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Everything posted by niektb

  1. Was mentioned in my tutorial 7e8862 is the hex value I use. But actually, I think the persian hall icon can be considered finished when you've changed the color. (the noise isn't too much and the shape does fit the shield quite well even though it would've been nice if it the glow was slightly stronger in the corners).
  2. Your glow color is much more yellowish, also your glow is quite a bit noisier.
  3. When I apply my values for the glow and drop shadow in Gimp, I get this. How does it look?
  4. Oh, I didn't notice the edit in this topic: I'll look at it later today!
  5. Not imgur, that site throws it away too after some time (and when the amount of daily views or something dropped below a certain value). Best is to download the images and upload them as attachments into the post
  6. @Lion.Kanzen: but on what image size do you apply the effects?
  7. You use quite different values and colors than I did when I wrote this tutorial. My values can't be applied in Photoshop?
  8. @Lion.Kanzen: with the 'final effect' you mean the glow and the drop shadow?
  9. The shadow is really thick (and with a sharp edge) now and the glow doesn't seem to be different? Edit: now that I look better,there is more glow around the spearheads
  10. I think the blue color in the Ishtar Gate is too saturated and uniform. When I search on the internet most reconstructions have a darker and more natural. Also it should ofc be 256x256 The latest version of the Persian Hall looks quite good but I prefer the glow effect as seen in v1.1.1 (since the new one is somewhat 'squarish' (which is slightly weird considering the round shape of the shield). Also the drop shadow seems to be somewhat gone. The symbol itself is really good though!
  11. I hoped that maybe the spears could be rotated a little in order to make it work... (but it's not a big issue so if it's not doable to get it centered in a nice way then we use the current final one)
  12. No, that's also not it. I should've provided an image. I was hoping you could do something about (the difference in) these spacings:
  13. I actually meant vertically, not horizontally (if that's doable)
  14. @elexis: sure @Lion.Kanzen: would it be possible to alter the icon a bit so that the shield can be centered? Other than that the icon looks very nice!
  15. But it could be that there is some issue with the model (that differs depending on the graphics settings) so it could introduce a bug
  16. 25th is the feature freeze date. The actual release is a few weeks later
  17. @wowgetoffyourcellphone: possibly, but I would suggest to add some more grass variation on top of the cliffs
  18. @imperium: Rogue Republic has nothing to do with this mod idea
  19. What do you mean? It has a subforum inside the Council of Modders subforum...?
  20. I assume that if the song is part of the mod it would be legal to have the music volume turned on...
  21. @UI_Start_Battle: The idea is good. The crash sound is a bit harsh (a bit of de-essing / eq'ing should do the trick). Also the drums can be a bit fuller. A good idea would be to try to listen to how it plays together with the main menu theme song. @Gaia_Attack_alert: Still not sure about the added value... @Regicide_alert: sounds very nice!
  22. By the time these icons were committed the farms were still green... It already has a black shadow around
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