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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. So basically a fancy mod selector, like what spring does and that got them in trouble ? Apparently so Console Aliases - Windows Console | Microsoft Docs
  2. alias hyrule_conquest 0ad -mod=hyrule_conquest ?
  3. Yeah, but it will use the label behind the scenes probably
  4. Well that's what Label is for? Name: delenda_est_a26 Label: Delenda Est Description : A nice mod. ?
  5. I mean IMHO we shouldn't display the Name, only the label and description. Name is a technical object and shouldn't be shown to non technical people.
  6. Labels can have spaces and are the pretty names. Names cannot because then you run into all kind of funky stuff on different filesystems. They usually are the folder names.
  7. It is unfortunatelt not supported by the engine to move windows around.
  8. Do you have a reference so I can make the model ? Those seem small Current small one Will reuse this guy's animation for now. Unless someone finds me a capable animator.
  9. Actually not that much you just need to add trees to the list of buildable entities.
  10. @maroder @Langbart @real_tabasco_sauce @borg- @Freagarach @wowgetoffyourcellphone
  11. Maybe it's because everyone uses Shiny by @maroder
  12. Spread the word. https://videos.pair2jeux.tube/w/qYGyG8Cz4WguQc9PudwJxe
  13. @AIEND, I think it boils down to: Should we remove crossbow cavalry? Should we have an infantry champion crossbowman using the gastaphrete crossbow.
  14. I got a bit more data. Over the last month we had 1500+ active players in average every day. Can't say how long they played though. I assume most people don't activate ingame feedback.
  15. @wowgetoffyourcellphone does the engine support tech restrictions for upgrades i remember something like that for the xiongnu
  16. @Freagarach can we restrict the trickle aura to only affect basic then advanced units ?
  17. An entity can promote into anything. So you can promote into champs. It's been in the game for like... 10 years?
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