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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. We could go for the simple way. Make the tree fall, by adding one bone and a death anim. Requires manual work, but not that hard. Your point on multiple branches tree still applies though. Then replace all dead trees by a single trunk mesh such as the one used here So no clipping, leaves removed when replacing by the dead actor Who is in charge for those decisions ?
  2. Well it's damage to structures, and we could extend it to trees too. So it's kinda relevant. And the other is to show that it was planned. I totally get your point though, and will make sure Enrique sees that thread. However making this work will be complex as leaves are invisible seen by under. I guess we could remove them when the tree falls though. And then we'd have to make the tree stumps.
  3. See the relevant ticket(s): http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1017 and the well known http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/131 Also it seems like you like slaughtering names.
  4. Yup it's disabled by default because it uses some power
  5. Hey Xfs thanks for the review that was a really interesting read.
  6. You need to enable prefer glsl in the game options
  7. Would you be interested in doing texture for actual mods ? In theory, If I snipping tool assassin's creed belt and put it into the game I broke at least two laws of the Ubisoft EULA, be careful If you start to make anims, please do some that haven't been done, ie; two handed anim EDIT : The texture will apply to the new meshes too
  8. New Olive Trees Render : References : Blendfile Attached. OliveTree.7z
  9. Flora - Trees · European White Birch · Carob · Generic fir · Baobab · Austrian Black Pine · Nordmann Fir W.I.P. Enrique + Stan · Acacia W.I.P. Enrique · Holly Oak/Oaks W.I.P. Enrique · Aleppo Pine W.I.P. Enrique · Dead Conifer · Maple · Mountain Ash · Pear · Dead Deciduous · Dead Palm · Dead Date Palm · Queen Sago Palm · Pistachio · Pomegranate · Atlantic Cedar · Cedar of Lebanon · Italian Cypress · Maritime Pine · Oleander · Olive · Citron · Fig · Lombardy Poplar · European Larch · White Poplar · Tamarind · Curry (Punjab) · Coral
  10. Strange IIRC saxons did not mix with locals. They would just butcher them and take the land
  11. Pretty nice, mind to share how you did the texture ?
  12. What version does it says ? Naukratis, Rhotodactylos, Syllepsis ?
  13. It has to do with units being damaged. So once we have that, it's going to be easy.
  14. Is there a way you could save the stream ?
  15. We can if you think it's worh it (Part of their culture) EDIT : I'd like to have some refs for swords and spears. Would the celtic sword I made for the 0ad germanics work ?
  16. You have to select the public mod and save settings and then click continue, but no it shouldn't prompt you the first time, is that an old shortcut ? I have been encountering this as well, atlas basically fails to launch on a19 could you report it on trac ?
  17. Do you get any messages about missing textures ? The background should be black;
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