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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I could but if it´s not for eyecandy i do not see a reason to make them. Great find though
  2. That still doesnt explain the orientation bug though... Also we should have a terrain_norm_glow.xml and terrain_glow.xml do he can use the texture as a decal. I don ´t understand your last post though
  3. New crucifix check them out
  4. Okay, I figured it out. It doesn't work if the surface is parallel to the ground ;(
  5. Okay good luck with that. Comme back to us if you have any questions or suggestions or even bug reports Bonne chance pour la suite !
  6. What map was it ? Where did you put it ? Also was there a mod.json in the folder ?
  7. They do I play vikings against ponies against chinese and against egyptians ;P
  8. What mod are you using ?
  9. Did you make it full transparent ?
  10. Yeah lion i ´ll do it soon
  11. Wow this is so cool, It makes it possible to make illuminated windows Now I need to find a way to make the sun turn (day night cycle)
  12. I made some already, (khopesh
  13. It actually depends on wether the decal is flat or has some polys.
  14. I'm afraid that without coding, the worst case you have will be how it is... Here is how it works : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><actor version="1"> <castshadow/> <group> <variant name="Base"> <mesh>structural/mesh.dae</mesh> <textures> <texture file="campaigns/structures/mesh.png" name="baseTex"/> <texture file="campaigns/structures/mesh_spec.png" name="specTex"/> </textures> </variant> </group> <material>basic_glow.xml</material></actor>
  15. Normally it's base tex for everything If you load basic_trans, player_trans basic_glow you'll have the base tex if it's player_trans_parallax_spec you'll need a base tex a normTex and a specTex if it's player_trans_ao_parallax_spec you' ll have to add an ao tex and one uv to your model. Also to see spec ao and parallax you have to manually enable some options. Also i forgot you can use pngs the game auto caches them. (You are using dds AFAik) What modifier do you apply to your object to rig it ?
  16. We can add new capes yes, How should they be ? BTW desert rock is better.
  17. There is a glow material, not sure what it does though. If you don't know what I'm talking about it's the line <material>basic.glow.xml</material> It seems that when you export only animated meshes are broken, is that correct ? Until we find a proper solution I could help you fix them
  18. Mmmh what are your exporting options in maya ? also which type of modifier do you use ? (Skin ... etc ?
  19. You can try that one http://sourceforge.net/projects/colladamaya/
  20. There is a great chance 0ad A18 will be released this week though
  21. It's a plugin You can find collada maya on the internet though
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