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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Indeed on a bug basis and on a performance basis I wouldn't want to see some abuse with that.If you upload the files I'll fix the normals and upload this this weekend. Maybe monkeys would work as variety. Else it would be IBIS for docks and ram for amun temple.
  2. There is a "quick" fix for that. Invert the green channel.
  3. Could you attach your system_info.txt file? This issue only needs review
  4. You either need to create new lights or change the strength of the existing ones.
  5. If you switched from internal to cycles light values will be off.
  6. Try changing the bias value or try with xnormals (It's a great piece of software.)
  7. For statues. You can make props. Destruction is fine but it's secondary as it might look weird as the cc doesn't decay
  8. I'll take some time to think about it. No promises as this is not really my line of work @Itms : Ping if you have some ideas.
  9. I guess you could try to connect terrain patches better. For now the transition is a bit harsh. I guess @elexis might have some more ideas.
  10. Nice I'll commit it tonight unless someone has something to say.
  11. @feneur Did it go anywhere and should we try it again ?
  12. I merged this post with fatherbushido's original one where he gives some references.
  13. I might seem a bit annoying, but It'd be nice if you could finish the other tasks We'll have plenty of time for external things.
  14. @Alexandermb Did you just learn to sculpt ? If so do you have some good tuts.
  15. Look in the js code on how the AI upgrade buildings I don't know the files sorry. And try to mimic the behavior.
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