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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. PSA are too There even used to be a 3Dsmax plugin for 3dsmax 6 to directly export them.
  2. Maya does have a Collada exporter, so you can export them from here. If you need any help on how to import models, you can ask me, if you need some help on your project, I'm here too.
  3. About the ressource thingy some time ago MuteLovestone added water as a resource. Digging in the mod subforum would give you more details. It should be avalaible on 0ADMods on github.
  4. We really need to make some playable map for it
  5. Great I'm only missing one feathered helmet, and some decorations, not sure if really useful though. Do you have time to download and test rote ? (Ie open it in atlas and look at all the units)
  6. You could add an infinite decay for the building
  7. It could, the turns (think of a chess game) are a little longer in multiplayer, to avoid sync issues.
  8. I like that idea, though who is gonna make that building ? Also, I don't see how that changes things, ROTE have everything but skirmishers, adding one two or three new units will make it even worse, won't it ?
  9. Hey, hello, glad to see another modder come around Yes, but you can do it via a decal see : http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=17495&page=7 If you have any questions feel free to contact me
  10. Oh well so it´s basically redoing the armor from scratch... Dunno tthen.
  11. It's planned in the future, but for now it is not functional.
  12. You mean replacing white dots, by red cloth ? Yes I could do that. If you have time, please check the mod and tell me what you think.
  13. So to sum it up split this one in small parts square the size of a normal field with non regular plant alignement ?
  14. It won ´t work on hills its not adecal it doesnt adapt to the terrain so units will go through it
  15. Rounded corners will not tile As for bricks biggest problem is that unis will go through...
  16. There is nothing new on the pathfinder for this release, the only speed increase you see are due to either sm31 or some optimizations
  17. We have auras working again, See the rotary mill or heroes for example. Now not all of them have been brought back, it's still missing on some units, cause the hero is TBD. Why didn't anyone try to fix them back by then ?
  18. Okay so actually this splitted is better than anything ? (This is my old ricefield)
  19. I have nine objects, it adapts to the terrain height as you've seen on the screenshot as you can see on the other screenshots (on the last one the terrain is flat) I understand what you want but i don't see how to make it look good, cause there will never be enough terrain offset to make it come out right. @Pureon, I see, however it's mostly muddy because I forgot to add the plants on it ^^ That's why I made sure they were rounded but squarish so they tile.
  20. Some time ago they planned to do so. But only when the main game would be finished. Therefore I'm saving them time. Now thing is to keep modders modding they need a good example and ROTE is also there for that. It's missing some stuff, I hope to get everything done for a19 who knows.
  21. Well provided with some decals you could. Now not sure the AI can't make buildings that are not in the unit list. I meant "in a circle", why not square cities ?
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