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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Works the same. PR does XML validation for changed files, push on main does XML validation for all the files, push on signed pushes to mod.io. The only thing I could not replicate was the release creation. For that it seems Gitea needs a tag to be created as trigger. I also added a few linters following @Dunedan's example. The last thing missing would be checking for missing files using checkrefs. Another improvement is using the correct mods to package the community mod so images are now compressed correctly.
  2. Yeah possible. We could also have an ongoing PR to the main repo which mirrors this repo in the future. Then when it time to merge you don't have to worry too much since you rebased.
  3. I've ported the community mod over as it is a bit of special case. But for other mods I'll let @Itms decide. Generally speaking I think you have a max repo limit at 0 by default.
  4. You need to build a dock. Then you can garrison units into the ship.
  5. No but you have to make a pull request on Gitea.
  6. Agreed, really like it and will make a nice addition to the game.
  7. Thanks I fixed both issues you reported. Do not hesitate if you find more. @Itms Should I remove the mention of Github and Gitlab in wiki:BuildInstructionsGettingTheCode
  8. I don't think it's possible but maybe as they say here with github actions https://forum.gitea.com/t/automatically-update-forks/7046
  9. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7244321/how-do-i-update-or-sync-a-forked-repository-on-github#7244456
  10. Just moving to 0.27 instead of 0.0.27 would already be bold We could also do 0.1.0
  11. I've said this before, but I believe what we call alpha has changed meaning, and would now be called beta. Gamma being the released product. There are currently a few things marked as necessary for beta on Trac it's missing IMHO, better moderation tools and single player campaigns.
  12. IIRC Silier started something see They are gone now so you can take over if you feel like it or start from scratch.
  13. Hey @real_tabasco_sauce i don't think it's ready yet We'll make an announcement when its ready
  14. Point being that a few stuff is there already, and it can be expanded.
  15. I also think for the best campaigns we need support for all kinds objectives ie gat 800 wood etc as well as dialog and cinematic support in a very easy package. (Also basic scripting) Have you played the tutorial? Cinematic support is there (not simple but all trailers are made with it) dialogue text I'm not sure. Most of them don't care about that. Some despise social media and FAANG + Microsoft most of them are doing that for the tech part Sure podcasts are fun.
  16. I did I'll write them if people will do the technical stuff and map design. I have an outline for a tutorial somewhere... I can help with at least one third of one of the three things we need to get done. There is @SciGuy42 's campaign. But it probably needs some map improvements, fact checking etc. also I haven't checked the code but probably needs the If you know people we can. I recently made an interview with the Linux Professional Institute (LPI) The scripting part requires filesystem and some programming knowledge (javascript) Yeah we did break it at least 7 times and updating the maps requires some scripting knowledge (it can be automated and it is for the most part, but that's complicated for the average user) It can be since every map needs to be validated by wfg. (at each update) Settlers 5 is one of my childhood games. It's also how I got into modding
  17. Nope it will be https://gitea.wildfiregames.com That mirror will be discontinued.
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