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Everything posted by niektb

  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: Great, is it already added to your Github repo?
  2. @jonbaer: That was actually a valid issue, I've fixed it. Thanks for reporting!
  3. Can we commit this change ASAP? It bugged Schwarzwald on certain map sizes on which a player could be placed on an island (because the lake wasn't properly centered)
  4. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: Can I create a modded version of it for Millennium A.D.? (you know, the area fits so well with Anglo-Saxons :D)
  5. @sanderd17: It's a bit of a manpower issue, we don't have enough members to also check and package the translations...
  6. Hello! You might want to visit IRC someday: https://www.wildfiregames.com/irc.html (that's the place where most of the programmers from this game are reachable)
  7. Hello! I think there are two major points of improvement: Texture painting (I read that you already thought that it could be improved, so that's good): When I look at your map I think that you've used 5~6 different terrain textures, that's really not enough. Pick a few more terrain textures that go well together and paint around with a wavy hand (and keep the brush fairly small), that would improve the looks a lot. There are quite a few examples on how it could look like afterwards: 2. I think I would change a few things on the gameplay-part. For me the gaia player isn't really necessary, instead I think I would create a cool vulcano from it (but others might think differently) You've only put some cliff mountains on the points where a mountain is located in RL. The rest is just straight flat. I think I would do some small hills here and there. The small forests are placed really thick, I think I would make them a little more spacious (yes, I know that Rapa Nui suffered from deforestation but I don't know if that was already the case 2000 years ago?) Nice map idea though!
  8. Yes, it is around for quite a long time (AFAIK).
  9. Here is the RC for Rise of the East 20: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cu7t9s4w35ycciw/han_china.zip?dl=0 Install Instructions: 1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod
  10. @fabio: Yes, in r17974 all auras were moved to JSON
  11. @fabio: I've fixed all issues except the one of the aura. Could you check if you're still on the A20 revision? (and did not accidentally update SVN in the mean time?). Since I don't have that error here...
  12. The Council is both happy and proud to announce a brand new release!!! What is it? Millennium A.D. is a total conversion mod for 0 A.D. focusing on the Middle Ages. It is divided in two parts, this first one is focusing on the first half of the Middle Ages; the timeframe of Charlemagne and the Viking Age. The name of this release is Brytenwealda. This word can be translated as "Wielder of Britain" and is a moniker given to any Anglo-Saxon Ruler that managed to dominate or issue overlordship to the other kingdoms. What is new? We'd like you to present a whole new playable faction (the shield emblem is made by Lion.Kanzen): Remember Hvanndalir? This town has issued a raid in the Anglo-Saxon kingdom. The army is led by the dreadful chieftain Hastein. However, King Alfred the Great has assembled the Fyrd and has marched towards the mountains to intercept Hastein. These two armies now face on the field of battle. Do you know what the outcome will be? (the unit textures are made by wackyserious, the few Anglo-Saxon buildings by stanislas69) Next to that, we've been experimenting with the minimap colors to enhance it over the vanilla game. We've also added a couple of new unit icons for the Norse, in order to reflect the current unit textures better. We've also made a bunch of gameplay and balance improvements (done by niektb) Who are we? The Council of Modders was formed up of two small modding teams and a few newcomers: Aristeia (about the bronze age) and Millennium A.D. (about medieval times) CoM aims to create a umbrella for all wannabee modders and help everyone needed and of course create their own projects. How to: Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. Place the unzipped folder into <installationdirectory>/binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. Enjoy the mod! Download: ModDB In the last few months some members retired leaving us shorthanded. We are currently especially in the need of artists. So if you're a talented artist with a passion for history and you would like to help us out, please contact us using a PM or (preferably) in this thread: http://wildfiregames...showtopic=18412 Thanks in advance! Our thanks go to everyone that helped us to achieve this mod through contributing, playtesting or in another way! If you have tips / suggestions, feel free to let us know. Also if you find bugs, let them know too. Support 0 A.D. if you like us: http://play0ad.com/community/donate/ The main menu background is made by Alexlinde from Deviantart. You can find him here: Alexlinde.deviantart.com The soundtracks are created by Antti Martikainen. You can find more of his work here: Anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com and Youtube.com
  13. @Palaiogos: the conversion is the easy part. Finishing it by implementing triggers, that's the real deal!
  14. @Palaiogos: How close does this one come?
  15. @Super: A similar feature is planned. See #997 for some more details.
  16. @testers: did you experience any issues that need to be fixed, prior to releasing, with the RC for Millennium A.D.?
  17. @AtlasMapper: Ah, sorry about the confusion. I thought you meant your OS, drivers and settings with config. What I wanted to point out with my computer specs (which are btw 4x4.5GHz and 8GB RAM) is that lag is fairly common (to a certain extend). (which you probably understood) I see that you're using a Intel chipset with Mesa drivers, could there be a (part of the) issue? (on my laptop with an HD4000 I have some graphics issues, like flickering shadows, on linux and Windows with an NVidia GTS450 I have no such problems at all) (Yet again, I don't have enough knowledge about such driver issues but I can imagine that something could go wrong there) Out of curiosity, do these crashes still happen with Alpha 20? (or isn't that one available yet for your OS)
  18. @AtlasMapper: Could it be that you mean this one? @Dade: For students we probably need some kind of mentors. I'm not sure whether these are available (that's also the reason that 0 A.D. never participated with GSoC)
  19. @AtlasMapper: the lag caused by many trees is caused by the renderer. Many actors will result in the same lag.
  20. @Pandor: What you see is perfectly normal. You can disable the fog by turning off 'Prefer GLSL' in the options menu (though I personally like the fog, I always did)
  21. Sounds good to my ears too. We'll go with Brytenwealda then!
  22. @Le Druide Gaulois: using Anglo-Saxon helmets is the idea, but since we have no one that can model them... BTW, I think you meant to post in the Saxon topic, not here.
  23. @AtlasMapper: I think I've at least 8x the minimum specs and I still have lag (but no crashes), so... There is some issue with AMD cards (I can't find the ticket so fast) which is being worked on (by rewritting the render engine) but since you didn't post your full system info and didn't check what's the performance bottleneck by using F11 in-game it's hard to say anything about your issues. (Yes, it has some memory leaks here and there)
  24. Hello! I would like to invite you to post your ideas for a Millennium A.D. release name here. It should start with a 'B' and preferably have something to do with Anglo-Saxons (as their addition is the main feature in the release). Thanks in advance!
  25. Thanks for your interest! Here is the first candidate for Millennium A.D. 20: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9fdaxnufpri1qt/millenniumad_rc1.zip?dl=0 Install Instructions: 1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod!
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