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Everything posted by niektb

  1. I've attached a downloadlink for Alpha 20 and a few screenshots with some more players.
  2. Hi everyone! There are some issues with the current minimap color scheme as pointed out here: #763 I started working on this as part of Millennium A.D. (as some of you probably already noticed) and decided to split it off and hopefully get it merged into the game. This is the current state of the mod: I would like you guys to try it out and give your opinions on it (what do you think about it, where is it already better than SVN, where could/should it be improved and how should it be improved). v4: Changelog: Dark orange for bushes, pink for metal mines and limegreen for fauna. minimap_color_v4.zip minimap_color_a20_v4.zip Thanks in advance!
  3. If you need a bit of help there, I have a bit of experience in Sound Engineering (and also have software for Audio Processing etc. etc.)
  4. Small correction: the folder doesn't need to be in C:\users\username. I've mine located on an external HDD in the root folder 'D:\'.
  5. Is it only that building? I think that the building misses a second UV map for the AO texture
  6. How about showcasing some mods? (the Norse from Millennium A.D. have some special gameplay possibilities that most people don't know and I wanted to do a video / article about that since long ago)
  7. It's a bit of a priority issue: we don't have the manpower to actively develop three mods and maintaining those is quite a tough business. That's one of the reasons that only Millennium A.D. has featured progress in the last few months...
  8. The shield of Erik the Red has a serpent/dragon
  9. @twp: but what's the output on the console?
  10. Exactly, the old Gaul market is now used (with a re-texture) as the Norse market. I wouldn't have known that it existed if it was deleted from the game
  11. @Lion.Kanzen: If needed I can do the glow and shadow effects like I did with the unit portraits and technology icons
  12. @stanislas69: he moves the millenniumad mod up. It should stay down (else the millenniumad files get a lower priority than the public ones, which could possibly lead to unexpected quirks) I thought at least...
  13. AFAIK XMB's are nothing more the cached versions of XML (but I don't know any details)
  14. But that one isn't really complex or so (I think it could be made more interesting)
  15. Ah, too bad the French install instructions do one step wrong at 5:12 (some French around to tell him that? )
  16. Ah, forgot to move the stable to the town phase The Border Horseman is already a Town Phase unit, but trainable at both the CC and the Stables. Should I remove it from the CC?
  17. I don't really understand what the problem with the current system is. All generic properties go in the parent template and child (often civ-specific) templates can override those properties. Perfectly understandable and perfectly moddable. (and that last point is very important when considering groundbreaking template changes)
  18. @LordGood: ah, alright @Enrique: Yes, I saw the one in the wonder, but expected one too in the temple...
  19. Then what's wrong with the texture? You can see the roofs from the stable, right?
  20. @stanislas69: ow, then I don't know what the issue is... (it works fine here). But I noticed that the Saxon buildings have severe normal (?) issues, what was the cause of that? (I forgot): Also the clothing on the benches is broken (they are completely black and without player color)
  21. @stanislas69: We have a player color mod inside Millennium A.D., it might be that that collides if you have an old version of 0 A.D.
  22. I think the ruins are a bit too regularly shaped (and therefore too clean) but the idea is quite nice!
  23. @wackyserious: you need to tick the 'Import units' box when importing the model into blender
  24. @stanislas69: I think that's indeed what @wackyserious wants. Is the UV based on the shield textures that @wackyserious has put together?
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