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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Release Candidate Download to test! -> theban_greeks_a24.pyromod Caveats: The Fireraiser's operators don't have animations. Those will have to wait.
  2. Indeed. My preference would be to boost the other civs, not nerf Mauryas. That said, it's possible to nerf the Worker Elephant slightly without overdoing it. I think requiring a Storehouse first or other such thing wouldn't automatically "cripple" the ele. Simply removing the free one at start might be enough.
  3. Perhaps train them at the Storehouse, so the player is forced to build a Storehouse first. EDIT: Also, 1. Maybe reduce Worker Elephant health, so they can be sniped earlier 2. Maybe increase train time, so that they take longer to replace 3. Maybe take away 1 or more of the carry capacity techs. 4. Or maybe increase pop cost of Worker Elephants.
  4. I think adding the Han would kind of bring 0 A.D. to a larger audience. I think they'd be a big hit.
  5. Honestly I just don't like the feature. If anything, it's something else you have to manage to prevent your eco from drying up at crucial moments.
  6. I don't mind having auto-queue, but keep in mind that it was introduced once, and then abandoned for almost 20 years now for some reason. Could make it a game setup option.
  7. Check out their Art Station! https://www.artstation.com/jfoliveras Let's hire this person.
  8. So, perhaps these would be better for the Mauryan cult statues, closer to the time period. The Buddha statues can go to a potential Guptas faction.
  9. Correction. The fire raiser template works now, but it doesn't have the billowing fire effect I want, and the 2 operator dudes don't have custom animations. I'm not going to let that be a release blocker though.
  10. Fireraiser fixed and pushed to repo. Any other fixes or bugs? Can bundle soon if not.
  11. I think this mod's "scare" effect would be okay if the cavalry could be retasked to attack the elephant after a short time, meaning the scattering effect is only a minor setback for the cavalry that could be overcome with a minor amount of micro.
  12. Scenario or Skirmish? Pop is fixed to 300 on scenarios I believe (in Player.js).
  13. They look great. I think you need to weld the seams on your helmet and shield models though. Aliasing gives them a bad line along the edges of the shields and the front of the helmet.
  14. I don't like the A24 ones, so I kept the A23 ones for visual detection reasons (A24 kind of blend into the terrain comparatively). Feature, not a bug. Straggler trees no longer impede building placement. It's not feature complete though, as I would like the tree to turn red when the building preview waves over it. Which map? What errors? Thanks. Quite a lot to unpack here. Siege Towers aren't feature complete. I may make them unbuildable for now. Catapults aren't balanced yet. Most buildings can't be captured to make the capturing mechanic more targeted. Buildings and projectiles. Again, I've not fully balanced anything yet. The hero is for you to choose your strategy. There are other ways to counter what your enemy is doing. Will be fixed. A match can play out in about 40 mins. Similar to AOE2.
  15. Their stats would be rebalanced of course.
  16. Batch Training was introduced to minimize micro (a train time incentive is used to encourage its use as well). Isn't this a competing feature?
  17. Elephant Stables Numidian/Nubian Mahouts (Carthage/ Ptolemies): Greater Speed Elephant Roundup: Faster Train Time Forge Tusk Spikes: Greater Attack Elephant Panoply: Greater Armor (can swap actor to armored version) Elephant Howdahs: Gives Howdahs to war elephants
  18. I haven't created the auras or techs yet, so feel free to give ideas or criticism. The Portraits will eventually need to be replaced. I wish I had the cash to just hire an artist.
  19. Yeah, a little more like their colorful tunics and textiles:
  20. I think to mitigate this effect it should be fixed.
  21. That's okay... I would wait for a couple months before you start developing for A25, so that your mod doesn't continually break because of code changes.
  22. As for the aura problem you have, in DE I give the Gallic Carnys Player this aura: { "type": "range", "radius": 20, "affectedPlayers": ["Enemy"], "affects": ["Unit"], "modifications": [ {"value": "Attack/Melee/RepeatTime", "multiply": 1.1}, {"value": "Attack/Ranged/RepeatTime", "multiply": 1.1}, {"value": "Attack/Capture/Capture", "multiply": 0.9 }, {"value": "UnitMotion/WalkSpeed", "multiply": 0.9} ], "auraName": "Intimidation", "auraDescription": "The Carnyx Player reduces the enemy's attack and capture rates and movement speed -10%.", "overlayIcon": "art/textures/ui/session/auras/broken_sword.png", "rangeOverlay" : { "lineTexture": "outline_border.png", "lineTextureMask": "outline_border_mask.png", "lineThickness": 0.075 } } See line 4: "affectedPlayers"
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