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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by niektb

  1. You're not the first to suggest this
  2. Not sure about the Theow in the list...(as they were slaves and these are generally not allowed to bear weapons, let alone take part in a battle) Also I would give them a sort of Scout Cavalry. For the same reasons as the TW:Atilla mod adds them:
  3. I think that, based on above section, it would be better to remove the thegns as champion soldiers. The seem to form the regular base of an army. Instead I think that it might be good to let thegns be part of the standard infantry. As such I think that we might want Saxons might have a slight edge as they train units at the advanced rank (based on above section). We could reflect the non-fighting classes with a cheaper unit that's more focused on economy, rather than warfare. (that also goes well with the economy traits you describe) This would be an alternative (to the thegn) champion soldier.
  4. The Island Stronghold map has been committed in r17734. Happy playing
  5. I'm getting 400 errors (Bad Request). Refreshing the page resolves it most of the time but it happens fairly often (and it's a tad annoying). It might be related to my logout issues mentioned here:
  6. This info might be very useful for the roster: (At least the quoted information about Military Organization in that post)
  7. For everyone's info: the extension of the zip folder on the first post needs to be changed to .rar, then you can uncompress it.
  8. The only thing I wish for are some hills and bumps here and there. Otherwise the style is very nice! Edit: and maybe a sort of center part that's completely different (some water / marsh) might be fun...
  9. Oh dear, can't you put this in a spoiler or remove all duplicates?
  10. No, the first part isn't even finished...
  11. These are the ones you look for
  12. Actually, Julius Caesar never was a caesar. It was a title he gave to himself (even though he was nothing more than a Consul). Octavianus (or Augustus), son of Gaius Julius, was the first Emperor
  13. It is already possible. See the shortcut manual
  14. Gaius Julius is the one you need to look for...
  15. Ah yes, I was mainly talking about delaying the release in general
  16. Mostly that's the case when a release gets delayed. Another (very) common cause is that there are game breaking bugs found that need to be fixed prior to a release.
  17. A cavalry that can be upgraded a lot could be considered strong, even if it's initially weak... So 'strength'/ strong units can be achieved in more than one way.
  18. Point 8 & 9 are indeed true. Petra has no such thing as a Fog of War (unlike you who can't see everything)
  19. Cirrow, what do you expect that function to do?
  20. To sketch your folder tree, it looks like this right? - /binaries - /config - ... (other folders) - /mods - /mod - /public - /millenniumad * millenniumad.zip * mod.json Could you post a few screenshots to show us your directories? (So I hopefully can see what's going on) I suspect that you have something like a millenniumad folder inside a millenniumad folder so that the .zip and the .json are in this directory: /binaries/mods/millenniumad/millenniumad/mod.json
  21. You should be able to do that, but again you should use the 'variant' tag like described above
  22. Yes, emoticons are fixed here too. Thanks alot!
  23. Other small issue: Even though I set the 'remember' option when logging in, I frequently get logged out (more than daily). This never happened to me with the previous IPBoards. This happens on all 3 devices (Win 7 desktop, Win 10 laptop, Android smartphone. All running Chrome)
  24. Could you tell what version of the game you are playing?
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