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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. It needs to be open on your router.
  2. It's alright it seems not. /home/maxmeniolle/ Doesn't contain any special chars like "éàè " etc. It's up to @Langbart I opened an issue on their Github for it but it was closed for inactivity https://github.com/LangLangBart/boonGUI/issues/194
  3. Do you have spaces or special chars in your folders ? If so it will not work on linux. Instead you can put it in a folder without such characters and drag and drop
  4. It should be since it contains the fix. One can also disable persistent match settings.
  5. @sternstaub I am there, so while it's not an official you can still use it to get in touch We can't bridge it for GDPR reasons. We can't request consent for people to have their data exfiltrated to a third party. Same reason why the discord matrix irc bridge was discontinued
  6. Thanks for the report! I added it here so its easier to keep track of it https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad/issues/81
  7. That was implemented by Norse Harold but the patch didn't make it before Feature Freeze.
  8. It started out as a project of mine, although in the end they did not end up using my assets. The main menu of my mod https://github.com/0adMods/stella_artis Here is a screenshot of their mod.
  9. In theory yes but ideally you'd reduce the number by making compromises and using a texture set as much as possible. I mean the round roof has all its faces and some subdivisions in the cylindrical part. Can probably remove some. You need to split the part that needs to be round from the rest using the Y key. You can import other existing models to compare
  10. I'm working with a school in rennes for a Sci-fi mod. They are making some progress yeah, but no planet mapping.
  11. On the model 12k tris is way too high. Maybe 4k-6k would be acceptable. Congrats on removing the unseen faces, it's usually where stuff goes wrong. You forgot to remove those from the inner roof though... Your building is way too round with faces, you should use smooth shading instead. There might be a way to get away with less faces on the front porch.
  12. Usually the best workflow is to use one texture, maybe two for props.
  13. I'm talking about compatibility issues, and SDK problems, what do we use 7.0, 8.1, 10.***(Win10) 10.22000+(Win11) I have no idea what works on which version of Windows
  14. There is an option in the game menu mouse drag delta. You can try bigger values than 4
  15. It's basically that. It requires rebuilding all the libraries one by one and we did not do that yet. I also do not know the consequences of not using it. Will it still work on W7 for example. Then there is the CI to update too.
  16. pyrogenesis.exe!CFont::CalculateStringSize(const wchar_t * string, int & width, int & height) Line 68 C++ [Inline Frame] pyrogenesis.exe!CTextRenderer::PutAdvance(const wchar_t *) Line 120 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CTextRenderer::PrintfAdvance(const wchar_t * fmt, ...) Line 96 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CLogger::Render(CCanvas2D & canvas) Line 250 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderFrame2D(const bool renderGUI, const bool renderLogger) Line 521 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderFrameImpl(const bool renderGUI, const bool renderLogger) Line 478 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderFrame(bool needsPresent) Line 431 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Line 446 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc, const char * * argv) Line 687 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!SDL_main(int argc, char * * argv) Line 739 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!main_getcmdline() Line 74 C > [Inline Frame] pyrogenesis.exe!invoke_main() Line 90 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() Line 288 C++ pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Line 363 C++ kernel32.dll!770700f9() Unknown [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll] ntdll.dll!771e7bbe() Unknown ntdll.dll!771e7b8e() Unknown
  17. The SPIR-V mod is now available in the A27 ingame mod downloader. It was recently updated to 0.27.12
  18. Hello, and welcome to the forums. The reason AI doesn't build walls is that this behavior is not implemented. Same reason for the stone towers. There has been limited activity on its development in the past 4 years.
  19. The community mod contains a fix for this bug. It will be fixed in the upcoming alpha. The issue is having enabled the regicide option.
  20. Hey guys any opinions on https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4908 ?
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