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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Do you get any messages about missing textures ? The background should be black;
  2. Well you should have a file called atlas.bat in your game folder. Using notepad add to that file : -mod=nameofyourmodYou might need to create a mod.json for it to load correctly. Here is an example { "name": "han_china", "version": "0.0.19", "label": "0 A.D. Han China", "url": "forum.wildfiregames.com", "description": "Adds the Han dynasty of the Chinese civilization to 0 A.D.", "dependencies": ["0ad>=0.0.19"], "type": "content.civilization"} You will not see the dds file, it's cached in your %LOCALAPPDATA% folder.
  3. Made an attempt with ROTE. We need to figure out how to remove the fog effect, because else it will just be a broken new feature. Works nicely in atlas though.
  4. There is indeed a fixed particle commit might be it. It was there before broken in a16 and fixed in A18
  5. You need to pass -mod=yourmodname when loading atlas.
  6. Oh then id need to reamke it.I dropped causr I thought it wasnt better
  7. Art didnt change much in the last verions tho
  8. I created a ticket for it. I might do it. #3653
  9. It was not supposed to be, it's an unrelated project
  10. Funnily enough I used that reference to make the head, but I snapped. I'd say we would go for a standard brown bear, with no particular feature so it can fit every biome. I might want to make a snow bear afterwards too. Yeah and I guess the same applies with the Mandrill you made. In that case I might have to do some retopology. I just can't make it raise on its back legs, it just doesn't look good... It was mirrored before doing the rigging, and vertex groups for obvious reasons, but maybe I'm missing some trick that would have prevented applying the modifier ?
  11. @Micket, do you have some advice about improvements to the bear mesh itself ? I could probably fix it myself
  12. Can you show me what you mean ? I might have misunderstood.
  13. Yes you could theoritically scale everything to be much much smaller.
  14. It's not likely to happen soon, as it is not Age Of Mythology or Age of Empires. Plus doing new armors for the 150+ units of the game requires time, and nobody is willing to dedicate right now.
  15. In this case this is not implemented. Units gets promoted over time though, and their promotion usually have a better armor.
  16. Nice Maybe looking at skeletons would help ? What is your next animal ? =D
  17. See also: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20210#entry311338
  18. The best thing to do IMHO is the following. - Import Head from files (It will have the correct position) you can find them in props head_new folder or something like this. Else you can use dude_head.dae. - Scale your helmet - Done !
  19. Well it already has, and improving it is what this ticket is about so...
  20. Oh didn't know that. Nice ! Would be better to use markets as waypoints with an improved situation.
  21. Stan`

    Can't open rc

    Mmmh maybe a mod issue ?
  22. This is for next alpha hopefully, code is here see #3177
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