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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I agree that lack of trails is a good thing. Also that the extreme ballistic arcs are easy to see. But... I think it's a bit much. They could reduce the arcing by about 25% and it would look better. The fact that the arrows are white also contributes to the readability. 0 a.d. should look into re-texturing the arrows and javelins with this in mind (they are currently quite dark) and look into the gravity settings for projectiles in DE. Not at crazy as AOE's, but DE's projectiles do arc higher and longer than base game's do for visibility.
  2. Interesting art design. I think they're going for AOE2-3D. The arrows and projectiles looks strangely cartoonish. But my early criticism of the buildings has now been addressed. I like the buildings in this video.
  3. He'll definitely get a cavalry bonus or aura. Also, some kind of "alliance building" aura. He needs a technology too. Any ideas for these, guys?
  4. Updated 1st post with hero information. Need info for the Gothic heroes, but those won't come until A25 or A26.
  5. What if they get a free scout cav at the beginning of a match? Does nothing but scout and build outposts?
  6. Yes. I remember now. In your map XML file: { "AISeed": 0, "CircularMap": true, "Description": "Northern Italy near the Alps is called Cisalpine Gaul by the Romans. It's a fertile area contested by the Gauls, Etruscans, and Romans alike. ", "Keywords": [ "new" ], "DisabledTechnologies": [ "pair_farming_01", "pair_farming_02", "celts/gather_farming_harvester", "gather_farming_cultivation", "ptolemies/gather_grain_water_wheel", "ptolemies/gather_grain_well_sweep", "farms_crop_rotation", "vision_defense_tower" ], "LockTeams": false, "Name": "Cisalpine Winter (2 players)", "PlayerData": [ "", { "Name": "Player 1" }, { "Name": "Player 2" } ], "Preview": "cisalpine_winter_2p.png", "RevealMap": false, "VictoryConditions": [ "domination" ] } See "DisabledTechnologies" section. Just put the phases you want to disable there.
  7. There might be a way to disable the techs in specific map XML files.
  8. Well, we are modding an in-development freeware title. I've been very frustrated in the past about the modding situation, but if that's your current issue then that's not what you lead with in this thread. Why didn't you say this to begin with, since it's relevant to the thread topic and actually a pertinent observation?
  9. What do you mean lock? You mean keep the match to a specific phase?
  10. I believe that is in the works. There is a patch for it already.
  11. Can you export it to a height map? Then you can import the height map into Atlas.
  12. Include this uber actor (and textures) with every civ mod.
  13. Hmm, then boost the other civs? Looking at historical meta for a moment, I think both Rome and Carthage should be top tier. Ideally of course you want all civs to have a chance to win, but those 2 should definitely get some love.
  14. Temporarily they can use the Han buildings? Just include this "meta" rally point actor in the public mod. Put all the possible civs you can think of into the actor so it doesn't look like favoritism.
  15. It would be nice for mods to be able to do this, probably as a template component (preferably without having to mod UnitAI).
  16. I agree. Maya would be an awesome addition. They could share a similar tech tree with the Zapotecs.
  17. DE does it 2 ways. There's a "Civic Spaces" radius around CCs that doesn't allow Farm Fields to be built within it. There's also "Farmland" terrain where you get a 2x grain gathering bonus if you build Fields there.
  18. Could separate all the civs under their own mod download, then brand them under Terra Magna. Terra Magna: Han Chinese Terra Magna: Thracians Terra Magna: Xiongnu Terra Magna: Zapotecs etc. Then if one (Han Chinese) gets folded into EA for A25, you just don't bundle their mod for the update. (I suggest Han Chinese get folded into EA A25, then A26 could debut "The Nomads" Xiongnu and Scythians)
  19. Aren't the Han already their own separate mod?
  20. Alexander, wacky, Stan, LordGood, et al are all on hiatus.
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