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Everything posted by niektb

  1. @elexis: How's this? (I'm a bit uncertain about the color choice though)
  2. Hey, not everyone has a skilled composer like Omri Lahav on their team! (and what do you mean with 'new'? It has been this way since years)
  3. I've added a new version to the first post. Changelog: Dark orange for bushes, pink for metal mines and limegreen for fauna
  4. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: that's not possible with the game code (yet?)
  5. So? Gold looks to much like the yellow player (or too much like dirt terrain in a darker version) Silver looks too much like stone And copper is a lot like the dark orange we have right now... (a bit more brownish, but that again is going to look a lot like dirt terrain)
  6. But Empire Earth does use (some kind of) pink for Metal (or Iron) and it works very well for them IMO.
  7. @Lion.Kanzen: Can you explain the problem with pink for metal mines?
  8. @Jotunson: and that's why sanderd17 wants a diff (so he can rebuild it himself)
  9. @Lion.Kanzen: these are the color changes I mentioned, I know what the AoK minimap looks like
  10. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: that's more of a rendering issue and I indeed think that the render order should be different (since apparently mines are also covered by trees often) And actually, I don't want the player colors to be thát saturated. That's way too neon-like IMHO. But how about the resource color change I proposed? (pink was the color that was used for metal in Empire Earth)
  11. At first I had the dark orange for the bushes, pink for the metal mines and limegreen for the animals. Would it be better to revert to that?
  12. Expert could work too instead of Pro (though I've no problems with Pro)
  13. @Lion.Kanzen: you can simply open the zip and check all templates with a code editor to obtain the color codes (like notepad++)
  14. @Lion.Kanzen: that salmon is a good one, might improve the aestethics a bit. The metal is dark orange. In yellow it looks to much like the color of the yellow player. Install it like every other mod, enable it and play. Colors are in rgb indeed
  15. Hmm, I hoped for a little more feedback. Anyone else?
  16. Here is a new version (it's not very different from Scythetwirlers' except for some texture tweaks in the lake) map_Dueling_Cliffs.zip
  17. @Jotunson: not sure what you want to know... do you want to know if Millennium A.D., Rise of the East and every other (possibly, WIP or out-of-date) mod gets included when downloading the game?
  18. That's different from the topic title I think the Facebook links are not in HTTPS
  19. From this point of view it looks alright, although the glacier feeling is a bit gone
  20. Can you do a screenshot of how your mod folder looks like?
  21. @elexis: All those quadic bits in that 'subtle' transition is what bugged me, hence I replaced it (with indeed a bit sharper transition). I could alter the terrain a bit there to make it more natural, but I'm not sure if that's wanted. Oh, I didn't notice that pattern in the player placement...
  22. I think I'm finished map_Dueling_Cliffs.zip
  23. Yes, but the mod subfolder is the mod launcher, not the place where you should put your mods
  24. No, the interface is perfectly fine but you installed the mod wrongly. First you have a bunch of duplicates, delete all except one. Also you did put it it the wrong folder (you've put it in something like binaries\mods\mod while it should be in binaries\mods. Check out the screenshot I've posted a little bit above you: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2016_04/57122a20616b0_2016-04-1614_04_27-han_china.png.02184314a533a374378f8cfd891669d4.png
  25. Unfair to who? To the Numidians, Armenians and all other factions that are also not in the game? What makes Thracians so much better than all the other candidate civilizations?
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