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Everything posted by GunChleoc

  1. Sounds like a great idea - there could at least be some bobbing up and down, especially for small boats. As to the rest, we'll have to consider how it might affect gameplay, e.g. targeting of ranged weapons, and how variable speed would affect gameplay.
  2. Instead of the porta-potty, workers could dig a latrine before starting to erect the scaffolding
  3. If we want tree regeneration, self-seeding would be the way to go I think.
  4. We could call it "ID" or something similar instead of "seed".
  5. Welcome to the forum and thank you for your offer People with 1 post are never made moderators on forums. The way this usually works is that when the team feels a need to recruit new moderators because they need help with the workload, they will send a private message to some forum members who they know well and that they feel might be up to the task. So, start contributing valuable posts, and you might eventually get there.
  6. Some more thatched roof references from Scotland: https://gd.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taigh-dubh http://gaidhlig.educationscotland.gov.uk/scotlandshistory/unioncrownsparliaments/blackhouses/index.asp http://www.bbc.co.uk/alba/dealbhan/gailearaidh/15/03/
  7. There are no plans to have new civilizations or ages in the game, but there are mods available - have a look: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/18-game-modification/
  8. This should help: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide#Howtomakeyourmodshowupinthemodselectionscreen
  9. Thracians thread with some research in it:
  10. I would put the ceasefire with the objectives, since it's related to which actions a player can/should take.
  11. Sounds good to me. One thing that irks me on your screenshot: "Disable Treasure: disabled". Double negation is difficult for the brain to process, so it would be better to reverse the option: "Enable Treasure: enabled".
  12. According to the file name, it's ice.
  13. Yes, it will take time - somebody is working on new unit animations for our new model, so the ones we already have need to be finished (redone) first.
  14. Even if you are unsure of your English, you could help with playtesting and improving the already translated strings, and flag up any inconsistencies you find
  15. You are welcome to sign up on Transifex and help. I am sure that the other translators will welcome you
  16. As Loki said. Capitalize them in English, but not in Romanian. You are free to do in your translation as best fits your language's conventions Regarding 4., you don't need to do that. As soon as you add/change and save a translation, your version will come up in Suggestions as well. It just might take the Transifex server a bit to catch up and display them, but they will be there if you wait a bit. Regarding 5., you can add new items to the glossary to help with consistency. You could also contact the Romanian translators individually - maybe it will motivate some of them to return to the project.
  17. An extra animation would indeed be nice
  18. I have sent you a PM with the personal info you requested.
  19. 1. I regularly search for FLOSS games - I probably saw a review for 0 AD somewhere, or it was in a Wikipedia list. 2. My motivation is to translate. So, I don't play much except for playtesting. 3. All my questions and bugs have been addressed in a timely fashion, so no complaints. 4. I am a software localizer for a language that has around 50 - 60k speakers. So, going Open Source and volunteer translations are our only chance to get a number of games out there. When I first came across 0 AD, it wasn't translatable yet, but there were plans to make it translatable in the future. Since the graphics are excellent and I liked the gameplay and the project is active, I kept an eye on it.
  20. The cities of Ur and Uruk were both part of the Seleucid empire, but they had their heyday long before that.
  21. Some cities in the Mauryan Empire sart with U in Latin script: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Maurya_Empire%2C_c.250_BCE_2.png Udegolam: famous for the minor edict of the emperor Ashoka found in the village. Ujjain: An ancient city situated on the eastern bank of the Kshipra River, Ujjain was the most prominent city on the Malwa plateau of central India for much of its history. It emerged as the political centre of central India around 600 BCE. It was the capital of the ancient Avanti kingdom, one of the sixteen mahajanapadas. It remained an important political, commercial and cultural centre of central India until early 19th century, when the British administrators decided to develop Indore as an alternative to it. Ujjain continues to be an important place of pilgrimage for Shaivites, Vaishnavites and followers of Shakta.[2] ... In the Mauryan period, Ujjain remained the administrative centre of the region. From this period, Northern Black Polished Ware, copper coins, terracotta ring wells and ivory seals with Brahmi text have been excavated.[8] During the reign of his father Bindusara, Ashoka served as the viceroy of Ujjain.[11] Ujjain was subsequently controlled by a number of empires and dynasties, including the Shungas, the Western Satraps, the Satavahanas, the Guptas and the Paramara. The Paramaras shifted the region's capital from Ujjain to Dhar.[6]
  22. Some search backends ignore all words that are shorter than 4 letters.
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