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Everything posted by niektb

  1. If you want to discuss the faction line-up, I suggest you'd rather do it here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17862 Rather than open a topic for every faction you want to see in.
  2. No thamlett, they can't be in the viking civ. (These differ quite much from Vandals) As for the Vandals itself. Well... We already have 5 more or less German tribes: Vikings (not a true German tribe, but relatively comparable), Lombards, Franks, Saxons and Goths. Since we can't have every faction we dropped a couple of german tribes since we already have so much. And vandals were one of these dropped. Although I agree they were not unimportant in history, they were not significant enough / not different enough to include them as a faction.
  3. I suggest to draw small connection lines to improve the easiness of reading the charts. Looking good though, it also opens the way of testing multiple strategies with AI's.
  4. This has been implemented, but not in Alpha 16. It will come in A17.
  5. Today I encountered an error/crash while trying to test my newly created Viking Storehouse (while trying to place): ERROR: Actor 'storehouse' has no textures.This storehouse is a building that consists of already existing props alone. Because the game was complaining about a missing base when taking an empty as parent, I created a dummy cube and resized it so it is invisible. The actor file reads as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant frequency="100" name="Viking storehouse"> <mesh>structural/viking_storehouse.dae</mesh> <props> <prop actor="props/structures/decals/dirt_4x4.xml" attachpoint="root"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/handcart_1.xml" attachpoint="cart"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/hay_a.xml" attachpoint="hay"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/awning_wood_large.xml" attachpoint="lawning"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/awning_wood_small.xml" attachpoint="sawning1"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/awning_wood_small.xml" attachpoint="sawning2"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml" attachpoint="barrel1"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/barrel_a.xml" attachpoint="barrel2"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/crate_a.xml" attachpoint="crate1"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/crate_a.xml" attachpoint="crate2"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/blocks_granite_pile_a.xml" attachpoint="stone1"/> <prop actor="props/special/eyecandy/blocks_granite_pile_a.xml" attachpoint="stone2"/> </props> </variant> <textures><texture file="structural/viking_struct.png" name="baseTex"/></textures> <material>player_trans.xml</material> </group></actor>The model itself is attached along with the texture. It is true that it is so small, there are only attachpoints. I also attached the crashlog and system info. viking_storehouse.zip crashlog.txt system_info.txt
  6. Sure, these are extremely cool. I remembered in a AoK mod (Age of Chivalry to be precise) that there were so called 'Political Decisions'. With for example Saxony you could choose between the Teutonic Order and the Lithuanians (or something like that) (Yes, a pair tech). In the first case all standard barrack units were disabled. In exchange you were able to train extremely powerful Teutonic Knights (both an infantry and a cav version). Powerful but veeerrryyy slow. For the second option also most barrack units were disabled but instead you received cheap, but weak skirmishers and light infantry. A pair, a trade-off in strategy and unlocking units with one and the same tech... Wonderful. That should be do-able to a certain extend when formation fighting is fully working.
  7. I agree with iNcog that there are some tech pairs that are unbalanced like the wood gather speed vs. the wheelbarrow. No one will ever choose the wood tech.
  8. I thought we had an army of scenario designers in our team, Lion?(Shieldwolf and SiahH to name some)
  9. Make a civ json with appropriate starting entities.
  10. That little rope is in the movie. (And I think just visible by the uppermost gun)
  11. Well, I could think of including bayonets as a tech so maybe we could create a specific attachpoint for it? These musketeers of old used a matchwork to fire there musket. That needs to be in. But that long rope to bear the gun easily isn't needed.
  12. Maybe (but this is for mods with a long timespan) we could separate phase and epoch. Phase is for city size and amount/types of buildings you can build and epoch is for advanced/improved technologies and newer units etc.
  13. Well, for the textures and animations I'll point to Age of Empires III The Asian Dynasties for workable examples: Textures: Basic: Advanced: Elite: As for the animations: The current firing animation is good, but the loading part of it is not. This needs to be a gunloading animation rather than a bow one. This this movie a lot is explained about loading and firing an old musket. Also the walking and idle animations needs to be changed. More like holding a gun. References for the Gun:
  14. Units on walls workaround (if the 1x1 pathfinder finds its way, where is Philip, we need this guy back in 0AD). Commited in SVN by sanderd17
  15. Now if I would make a list: HP PRO 3500 (http://www.computerdepotgt.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=tpflypage.tpl&product_id=328&category_id=75&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53) = Q740 Stronger Power Supply (500W) (http://www.guateganga.com/ciudad_de_guatemala/computaci%C3%B3n_y_tabletas/Fuentes_de_Poder_ATX_28132.htm) = Q140 Operating System (Linux Mint/Windows 8?) = Q0/Q? A decent Graphics Card (NVidia GTS450) (http://ciudaddeguatemala.olx.com.gt/tarjeta-grafica-asus-geforce-gts-450-1gb-iid-652413998) = Q900 That sums up for Q1780 (without Windows 8)! How about it? A decend PC all for the price of 25 hamburgers! (BTW I discovered that that HP PRO 3500 is still sold for 530 euro (=Q5300) in Holland)
  16. What do you call a good price? (sorry, but I'm a complete unknower in Guatemalian money) I discovered the same as I have in my system http://ciudaddeguatemala.olx.com.gt/tarjeta-grafica-asus-geforce-gts-450-1gb-iid-652413998
  17. According to HP this would be a full spec list: http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/pscmisc/vac/us/product_pdfs/HP_Pro_3500_MT_DS.pdf Seemingly you can insert a PCIe-x16 card (which is the newest standard) but not a too powerful one since the Powersupply is 300W.
  18. When scrolling through this website: https://compubrothers.wordpress.com/category/tarjeta-de-video/ What would be an affordable price for a graphics card? They have pretty new stuff but also ancient stuff (which you of course should avoid).
  19. A monetary calculator shows that 1 euro is roughly 10 quetzal so prices are comparable. This might be a decend deal? http://www.computerdepotgt.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=tpflypage.tpl&product_id=328&category_id=75&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 You only need to get yourselves a decend OS (FreeDOS is a bit old) and a graphics card. But I really can't find much computer part websites (maybe because I'm searching in English?)
  20. And what would roughly be your budget? (since 1600 is only a number, I don't know what a man would earn by working) And do you have a website for me where I can look around to get some overview of the possibilities and prices in Guatemala (preferably the site where you might buy your parts)? In Europe it would cost roughly 150 euro (the 750 Ti and in Holland).
  21. I don't know the prices in your country nor the money you use. Maybe you can explain that to us?
  22. If one needs a i7 to do the trick than it is obvious that there is some optimization to be done I guess.
  23. What boat? The Drekar? I think you could use the Snekkja as a base model and then just add some additional ornament, change some proportions, add that tent and the Dragon Head and you're all fine. The last ship (Karvi) requires some additional work I think though.
  24. I think for the nomadic game style other solutions can be found. A lot of players complain about the end-game because they have to hunt every single unit down in order to win. Most players hate playing 'hide-and-seek'.
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