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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I thought suebians should go in the empires besieged mod?
  2. There is no correlation between forum accounts and the lobby. Linking them would be quite complicated and require more data processing. Well it's possible.
  3. I think this would be adding another vector of troll abuse attack by uploading offensive or pornographic images. So like league of legends it would need to be a list of existing images to choose from. And even then it could still be abused by using an XMPP client.
  4. Can't use steam api because of game license. Can't change license for steam because too many developpers over the years and no license agreement
  5. If it is it's a terrible one. Imagine 1000 player coming here to complain about DDOS? That would crash the lobby server and maybe the forums, if we're not ready.
  6. What language do you use in the game?
  7. Does it block you in theory you already have access to all of the 0admods.
  8. Not really. There was @stierkampf that helped at some point. I also contacted Jeru.
  9. I believe it's only if you use their API but IANAL.
  10. Those were not copyrighted maybe we should ask SPI to register them. Technically they did nothing wrong in the sense that the license was respected and attribution was given. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do need to get in touch with them first. Cause we sure as hell ain't releasing anything on the 23rd of December. Also a steam presence has some heavy consequences on the lobby, with regards to server load and moderation. And finally I have no idea what they did with the game.
  11. @maroder Also explains the name issue on YouTube.
  12. I was not made aware of this. I have no idea what's going on
  13. Sorry should have made myself clearer. The current armor worn by units might be from a later period. So you can have a centurion with a different armor but not the current one.
  14. I'm not centurions and legionnaries are out of the timeframe.
  15. Depending on how you count maybe 2023 is the 20 years of 0 A.D. would be nice to have a vale of tempe so we can do after before screenshots
  16. Could be but it has to be placed before other mods which might confuse people
  17. That's weird. Should no longer happen in A26. Make sure to replace victory defeat and war tracks though
  18. Installing it manually should work. Maybe you didn't place it correctly ?
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