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Everything posted by niektb

  1. They were bigger in the beginning but people found them too large, so their size was reduced (and in this particular case it doesn't really help that the wheat is bright yellow because of the sun angle & color)
  2. @mickmca: here is a screenshot of how the aura is indicated (notice the small grain icons above their head):
  3. Normally, if you select the mill all nearby (in a short area around the mill) gatherers get a small icon above their head to show they have a gather speed bonus
  4. Nah, I think he just doesn't understand what the upgrade affects...
  5. @Prince-Moth: the problem with that one is that it doesn't adapt to hilly terrain (so you have flying rice fields )
  6. Do we actually need such an Gaia attack alert? I mean, I don't really see the added value over the regular attack notification...
  7. As communicated on IRC, this was fixed by emptying the 0 A.D. cache
  8. niektb

    Render Dump

    It's the Anglo-Saxon church (or should we call it a monastery?), right?
  9. That's more like what I wanted to know since I need some names for the AI
  10. niektb

    Render Dump

    The wooden base is indeed quite lengthy, though the footprint is not bigger than f.e. the Athen dock. Maybe you could shorten it a small bit and put a pile of barrel / crates somewhere in the middle of that wooden base to make it a tad better looking? A big thumbsup to the Anglo-Saxon blacksmith btw, it looks incredible!
  11. Do you also have some Old Frankish names? (as the topic title suggests)
  12. We could use the bright yellow hay fields that were made by LordGood some time ago? (but I'm not against @Ayakashi drawing some stuff, since the results are often epic )
  13. I've committed a bunch of carolingian template modifications and with them the Caroligian Civ bonuses: First of all Carolingians can build a Palace: this building generates metal, trains heroes and builds siege weapons. Next to that (as suggested by LordGood) the Carolingian gatherers will have a bigger gather capacity and all have a movement speed bonus aura. Now we need to come up with a unit, hero and navy roster (both champion and Civ soldiers). Let's start with the unit roster
  14. @Prince-Moth: that doesn't make it different.
  15. @Prince-Moth: Thanks for the interest in translating our mod but we do not work with translations since we don't have the man power to check those translations and all the extra work that is involved in packaging and such (we barely have the man power to develop the mods themselves )
  16. When I saw your avatar I knew you had something to do with sound/music Welcome to the forums!
  17. What kind of music player can I play your attached files with?
  18. You can't set that in the XML directly, you need to write a trigger script for that
  19. @Prince-Moth: you could take a photo... I can reproduce the bug btw on my monitor...
  20. SVN is the (potentially unstable) developer version. If you want to, you can find instructions here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  21. Who should I credit for the Vesta icon? @Lion.Kanzen: I prefer a big anchor like in your first icon I like the new composition! I'm a bit in doubt though about the color to use...
  22. @stanislas69: the version right before you ripped details off is nice but the glow should be a bit bigger
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