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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Sorry for the delay... I tried to figure out what was wrong with your meshes but couldn't , I guess something isn't right in the export. I reexported both of the models and that fixed the error. What version of Maya are you using ? It exports in 1.4.0 collada, while blender exports in 1.4.1 which is the latest. If you can I'd suggest your go for the latest maya version. The skeleton file was wrong, You didn't have the right names for what I could see you have joint1 --joint2 while you used joint2 --joint1 and something with a controller. I attached the fixed files Wormhole.zip
  2. Let the cider flow and the minoans prosper ! =D
  3. Cheers What do poneys drink ?
  4. It's commited check the buildings out in actors (all) in Atlas
  5. Great news, if you don't have the time, just upload the art files we'll take care of the rest
  6. Sure EDIT : I'll upload them asap
  7. Try the alt+click selection You need to make templates for objects in order to be selected normally
  8. lion I guess you'll have to buy it before that
  9. Considering it's not a finished game you can expect some changes to the gameplay. So it will mostly be the gameplay from AOE/Empire Earth + the fighting of total war, + specific things that will not be common to any RTS. Another good thing for you would be to watch 0ad videos, there is a video thread on the forums.
  10. No idea, you'll have to wait until the art dpt leader gets back, review them, confirm they are good enough for the game standards, decide to commit it, commits it, and then depending on which version you are using (AXX or SVN) you'll have to wait some time longer
  11. Be warned I may disappear
  12. Particles are broken see : http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/2643 Dearly, Ticketman.
  13. wraitii sAys it's normal and sets it as wont fix for now since its not a "normal" camera
  14. Please do With historical comments if you can
  15. I need more building artwork Easier to do than units
  16. Nice ! If you want i'll use it What is that texture from though ? Edited first post
  17. That's what I thought too, but you seem to like it so...X) Edited first post.
  18. Let me provide one (I can reproduce it.)
  19. Yeah it´s planned last image was first try:
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