. Updated first post. Will continue to update.
  9. We don't need to simulate a Total War match completely. Besides battalions, the units would still behave as 0 A.D. units behave. If the game gets fatigue, stamina, moral, all that, then the battle mode can have it. If the base game doesn't get that stuff, then battle mode would go without it too.
  10. If the game could implement Battle for Middle Earth-style battalions, then the game could offer a "Battle Mode", where the player gets XYZ resources (determined by the host) to choose their army composition and then battle it out on a custom map against enemy players doing the same. No building. No resource gathering. Just tactical warfare. Essentially, it would be Rome:Total War style battles with 0 A.D. units. This would complement the game's standard mode, not replace it. What would be needed to make this work I think is a bunch of UI work, UnitAI updates, a BattleAI player, plus battalions of course. The maps you battle out on can either by skirmish maps or random map scripts designed for the purpose. With random map scripts, the host can determine the size of the battlefield, so that's good, and maybe a few other variables (like season, weather, time of day, etc.).
  11. Thread for the Athena Promachus statue, not to be mixed up with the Athena Parthenos statue.
  12. Yeah, these should be champion and hero shields. The citizen soldier shields can be less colorful versions of these with no boss or wooden boss.
  13. Is that what it should be right now? Because the tech is indeed bugged currently.
  14. I would probably be good to determine at which stage the current CCs are. @LordGood Athenians/Spartans/Macedonians: Town Britons: Town/Village Carthaginians: Town Iberians: Town Mauryas: Town Kushites: City Persians: City/Town Ptolemies: City Romans: City Seleucids: Town
  15. I am not sure. Perhaps an example from the game (or from one of our mods) would help.
  16. Post here for Suebian German references: Shields Clothing Weapons
  17. The cape for the Athenian Scythian Archer bugged during attack.
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