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Everything posted by niektb

  1. He means that he wonders where the people in the city are (since there are no units walking around)
  2. Actually I prefer a sling stone color somewhere between the two colors you have now @Lion.Kanzen: the images you post are like the dock model
  3. @sphyrth: this page could help you: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha21
  4. Maybe open a new topic for alpha 21 names? Also it would be nice to know what these names mean (we always had meaningful names) Edit: I already have splitted it off
  5. niektb

    Render Dump

    Nice new Saxon buildings, Stan! I think though that the new carolingian texture is too dark (or at least, the yellowish wall texture is)
  6. @Lion.Kanzen: the original effect uses 2 layers of glow to create a certain depth in the icon
  7. @sarcoma: instead of a side bar you can now find it here: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/discover/
  8. @Lion.Kanzen: When creating the glow in your icons, could you try to mimmick the style of the other icons more? (f.e. by following the tutorial I posted somewhere around the forum.) Since right now you're, seemingly, using just one layer of glow and sometimes that looks really flat. Also the the shape of the glow is sometimes off (doesn't fit with the object) That irrigations icons looks pretty! But maybe it's a bit bright? Edit: oh, right. Didn't read wow's comment
  9. @Palaxin: did you read the install instructions for the Python version in that link? (Scroll a bit downwards)
  10. I suppose that we could bundle mod.json files with the game of some 'approved' mods. They should be marked as downloadable and with a button that opens the download page in a browser. Now that doesn't solve possible installation difficulties but it does give some additional attention to mods...
  11. You can drag 'n drop your quote boxes around, maybe that solves (part of) your issue?
  12. @stanislas69: lol, sorry. I didn't see that the autocorrect jumped in. I meant to say Crannog Size. However, I wonder if it is easily buildable on rougher shorelines (since part of the building would be still placed on land in wacky's proposal)
  13. @feneur: I have no problems with downloading any of the sounds and the last one is different from the others.
  14. @stanislas69: what's doable? Cleaning size is OK for me
  15. Look who's back! Did I already tell you that your cities look gorgeous? Unfortunately, probably more gorgeous than my computer likes
  16. @wackyserious: Ok. The model would need some modifications for that though...
  17. Whoops, I wanted to do a review earlier but it took me too long to free some time to actually do so. Sorry for that! @back to work icon with the pick and the axe: Good start. :) However, the colors from the pick are different from the axe, I think it would look better if they used the same colors. Also the axe sticks out quite a lot on the right, do you think it can be enhanced so that the icon has a bit more of a symmetrical shape? @Alexander portrait: In the latest version the shadow deforms the face on the right side a bit. Also, the shoulder on the left seems to stop very sudden. @slinger: That slinger icon from @LordGood looks very useable! @LordGood: Do you by chance have a version where the black background is transparent? @upgrade building icon: actually, I think that the idea of a rank symbol is good (but maybe there are possibilities to enhance its look? @escort icon: I agree with the need for a better icon. But I suggest to use something more simple. Maybe something in the same style as the behavior stance icons?
  18. Did you by chance went through the very latest changes to see if there are any breaking changes? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha21?action=diff&version=42 http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha21?action=diff&version=45
  19. @tlauick_19: In a way we already have this. The Drekar ships are a resource dropsite ánd they are able to train some troops.
  20. @wackyserious: so a copy of the Crannog?
  21. Meh, we had a tile roof in the past but for some reasons (can't remember which) we switched to hay roofs. Let us not switch again Maybe the walls are kinda high (or the buildings low) but maybe that's most realistic too... But what is the fortress model gonna do? Replace the Jarl's Hold model?
  22. @Thomas Karlsen: I think the Art Development Subforum would be best for that
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